What are you doing, silly user?!

What are you doing, silly user?!

Don't you know that your free Windows 10 upgrade ends in TEN days?

Go ahead and start, you idiot! DirectX 12 is the best!

...What do you mean there aren't that many games that use DX12 and older games don't work? Just fucking update!


Other urls found in this thread:


Explain to me why this has to be a mandatory update.

I'm not eligible for the upgrade.

Will you stop asking once the 10 days are over?

you're a dumb os-tan, and nothing you say or do will take w7 away from me.

I don't play games on PC, just shitpost so no need.

>Vulkan starting to become more popular making the only reason to upgrade to W10 irrelevant

Feels good. I tried W10 on my laptop and it was terrible.

I did it a week ago, can I get a complimentary facesitting with a footjob, W10-chan?

I did it, can you lick my penis now?


I got a new computer because the windows employees couldn't get upgrade my Windows 10 (tm) eligible PC. You still can too, user!

Name 5 games that work on W7 that can't work on W10

but i did

Why is Touko-chan the best designed OS-tan?

Please stop posting lies.


Can you turn your pirate copy of windows 7 into a legit copy of windows 10? No message has popped up on my computer, but then again I disabled a lot of stuff in the OS.

But I wasn't, you stop telling lies.




No. You can upgrade to 10 but it won't be a genuine copy.

Already downloaded it.

Reminder that people are, right now, smoking cigars and leaning up wine and whiskey to enjoy themselves while the people who design their operating systems slave in a hot factory.

>noname dev team lets me select the drive to install to
>microsoft fucking windows can only install on c drive

nice fucking job bill

>the people who design their operating systems slave in a hot factory.
Somehow I doubt that

___ IN THE ___

It's a very veritable vocation the vacuous and voracious vocation of computer science. Extremely brutal, you know, the works.

Settings>System>Storage, then scroll to Save Locations. yes it's retarded you can't choose for individual programs, but you can at least change drives.


>tfw run>msconfig>disable windows update
your free as in 'we get to freely hack your system' update is not allowed here you crazy bitch. don't make me set shodan on you.

Funny you posted it. I'm downloading the upgrade right now, at last.

You've got some good taste.


citation needed

can't tell if shill or retard shitpost

I said starting to become. You can see that with Id and what they did with Doom. It's going to turn some heads for sure.

Nanami is being uninstalled right now, she's too old.

Doom is fucking irrelevant, m8.


Most developers already have a hard enough time putting their logs and folders in the right places (i.e. anywhere EXCEPT my user folder or the drive root). Do you really want to open them up to more confusion?

Don't reinstall Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, I will be stuck on "scanning for updates" forever and there is currently no fix for it.





I "upgraded" but only think it's okay but I'm too lazy to go back to 7

I bought it as I built a new PC. pretty comfy and very similar to 7.
those fucking ads man lmao


depends on your definition of legal

yes, your windows will be treated as "legal" in MS ecosystem, you'll get updates and shit without worrying

no, it won't be "legal" because windows usage requires license which needs a sticker on your PC. Your windows is legal as long as sticker is legal.

Can't wait for this free upgrade shit to be over since I won't have to worry about my system updating itself anymore. Not that it's even bugged me about it at all but at least it won't be hanging over my head.

>DX12 games
more like
>DX 12games

>older games don't work

>Sup Forums

Fits perfectly.


>both microsoft and google have indian CEOs