>get new patch
>play for a few hours
>most adjustments seem fine
>d.va is op as fuck
>4 games in a row d.va gets potg
I get that she needed a buff but this is too much
>get new patch
>play for a few hours
>most adjustments seem fine
>d.va is op as fuck
>4 games in a row d.va gets potg
I get that she needed a buff but this is too much
they literally buffed her shield
thats it
She isn't killed by her ult and it goes off 1 second sooner.
you're objectively retarded
it will happen until people get used to it, just like macree used to kill 4 people every time he ultied when the game came out
Really though, making her not die to her own ult is lame. I enjoy the shorter fuse though, her ult sucks balls without it.
Traser and Junkrat are killed by theirs, why is she getting special treatment? It's fucking unfair.
It's not OP, people are just used to the old timing of the ult.
The new DM is now more viable to use.
She's not OP, people just need to get gud.
>get new patch
>play for a few games
>most adjustments seem fine
>d.va is still trash
>4 games in a row d.va gets her ass destroyed because her critbox is huge
shitter opinions are not needed
what did they change?
i havent played in months
>4 games in a row d.va gets her ass destroyed because her critbox is huge
shield revamp
you're either 15 years old
a league player
or both if you think this makes her overpowered
either way fuck off
they made her shield literally infinite its fucking bullshit
just go Winston/Mei, you can block her ult and their weapons go through her shield.
she's not OP, she's just viable and actually requires countering instead of just being a high HP target that tickles you and runs away
>tfw mostly played d.va before
>got shit done
>everyone cries she's terrible
>gets a buff
>now do even more work
Never listen to your fanbase.
What she needs is a buff to her looks the ugly skank
got em
I'm glad she got buffed because she's my favorite to play but if she's too good that's shit because every retard is going to play her now
Shit sucks man. Just let me bully people with her in peace
So? She can't shoot with her shield on. While she's shooting, she deals almost no damage while taking hundreds per second
shes still worse than rheinhardt and ape man
I'm going to repeat this shit again, you mentally handicapped faggot. She's just now an actually half-decent character since her only way of defense isn't a five-second cool down. The blast of her ULT should've never killed her in the first place so I'm glad that's fixed. Her damage is still absolute garbage, if the enemy isn't a complete retard like OP he/she can just move a few steps back and soak in that garbage damage drop-off
If anything, she needs even more of a buff. Blizzard only fixed the necessities that should've been there in the first place.
they took her from garbage to somewhat viable
now that she isn't garbage, leagueshitters who only know nerf-heavy gamebalance think she's "OP"
>while taking hundreds per second
she only has 500
I guess that explains why she dies in half a second.
I'd say less than a week, unless they take everything through PTR now
Her shield projects like 5 yards in front of her, slightly wider than her, and completely cancels out projectiles that enter it from any direction, even shield-piercing ones. It has no health and doesn't deplete from taking damage at all, and can be done any time you want and starts recharging instantly with no reload animation or anything. She has 400 fucking health of armor and 100 of regular health, and even while dying can use her ult and then come out as a 150 health character with a better Mercy pistol for a moment.
I think she's annoying as fuck. Her shields not getting at all depleted from shooting them is stupid when every other barrier in the game works that way. And since it can be done any time, it's not like Zarya's shields/Genji's deflect where you just go "ok, they used their defense, don't shoot them now and they'll be vulnerable". She'll make you waste ammo into her shield and still have more, and while you're reloading because it's impossible to do 400 armor's worth of damage in one go, she gets free shots, booster repositioning/damage, and recharges her shield more. And then she still has the get out of jail free ult that now charges faster, goes off faster, and doesn't get her killed, that she has a super obvious like 3 second window after dying to use.
There's 1 sec CD on but a gauge is drained every time you use it.
Utlimately it make the skill usefull and now D.Va is actually playable as a tank.
on the shield*
Get gud. The critbox is still the same as it's always been. Now she can just survive and actually act like a freaking tank.
>her shield is op
>people still don't realize its not a shield
Defense Matrix isn't a shield like Reinhardt's, if you look at the animation D.Va is actually shooting all the projectiles that enter the field down.
How is it in that 20 skill rating?
Now shes just annoying instead of horseshit.
Still nice though running behind allies with d.va shielding them from damage like a mini reinhardt. It's actually stupid strong if you do it on an ult like 76 or mccree. This might turn into a comp strat due to D.vas Higher mobility.
in case you're actually serious
Tracer is a high mobility character so she's intended to drop her bomb and quickly recall or blink out of its range.
Junkrat's tire is fully controllable so if you die due to its explosion, that's completely your fault.
D.Va's mech was fucking useless in its previous state because it killed you if you were even an inch too close to it, and the 4-second window made it way too easy to avoid.
Does it block damage? Then it's functionally a shield. No one cares how it really gets done. She could be mind controlling the enemy team to not fire bullets, it's still a shield because we're not taking damage.
You're meant to launch her Mech though, if you're setting it off without boosting it so you can get into cover/out of range you're doing it wrong.
>if you're setting it off without boosting it so you can get into cover/out of range you're doing it wrong.
not anymore :^)
you were never "meant" to launch it, it's just something you could do if you wanted to be smart about it, but there are times where you wanna panic if you know you're gonna die
Motherfuckers need to learn to adapt to balance changes instead of demanding nerfs every time a formerly shit character becomes viable. This is all in a game where roadhog can hook you through walls and mercy can Rez an entire team after hiding and doing literally NOTHING but fucking shit players cry for a nerf the minute a bad character becomes usable. THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS GAME IS THAT IT WILL EVOLVE AND YOU'LL HAVE TO ADAPT ACCORDINGLY BUT PEOPLE WOULD RATHER INSTALOCK REAPER INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY HAVING TO THINK OF DIFFERENT WAYS TO PLAY
That's a stupid defense and you know it. The critbox isn't available to people who aren't directly facing her, which means she has her defense matrix blocking it or she's shooting directly at you.
She takes an enormous amount of focus to take down, and you can't spare that on almost any attack/defense/koth. She has the guaranteed tools to get in between booster, shield, and all that fucking health/armor, and she can't be ignored because at that distance she's not only contesting/capping a point, she's capable of doing 100+ damage per second. During the time you attack her, you have offensive classes out the ass free to do as they want against you and medics not being taken care of.
It wouldn't be so bad if she had to at least make the conscious decision to ult before she fucking dies like any other character has to, but she doesn't. She can do her job of tanking/distraction while doing some damage and no amount of focus makes that shield go down any faster AND do a point-wipe ult that does 1000 damage after already dying.
And after that she's still there, contesting the point. She even gets her mech back with full health almost immediately if anyone was caught in the self destruct.
it's so fucking counter intuitive.
>Tank ult, all of which are known for instant payoff and gamechanging abilities
>kills her if she gets to close, it also lowers her health to 150 and removes all of her abilities
>D.va is forced to hide behind cover (where the enemy team is likely hiding) and then wait 4 seconds before she can play an animation to get into her mech
>The enemy team also has 4 fucking seconds to get away from her ult
It does everything wrong and actively hurt d.va, it also doesn't even do the one thing it's supposed to do, clearing the point, because it forces the team off the point for 4 seconds and just forces them to take better positioning behind cover.
Mccrees ult was a better point clearer than hers. At least that shit lasted 10 seconds.
I've never played this game but ever since the beta first hit every single OW thread I've seen is either porn or "[character] needs a [buff/nerf]." Are you faggots ever satisfied?
what you are saying is that if you don't focus this tank hero down she will forcibly draw your attention and live if she played all her cards right?
>And after that she's still there, contesting the point. She even gets her mech back with full health almost immediately if anyone was caught in the self destruct.
i think the cooldown on meka recall should be longer
Holy shit really? What's even the fucking point in using Reinhardt now then?!
Unless I'm missing something then D Va's shield doesn't have health and is infinite now so is therefore objectively superior to Reinhardt's in every way? Blizzard are retarded man.
How is she getting PotG that often? Oh right Ranked is down so you must be playing with shitters again. They probably barely deal with that hero in the first place since all the other tanks were objectively superior.
D.va is actually an option to reinhardts shield now.
Rein is way better at holding a point or pushing with a slower group, but d.va has way more potential to setup a perfect shield on an ally while they ult or when they change position.
Like how you were to run 76 and mccree with rein, you should run tracer and mei with d.va.
She actually has a lot of potential if "pros" realise her ability to reposition the shield.
You dumb as fuck user
This whole thread has only 1 d.va pic. Step it up guys.
No, what I'm saying is unlike every other tank and shield in the game, her defense matrix works just as well under focus fire, protecting her from everything. Even something like Reinhardt's barrier-penetrating fireball can't go through her defense matrix, and you can't launch explosives at it to hit things with splash damage near her because they will just disappear entirely. Combined with being able to toggle it on and off with a 1 second cooldown means there's not a moment to know she's absolutely vulnerable like every other character where you KNOW they have so-and-so ability on cooldown after seeing them use it.
And then you add in that she can use an ult that does 1000 damage across more than the entire point after she dies, and it doesn't hurt her, keeps her alive, and potentially gets her what's basically a free respawn directly on the point.
Like literally all I want is just one of either her shield meter has some amount of health so focus fire can work on it like everything else, or she can't use her ult during her dying animation. That's all.
Did you even read the thread? People bitched that unblockable projectiles were stopped by Matrix. I explained why.
that drawing is awful
mental illness tier fetishists get the scraps
no surprise
I think he was being sarcastic user.
Roads hook goes through defense matris, reins charge goes through defense matris, winstons electricity goes through defense matrix, zaryas beam goes through defense matrix, meis ice goes throug defense matrix, any physical attacks go through defense matrix, reins zarya and meis ult goes through defense matrix.
Theres probably more.
just saying, if you have problems with her counter her. If shes in your face a lot go reaper, wait for her to drop her shield when you stop shooting and then hit her crit box from a decent range.
She isn't that good. This patch didn't really fix her in my opinion. She still does fuck all for damage and hardly benefits her team.
It's probably going to happen as part of Blizzard's neverending cycle of buffs and nerfs, until the game is eventually shit where everyone takes like 5 minutes of focused fire to kill because everyone had to fucking complain about everything and Blizzard is like a retarded chimp when it comes to balancing.
>play Mei on Defense
>start taking advantage of the self-heal ult charge change, Mei now gets ults way more often because her ult charge rate is unchanged
>people complain in chat
>say "Mei's barely used in high level play, she needed a buff and this is the only one she got"
>they respond saying she didn't need a buff
High mobility shields on demand are going to be strong as fuck for a team. I can feel it.
Junkrat's ult doesn't kill him, though.
Yes it does
It's already confirmed the current PTR version will not be released as in and a second patch will be up soon (tm). They did not specify but in a recent video it seems like at the very least zenyatta would prob get dropped to only 175 health.
Old ult was useful mostly as a self-heal because you get a new mech, now you can actually kill decent players with it.
What retard at Blizzard thought this McCree buff was okay?
You know they just uploaded that same PTR patch to the main version right
Same ones that thought the FTH nerf was okay.
I really don't understand what they want mccree to do.
The patch is out already. The only things changed where Zen's damage nerfed by 5 and Mercy's damage boost back down to 30%.
>they nerfed his damage and they only buffed his health by 25
what the fuck are you doing blizzard!
They also buffed Orb travel time and travel speed during Ult, Borb is better than ever
I think they want him to be a flanking soldier, but that's Reaper
He's really in the middle ground of Soldier and Reaper with more range, but focusing on range makes his other tools (roll, flashbang, fth) useless. Unless he gets a rework, he'll be stuck in limbo for a while
I used to get 4 kills with the old patch anyway
you lot are just shit
The orb travel time is really nice sure and the Ult buff was pretty much needed, but shit having to hit one extra shot on any flanker is not worth 25 hp.
FtH nerf was justified, but they lowered it too much so his effectiveness against the characters he's supposed to counter (tracer and genji) was lowered. Now McCree has the opposite problem, he just destroys everyone from range with the added support of his cqc oriented kit.
If you play with people that get killed by the ult you are playing with shitters. which in turn makes you a shitter.
there are so many ways to avoid her ult still.
Mei needed a buff but who fucking wanted her to have one, she's the least fun opponent in the game.
great ult and area denier but thats about it.
It's 50HP. 25HP was talked about but they went with 50.
Here are the permanent changes made to Zenyatta, these are now on the main servers:
- Shields increased by 50, total now 200 HP (150 shields, 50 health)
- Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony now travel 4x faster
- Transcendence now heals for 300HP/s, up from 200
- Transcendence now doubles Zenyattas movement speed while in effect
- LMB now does 40 damage, down from 45
- RMB now does 40 damage per charge, up from 35 per charge.
does literally everything, including lamp posts, block the damage still?
no your shit, shitter :^)
He's still a joke pick in the high skill scene. Can't even supplement a main healer with Ana, they're both that shitty.
when does everything actually go live? I know all that shit's on ptr or whatever but I mean the "real' game.
Oh and Ana is pure shit.
You can't get away in 4 seconds unless you ult near cover that your enemies will use, it actually takes about 4.5 seconds to clear the distance.
So it'd be a death sentence everytime.
I love dva and I don't want to see her nerfed, but the only reasonable nerf I have is matching her ult time with reaper since its the same thing
shoulda mentioned I'm a consolefag stuck on PS4
>Oh and Ana is pure shit.
I didn't think she looked that interesting just from design. If I wanna play sniper I'll actually be useful as Widow and if I wanna play healer I'll be Lucio since he's a cool JSR dude.
What skill rating? She's actually pretty good when paired with a main healer and a sustained damage dealer.
>needed a buff but this is too much
You expected more of Blizzard? See name.
He damage is mediocre though.
Winston actually has more kill potential and he isn't even supposed to kill people.
It detonates in 3 seconds now, instead of 4 seconds.
It also charges 33% faster and doesn't hurt her.
Ana is good as long as the player you're ulting knows what he's doing. I imagine she's pretty useless in sub-50 rating matches.
ah, then I mean 3.5 seconds.
when it was 4 she had to run directly away right away
That's just not true. None of that post is accurate.
>None of that post is accurate.
Winston can jump on a squishy pocket behind the tank plop a shield down and then burn through 200 health within a few seconds.
D.va on the other hand has the ability to move in and kill maybe one target and will still take heavy damage due to her shields requiring her to stop shooting.
In all honesty its better to compare her to reinhardt than winston.
Name one other hero that struggles that hard to do enough damage to get an ult that does nothing BUT kill them
A third of the cast can defend against her ult, the rest can either get away easily or be protected by the others
>rein shield
>mei wall and stasis
>tracer rewind
>zen ult
>reaper shift
>zarya bubble
>winston bubble
Her damages are very bad for a sniper (it doesn't even headshots).
The heals are correct but need a second healer.
And for the Ult, only a Rein knew what to do, but otherwise they just continue their shit.
they really need to nerf the shit out of mei's stasis. The rest of her kit is sheer horse shit that makes the game lose any sense of fun but that thing is actually retarded in how it lets you avoid literally anything and contest any potential points at the same time.