How come no other company can produce as good cinematics as Blizzard?
How come no other company can produce as good cinematics as Blizzard?
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If you want "le epic movie experience" then go watch a movie.
1. Square Enix
2. Blizz has a department exclusively dedicated to making amazing cinematics and pour a ton of money into
>Hating fun
It's not like the games are cinematic experiences. Plus find me a movie that looks as great as the Wrath of the Lich king cinematic or the WoD one.
They're cinematic trailers faggot, they aren't incorporated in the game
>playing a video game
>stop playing it to watch a non-interactive cutscene that has absolutely no effect on the gameplay whatsoever
Yeah nah. It's like I said, when i want fun I'll PLAY a game, not watch it jerk itself off in a cinematic.
You do realize that the cinematic is not actually something you watch ingame for WoW right?
It's basically a commercial.
Do you know what cinematic trailer mean?
It's a cancer regardless of where it is, because it promotes them putting cinematics into their other games like Starcraft. You have to completely reject it no matter where it's coming from.
Also, I take particular issue with them spending too much money on the cinematics, when WOW is still a buggy, unoptimized MMO on par with Runescape.
Blizzard doesn't produce them.
Wotlk cinematic was the best one by far
that said, real shame they got rid of the lich king this quickly, would have loved to see him in an RTS warcraft game
Yes they do, they have their own cinematic team
>If you want "le epic movie experience" then go watch a movie.
oh fuck off
Ubisoft comes to mind
>Play game
>Stop to watch trailer on Youtube
>The game sucks because of this
What are you even trying to say?
ok let's do this
rank the wow cinematics
1. Wrath
2. Warlords (Hype bait)
3. TBC
4. Vanilla
5. Cata
6. Kung Fu Panda
Every AAA game has a bloated advertising budget. At least Blizz makes something entertaining with it.
1. WotLK
2. WoD
3. Legion
4. Cata
5. MoP
Can't really rate TBC and Vanilla since they're just random stuff
If the trailer is nothing but gameplay, then it's excusable. but if it's a cutscene that doesn't even show in-game gameplay, then what even is the point? To hype up the story? Pfft, you can understand the folly in that, right?
>at least Blizz makes something entertaining
I kinda wish they'd make a game though. And they haven't done that in 10 years. Just esports.
Not those ones, they outsource them to another company.
>My son, the day you were born the, very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name
o fuck I forgot about the Legion one, I'd probably rank it under WoD too, just kind of felt underwhelming, least they didn't recycle Illidan for the cinematic
>Make gameplay trailer of a guy fighting a mob
>Put it on TV
>No one cares
>Only a niche audience plays new expansion
>Next expansion has even less content because they have no money
>WoW dies a quick death
Shit bro, do you have a masters in marketing? This is genius!
How come you can't produce a properly structured sentence you absolute moron?
I dunno Halo 2 Remastered had pretty baller Cinematics.
Because they can sell hype off sadshits like this:
They're all boring mostly with few exceptions. Literally nothing happens in all WoW opening cinematics.
Arthas standing over a cliff is not interesting.
this shit takes about 2 months to make.
It takes about 2-3 years to render.
That's why.
They might be random but as someone who was a vanilla healslut pally, seeing that Draenei pally slap shit with a 2 hander made me hype as fuck.
now we have Sylvanas instead who's argueably worse since she has a Stalin Complex on top of the whole undead legion shit.
>the reemergence of Illidan
>The Lich King awakens, recalling the words of his father and in twisting the meaning, whilst raising an army that canonically ravaged the population that happens in an in-game event
>Deathwing returns and rapes half the world
No they dont
Thought overwatchs first cinematic trailer was a disney movie.
Still won't buy it but it looked cool.
Come on, there are better cinematic trailers than those from WoW
Blur Studios, although it's usually because the game is shit and the developers need a good first impression.
The quality of that cinematic is not even up to par with the WC3 cinematics
I may not like some news things actiblizzard has done but cinematics might be the only redeeming factor they have. They are EXTREMELY polished and very well done.
Too bad they only hype you up to shit on your later
BC was the only one worth a shit andyou know it
>better than my son
You are delusional
>all their game suck ass only thing going for them are le epin cinematics