Ubisoft on NX: “what we have seen is really great”

>“On the NX, what we have seen is really great, so we think having a new machine coming is going to help the industry to continue to grow and to take lots more casual players back in the industry.”



The NX was just confirm to be a Wii 2.0 how do you feel about this???

Wii was awesome. Fck off sonyggers

Most would disagree.

cd projekt said it's great too


They are giving themselves as much as a positive appearance as possible to keep the Vivendi boogieman away

>wow we are so excited for the wii u guys it's gonna be great
>so heres a port of a 2 year old game and some shitty ports of other games
>oh yeah and we're not doing that rayman shit
>never mind fuck this console it's too easy to just make the same game for PC, PS4 and Xbone

anyone who listens to a word they say should find a fire to die in

that controller looks like a dildo


They said the same shit about the Wii U. Remember ZombiU and when Raymond Legends was an exclusive and then got delayed for a year to be simultaneously released on PS3 and 360? Lmao can't believe you cucks keep falling for the hype meme.

I was just about to type that.

But Wii U was all about getting the hardcore back. Remember?

When has Ubisoft not supported a new Nintendo device with loads of shovelware?


Oh, so that's why the Wii absolutely destroyed its competitors, leading to years of Sonygger overcompensation. Because nobody thought it was good. None. It just magically made more money than god when nobody was looking.

ubisoft just happy they can bring Just Dance over the NX with whatever new gimmick it'll use

It has abysmal attach rates because everyone stopped caring about them in 2008 or so

>t. heavenly accountant

>sales suddenly make a console good

Have you been AFK during this gen? That's been proven to be completely untrue.

About 20% higher sales than PS3/360 isn't really "absolutely" destroyed.

maybe if it had been more like the PS2

software sales were terrible for anything but nintendo titles too

>Making money doesn't mean success.

No user, claiming you've sold a gorillion consoles doesn't mean success.

>more casual players back in the industry
OOOOOH my insides hurt. :(

>companies like Valve make millions just by selling hats and with no overhead
>they're considered the devil

>but now it's okay when Nintendo makes money

You're gonna have to drop those double standards if you want me to take you seriously.

Confirmed sticking with their handhelds.

>and to take lots more casual players back in the industry

fucking dropped. skipped wii-u, and will skip this. only bought a used wii to hack it and dolphin is better anyways.


>20% higher sales than PS3/360 isn't really "absolutely" destroyed.
haha O WOW

The Wii sold a lot of hardware but not many games as you think. There is a reason that was the gen when third parties dropped support for Nintendo.
You can't live only by selling consoles, you have to sale games as well.

>company says "what we have seen is really great"

>reminder that they said the same shit about the Wii U

and of course you dumb fags never learn and just eat these pointless claims up.

>Cheap DVD player means it won


Literally no games but was beating Bone and Wii u combined

also an endless supply of good games

even if more than half of those sales were from people who only wanted a dvd player, it's still several times more than the competition

"For us it's not about the specs"

The NX won't even be as beefy as a PS4, confirmed.

They can beat the PS4 in their sleep. Its hardware wasn't that good at launch and its massively outdated now.

I'm sure casuals will love a game like BotW that doesn't tell you where to go at all times.

That requires you to think of multiples solutions to different puzzles.

> Ubisoft on NX
> The NX was just confirm to be a Wii 2.0
> Rabbids Returns & Rayman confirmed
Fuck my life.

>Specifically when asked about the power gap between PS4 Neo and Xbox One Scorpio he tried to downplay it as much as possible.

“Is that going to be the end-all, be-all of the gaming experience? No,” he said. “I think more than anything else today, we’re seeing the power of narrative move the gaming business forward more than ever before.”


That's not what I wanted to say. The PS4 sells games, the same 5 games if you want, but it's sells.
When people bought the Wii a lot of the casuals didn't buy games. They used the ones they were given with the console, that's why the Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Mario Wii, Mario Galaxy, are the best selling games of that console, because they were the default bundle games.

it's too bad Nintendo took the safe route and sold a bunch of Mario games and whatever, when Splatoon outsold Bloodborne
maybe if they took more chances with Wii U games, they could have sold more units

>Raymond Legends

Just because Ubisoft claims it will attract casuals doesn't necessarily mean it'll be gimmicky. The Wii's problem was that because of the weaker hardware and different controls, traditional games that sold well on PS3/360 couldn't be ported easily. They tried to address this issue with the Wii U but it was too weak and too late in the cycle so people waited on the PS4 and Xbone instead. Plus the gimmick was poorly portrayed and came off as a peripheral for Wii rather than a new console. Hopefully they've learned their mistakes this time


your piont ??

I don't really care about a home console.

I want a better-than-vita handheld that'll have actual first party support.

and finally to reveal the NX with its official name.. presenting.. the Wii W

>I want a better-than-vita handheld that'll have actual first party support.
Sorry but after the 3DS Hanhdleds are dead. We Mobile now

This is the same company that th8nka they should knee cap their PC releases so console players dont feel left out

Can we just not have Ubisoft again for another gen? I'd be okay with that.

This is true but also remember that Ubisoft was sucking the WiiU's cock prior to launch and made a bunch of false promises regarding the system. I feel bad for anyone who bought a WiiU for Rayman Legends.

At yhe risk of having go faggots bither me where do i get a pikechu wallpaper like that? That is cute

Translation: we'll release two games that use the new gimmick, they'll flop, and we'll ignore it for the rest of this generation.

beyond good & evil 2 NX confirmed


Holy shit, Sonygger. Do you stop and think about what you're typing, ever?

What new gimmick could it loasibly have?

Better not be VR faggot ill hang some faggot at nintendo

>Better not be VR faggot ill hang some faggot at nintendo

Confirmed for not having tried a Vive or Oculus Touch. If Nintendo made good affordable VR somehow, you'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Isn't supposedly Nintendo is delaying the NX to add VR compatibility or some shit like that?

Ubisoft says everything great, even their own games so they can stuff it.

CD Projekt on the other hand...

Not for Nintendo titles. Maybe for 3rd party trash, but then again, it's more a sign of better taste

It's MUCH more than half.

No i have not tried a vive or oculous but litterally every game i have seen is wii tier shit so i have 0 interest

Please shoot me if this is true i cant face another gen of having nothing to play

Oh, probably another unorthodox controller, because Nintendo fears six buttons and two sticks on anything that isn't a handheld.

>I believe rumors
>yes, i am that retarded

>does the new console has some sort of waggle or motion detection controls
>yes -> release Just Dance on it
>no -> release Zombi NX to cash in on early game drought and port to other consoles later

>and when Raymond Legends was an exclusive and then got delayed for a year to be simultaneously released on PS3 and 360?
Wasn't it released on the PS3 and 360 just because the people kept whining about it being only on the WiiU?

the controller killed any playability it had for "normal" styled games. it's a pain in the ass to play wiggling all the time.

The Wii U was that but with a big screen in the middle. It's more like, what's the point of having another console that's the exactly the same as the current two? Yes they're selling, but there could be other markets to appeal to

More likely Ubisoft feared that a WiiU only release would bomb due to the tiny user base.

The ultimate irony: the WiiU version still sold the best.

>Ubisoft decides to support Nintendo's dead console a second time
>Nintendo will probably not give a fuck

>taking Jewisoft word seriously


Didn't they say the same thing about the Wii U?

Then they delayed Wii U releases. Then they stopped them altogether.

mostly because there was nothing else to buy

part of why large publishers will always support consoles early on even if they have no plans for extended support, it's the best time to cash in

>and to take lots more casual players back in the industry

lol no. All they said about VR was that they had looked into it. Of course they looked into it, just like every other developer has looked into it. VR is expensive, and Nintendo is all about using older hardware they can acquire at a low cost. Nintendo will likely never actually get into VR, or at least not for another decade.

Why was Nintendo considered the loser of 6th gen when Xbox only had 2M more, and Sega fucking dying that gen?

probably because people actually expected something out of nintendo

sega had fallen into irrelevancy and no one really paid much attention to microsoft during the xbox hueg era, most likely hoarding a brand new audience


fuck off
After all that bullshit they kept pulling on the WiiU from launch till now they go eat a dick

>no one really paid much attention to microsoft during the xbox hueg era

The Halo 2 launch was probably the biggest thing I've ever witnessed relating to gaming and the general public that gen.
Only wow expansions got more publicity.

Ubisoft did literally nothing wrong, they did their best to support the massive failure the Wii U was.. but there was only so much they could do, they are a company after all and have to pay salaries.

Consoles aren't ready for VR. No reason for them to rush into something out of their reach.

>ZombiU and Watch Dogs have the same problems
>Blame the Wii U

until get to the point where it can be bundled with the console at an affordable price and still decent tech, I never see it taking off

maybe "next gen", with the 1.5 consoles coming to fill the gap I guess it could take another 5 years before we get real new consoles.. and by then maybe it'll be possible

yes, the Wii U was literally the same problem they had

Both Watch Dogs and ZombiU had issues because the Wii U existed. The core problem is Ubisoft and their fucked up management.

Or maybe, JUST maybe, nintendo fan buy more game when they are good.

Which conveniently explains why BB is at 2 million sold on 40 million console while Splatoon getting close to 5, and MK being at something ridiculous like 8

I thought we were talking about third parties

They do this every single fucking time there's a new Nintendo console

Then they drop it and only release pure garbage for it

Remember the delayed release of Rayman Legends and the subsequent mistreatment

>and to take lots more casual players back in the industry.

literally every fucking third party says this about nintendo consoles then jumps ship on release

third parties can sometimes do good games, like rayman. And if it's good, i'll buy it.

Again, he was saying that it sold more on WiiU, and i showed example of actual game selling more on WiiU than PS4. Sony is fuckign lucky to have Fifa and CoD, or else it would be a flop of mythical proportions

Ubisoft sucks the cock out of every new hardware. Their opinion is meaningless.

nope. nintendrones love buying shovelware. mario party 10 sold a million on pii u.

>w101 copies sold

>ubisoft is going to once again pollute the launch lineup with shovelware and ports
when will they stop? Why won't Nintendo tell them to fuck right off? I'm sure EA and Activision are trying to get leverage over Nintendo just like last gen too

Yeah sure, how dare a company to appeal to a wider audience, they shouldn't make it for the business, they should make it for you.

The wider audience won't buy it. They'd be better off at this point investing their efforts in me. I'd buy 20 games, and a casual, 2.

wait wait wait.

MP10 sold 1 million and bloodborne is STILL stuck at 2 ?

How fuckign hard as FROM fallen, holy christ

Juzt look at pokemon go to see what the casual audience is

Is it just me or is Ubisoft stealth sabotaging Nintendo?

Even at e3 they mention an NX game then immediately neglected to mention the other 5 games coming to the system

Nah, it wasn't. It was a shovelware dumpster.

So how is Ubisoft going to stab Nintendo in the back this time?

>We are really excited about this new Sega Saturn, it smells like success!
>Ubisoft CEO, 1994

gotta cash in on the starved early adopters that are wondering what else to buy after they bought the single good game that's out so far

and telling them to fuck off a good way to have no support later.. then again, not that they would either way

but I guess it's still better to have bunch of random games than literally having only 1 game at launch