Around when should you start moving up the difficulty from hard?
EDF 4.1
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once you realize you're going through a mission and not even paying attention
when its too easy
if youre a valkyrie or w/e the jetpack girls are called you can prob just switch immediately
When you finish the game. You will not have the HP to survive later hardest missions before then.
Fencer is the second fastest class don't listen to shitters who can't shield cancel.
Around 1 year ago when all the real fans played it on PS4 first
What's the funnest class to play? Air Raider is super fun for me, nothing like a good air strike coming down.
If my friend totally not me, I thought it was garbage liked Insect Armageddon, does that mean I - I mean he - will think 4.1 is amazing or terrible?
Why would you stop playing?
anything but soldier.
Jetpacks probably the most fun after fencer