wow she really sucks lol
Wow she really sucks lol
Everybody would say that about any character if they were released as DLC. You're expecting some crazy awesome character. If they released D.VA or Winston as DLC, people would say the same shit. She's fine, she fits in with the other characters.
That's a woman?
Why the fuck did they have to give her an 80 year old man's face. And to think I was expecting a qt milf with white hair...
why is she trying to kill her daughter
Looks like a fucking Battleborn character
Anyone else think there's an incredible clash in tone between the backstory/comics and the in-game dialogue and action? The backstory tries to paint it as this serious conflict with angst and people dying and people having all these deep observations, then in-game you've got people mocking Reaper for being a tryhard (when he's supposed to be the leader and chief badass of the Anti-Overwatch faction, someone who has spent the last few years doing nothing but murdering their friends) and everyone generally joking around like they're in a lighthearted shooter where they know death isn't real.
It's like GTA 4's radio vs GTA 4's world all over again.
She's a good healer if paired with another one. Since she can output considerable amounts of damage. However, her ability to only heal one person at a time (and at great difficulty), with the exception for a ability, makes her a poor choice for main heals. Pairing her with a Mercy or Lucio yields much greater results.
>taking Overwatch """""lore""""" seriously or even knowing much of anything about it at all
You're posting a rebuttal on Sup Forums of all places, even using an image to further emphasise your point, and you're accusing someone else of wasting their time spending 3-4 minutes reading a comic linked on a game's launcher.
> Reaper is the Leader of Talon.
Is this recent? Hes pretty much just been a mercenary as far as i can tell.
stop this meme
Even a shit Ana, that can only hit 50% of her shots/grenades outheals a Mercy.
So it's exactly the same as TF2?
TF2 never goes overly serious with the lore. Even in the latest comics, which are the darkest, you've got Soldier still being soldier, Ms Pauling giving an over the top rant that's muddled due to a broken nose and most of it goes to a dead man, Sniper's like a new zealand superman who was brought back to life by a crazy german medic and everything is still silly and ridiculous.
Overwatch has mini films where Tracer breaks down in what are supposed to be moving tears because Widowmaker assassinates a peaceful leader, that comic where Ana gets all angsty because some of her squadmates get murdered, then gets shot in the face and ends her comic screaming on the ground missing an eye etc etc.
I wouldn't mind her if her design wasn't old white woman with an eye patch and a sniper rifle with a hooded cloak.
They didn't even try she's the most forgettable design in the game by far. It's really disappointing because they had extra time to work on her design.
All the lore is from their mmo project which was a more serious game than pew pew bang bang tf2
She's actually an old brown woman.
It would at least have made sense if she was a Finish sniper babushka instead of this bullshit.
Why do people want to play as boring Widowmaker anyway?
old white women move to florida and become brown women
>Faggots haven't even shot an ulting pharah mid air then doing a 180 to save your flanker
You stupid fucks are playing her like a regular sniper which she isn't. She's a more mobile sniper. If you have to use her scope most of the time you need to git gud.
What, I don't think that's how a muzzle break works.
>More mobile sniper
>With zero mobility tools
Widow rapes the shit out of ana, in every hole and in the new one in her forehead.
Also, she is clearly just a shitty copy of Quiet from MGS5 -- sneaky female sniper who is semi mysterious.
You're an absolute retard.
>everybody would say that about any character if they were released as DLC. You're expecting some crazy awesome character.
She has a fucking sleep dart gun. If you really need actual mobility skills to be mobile youre beyond saving.
Nothing about Ana is even remotely close to Quiet besides the fact that they are both female and snipers. How did you even come to this conclusion.
>Brown with white hair
What happens in the game never happens in the "lore". It's the same as tf2 honestly.
>Ana and Zenyatta paired up
>Ana ults Reinhardt/Genji/Soldier
>Zenyatta debuffs the enemy team as a rioded out Rein/Genji/Soldier tears them a new asshole
you don't see many women in your life do you?
I'm not saying that a round of Overwatch actually happens in-canon in the Overwatch universe, I'm saying that the tone of the game is drastically different to the tone of the canon, which is weird. It's like they wrote the story before they knew what type of game they wanted, then either didn't have time or couldn't be bothered to alter the tone of either one to match the other.
Doesn't really matter that much ultimately, just an odd design choice.
That much coordination could tear apart any team with two ults ready.
My dick exactly, user.
But Winston is a good character, so they likely wouldn't
>precision sniper that can headshot has semi-automatic snipper rifle with a 30 round magazine
>'sniper' that can't headshot and needs to rapid fire to heal or debuff has a bolt-action with a 4 round magazine
Please explain
This. I had a buddy who swore he was going to be an Ana main and buy her legendary on release, we played on match in PTR and he did a 180. "She sucks."
Told him to give it some time and give her some practice because you can't really judge a character you haven't gotten a feel for yet.
She has 6 shots retard.
They upped it to 8 in the PTR, actually.
Just like how I feel about Zenyatta, she's best as a secondary support.
No. He was Reyes the leader of Blackwatch. Blackwatch somehow caused the UN or whatever to shutdown Overwatch. Reyes and Morrison fought in and destroyed the main HQ, leaving them both to be suspected dead.
ITT sub-40 MMR shitters who did not play PTR and are not aware of how hilariously overpowered her kit is because they play her like a pure offensive hero instead of a support/DPS hybrid
See you all next week when you cry for nerfs
How fucking retarded are you?
Women I see aren't shitskins with manfaces, Sven.
Nigga what? What kinda shitty mercy player are you?
yeah any body with healing abilities that can just be body blocked is retarded the only good thing about this bitch is her ultimate