Does WiiU worth it? Seems I've fallent for that bait of all-time-masterpiece...

Does WiiU worth it? Seems I've fallent for that bait of all-time-masterpiece. Seriously considering an option to buy a console just for two games to sell it later.

You can literally just pirate the games on the wiiu.

Way too cinematic. I wouldn't really bother.

ignore this retard.

What? Did I say something offensive?

I don't need to, pretty happy with PS4. But curiosity is almost unbearable.

Buy Wii U and pirate everything via loadiine. at most it will cost you $299 (retail) or you can get one for $200 + two games (Nintendo refurbished)

>Nintendo refurbished
Seems to work only for Canada and USA.

Just wait for the emulator.

sorry dude, I keep forgetting that English speaking people aren't confined to the USA and Canada. my bad. I would figure NTSC/J and PAL have similar deals, but what do I know, I'm a fucking retarded double digit IQ American.

anywho...have you tried ebay or a similar trading forum?

Buy it bayo2 is worth it. Also play some others like mario kart 8.

>Just wait for the emulator.

No. I sold my Wii U. Nintendo put zero effort into it. Bayo 2 was great though.

dont support nintendo buy refurbished and pirate or wait for emulation to get good enough
lel your one of those people

Bayo 2
Hyrule warriors
Pikmin 3
Mario Kart 8
Tropical freeze
Wonderful 101

>dont support nintendo

Why shouldn't I? They seem to be nice guys.

Don't get it OP
The only worthwhile games on wii u is MK8, Bayo1&2, Hyrule warriors, and sm4sh
You'll get bored once you're done with them, and nintendo pretty much already abandoned the wii u.

once you buy the wii u you realize there's literally nothing to play. their heavy hitter -zelda u - is gonna be on NX as well, and probably CEMU within months of its release...just don't do it man. buy refurb or second hand. and pirate with loadiine.

It's great if you enjoy platformers and couch coop. It's also ok for JRPGs. Mario Kart 8 is extremely good too if you care. Otherwise I'd probably advise against it

That's a part of the plan, I want to try to sell it later. You didn't mention splatoon btw, many people say it's decent.

What's the probability that Nintendo will release remastered version of Bayonetta on NX? Maybe I should wait till then.

probability? slim to none.

B-but everyone is doing this.

everyone except Nintendo. games like OoT, MM, TWW, and TP were done because Zelda is fucking classic like that. but Bayonetta? what is that, is that a knife you put on a gun? hahaha lmao

you get it now bro?