How did Zero become a shota?
Doesn't make sense desu
How did Zero become a shota?
Doesn't make sense desu
Other urls found in this thread:
because toru nakayama is a god
just look at this shit, the man loves his toku
Not why, HOW
if only we could summon /m/ rider
Do you want to know every step of the design process?
Am I the only one who can't see the MMZ Zero as a shota
Sure, he looks younger but not shota.
Upgraded for better aerodynamic and energy saving.
I also never felt that way. It's just the art style. Everyone is drawn like that.
IIRC, his programming was uploaded into a new robotic body while an evil AI hijacked his old one. Or maybe I'm thinking of X.
This game series was fucking dogshit anyway. Mighty Number 9 is what gave me my handheld Mega Man fill.
No, you're right. X's body got destroyed and his programming escaped into the internet and turned into a cyber fairy.
Though the old 'original' body is in the same style, just different shades.
>being this much of a mongoloid
How do you even see that?
I think it was mentioned somewhere that nothing actually changed between X5 and Zero when it comes to armor. It was just a change of perspective to accomodate a new designer's view of the MM franchise
Source: possibly my ass. I don't remember where I read that
The armor got smaller, but that's about it aside from art style.
This is now a turtle thread
It's obvious enough yeah, but my point is that absolutely NOTHING changed between the X and Zero series' armors, just an artist change. Again, I have no facts to back that up and google isn't being too hepful right now
I'm not sure what you mean. Aside from what changed, nothing changed?
video jaymes
I wish people would scan more of his works.
he died and got his soul stuck inside a new body
no seriously
Would have been a great OH SHIT moment if Omega had the original Zero design. Really mad they didn't do it.
awww shit
maybe we will summon /m/ rider if he's still alive
>people always say that this guy did porn
>this is the first time I've seen it
Gib links or I cut you
Was kind of expecting that too by when I first played 3.
I thought HArpunia was a girl at first.
Same for Zero actually.
>Zero's original body
Am I missing something?
Are you being ignorant on purpose or do you really not get it?
Did you play the series?
Then he died again
It's not like that makes too much difference.
>Zero awakens in a new body and, together with X, ends the Elf Wars
>Zero goes into stasis once more
Holy shit, I'd played through all four of the Zero games and I don't remember ever knowing about this. Am I just retarded or is this info only revealed in a non-game source?
it was in an audio drama iirc, it might have been alluded to in the games
Lore dumps in log files and cutscenes through the zero series. ZX is reeeeally shallow in comparison, not that it's a bad thing, but I kinda wish the final big baddie was more than just "IT WAS ME ALL ALONG BARRY"
Who cares? Still a better choice than current omega
Careful, mods quite sensitive this days.
he's been making one book for each winter comiket for the last 30 years or so, almost without fail.
According to interviews the third ZX game was supposed to bridge all megaman eras of this timeline together but alas, it never happened.
It's still what should have been.
So the power hierarchy in Neo Arcadia prior to MMZ1 was supposed to be: Copy X > Four Guardians > Eight Gentle Judges > Bosses > Everyone else
That about right?
>op tries to make a boyposting thread
>gets serious replies and actual game discussion
it just keeps happening. i guess really, if you wanna talk about anything, talk about it in a thread with nothing to do with it. such is Sup Forums
Fefnir just gets shafted every game huh?
>no battalion, just a buddy who he convinced to be on his "future glorious personal army"
>said buddy becomes one of weil's minions anyway
>shat on by BASE FORM omega in the intro while being in his optimal field
>didn't even try to hit true omega in cqc with his fuckhuge arm canon punches, instead shooting from a distance and then stopping because ???
>gets a biometal
>it's pure garbage
What a loser
Post more Roll Soul, faggot
What does it say about X when all four of his derivatives turned out to be bloodthirsty battle-freaks?
Bet you were expecting Roll huh?
Too bad, you get Leviathan
mate, youve preeetty much seen all of it right there
everything else is just concept art or official art
OP here.
Fuck you Sup Forums.
Well that's strange, I could swear there was more out there.
I assume they were bored thats why they liked to fight so much.
Looks clunky. I'm glad they streamlined him. His sleek design matches his ninja like moves.
X-series Zero played as clunky as he looked.
No, I haven't, that's why I was asking.
MMZ Zero just looks like Shota bait garbage. What the fuck were they wonder it was never a popular Megaman series. The artstyle ruined it.
Still, I think ZX did a better job with MMZ's artstyle, though.
You just have shit taste.
>inb4 someone posts the pixiv of fuccboi zero