Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid


Star Ocean


never played a Halo game but ill believe you

Devil May Cry

>not skipping 5
>2 not being the worst halo game made by bungle

except 5 was even worse than 4

in 3 years


t. 12 year old

You don't actually believe that

megaman battle network

Silent Hill

I'm just telling the truth, not like the rest of Sup Forums meme makers

No, you're just attempting to shitpost

The Legend of Zelda
Devil May Cry
Resident Evil
Street Fighter
The Elder Scrolls
Ace Attorney

Silent Hill

Etrian Odyssey

3D Mario games

>Legend of Zelda
>skip OOT
wew lad


you guys are not seriously implying that DmC is better than 4... are you?

>Skip EO IV
This is some high quality shitposting.


Disgaea not even trolling

>5 is bad
>5 is worse than 4
I cannot believe people are this stupid

Truth hurts, sorreh

They're trying to imply that 2 is the best DMC which instantly throws their opinions in the trash
Are you even capable of proving why DMC2 is anywhere other than the worst game in the series?

>Disgaea 2 and 3 better than 1

Since 5 is the worst one, by definition it must be worse than 4. Doesn't matter though because only 1 and 2 were any good.

Didnt take you long to make yourself completely obvious

>Skipping D4

there are not a lot of good games with that many installments

No, you're just fucking retarded


But 5 is miles better than 4?
5 is on par if not slightly worse than 3.

Cuz It isn't

3 > 1 > 2 > 5


Guess the game

Monkey Island.

Tales was ok, Escape was trash.

>silent hill
>skip 4 but play 5

I can't believe I fell for it.

>elder scrolls
>arena being better than skyrim
skyrim is a piece of shit game, but at least it has proper controls and doesn't randomly spawn enemies three feet behind you at night and the cities are actually distinguishable from another.
also it could be argued that morrowind is better than daggerfall for similar reasons.

Close, Suikoden V is too low though.

Resident evil
Silent hill

If you think Suikoden fits that then you're full of shit.

its gonna be persona soon

3 > 2 > 6 > 5 > 1

Guess the game

Final Fantasy


>completely forgetting about Link's Awakening
Mind you, saying to skip LA is probably worse than skipping OoT, but you could at least remember all the games.

>skipping MGS 4
I will never, EVER understand how anyone could think 5 was better than 4

FF has over 20 games you idiot


Yeah and that's a rating for the first five you illiterate piece of shit.

Some of these are true.

>skip mgs4

and miss out on the greatest boss bottle in vidya history?

Close, but I've meant another Capcom series.

This one is Mega Man Battle Network.
Maybe the classic Mega Man series, if you don't understand the good parts of MM1.

ebin shitpost

>Skipping the gen that gave us special split, wifi, HHSS and fucking EoS

Your opinion is meaningless

>Star Ocean
>2 any good

The winrar

My friend and I played MGS4 together. As soon as the MGS1 battle music played we went fucking berserk. It was the hypest moment ever.

did you suck him

No, just high fives all around after we won.

>Skipping the definitive Metal Gear Solid game
what the hell

I liked Battle Network 4, but having played through a 3x playthrough in the game for both versions I can understand why people don't like it.


When will the MGS 2 was a great game meme end?


3 is the best MGS but... I think 4 is my favorite to play and replay. It's so fun and goofy, and completely over the top. MGS4 is peak Metal Gear.



It's a meme to like DmC and Fallout 3, I'm not sure why or how it started.


>Skip 4, 5 and 7

this must be RE


Can't be because 3 is worse than 1.

Resident Evil

Star ocean 4 is leagues better than 5 you fag.

nappy time.avi

I like Star Ocean 4. Its not a bad game except for the cg models that look like dolls


Looking kinda Edgy there, 'kay.

Axel please leave

Skipping any 3D Mario
I want faggots and callodoodies to leave

At least you can visit more than 7 little maps in 4. 5's only good points are 7 party members and the graphics.

>2 not best or 2nd best

The correct answer is Battle Network.

MGS4 is my guilty pleasure, I'll have moments when I'm tired of online shit and it never fails to slap in MGS4 and sit back and play at my own pace

>start new game+ on boss extreme
>CQC hold everyone left and right
>headshot everyone with mosnin nagant
>all the while using Altiar costume

Saints Row :^)

You made me sad

>Suikoden 5 worse than 1
>3 better than 1
Stop breathing anytime

pic related

I'll take Saints Row for $500.

Its not Suikoden because the 5th suikoden game is the second best one in the series.

Fucker, you beat me to it

Super Smash Brothers

>It's not actually Liquid

wew lad, way to completely fucking ruin your final boss right after it happens


they pretty much fucked themselves by killing off liquid in mgs1

Halo 2 was the worst in the trilogy.