Disgaea 4 any good? I'm trying to find something nice and moe for Vita

Disgaea 4 any good? I'm trying to find something nice and moe for Vita.

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If you like grinding and you're a teenage anime fan.

it's fun

It has really good gameplay and the best cast of any Disgaea

>the best cast of any Disgaea

>Not the best cast
1 and 4 are the top two casts, with the only edge the d1 cast has being nostalgia.

2ND best cast.

First Disgaea still has the best characters and plot. Everything since Disgaea 2 is super anime weeb shitfest tier characters and writing.

Cool it with the buzzwords there big fella

4 is good. Like other user said, unless you like grinding.

I do.

4 is great go for it.

do it for troy baker. ;__;

There's THAT much grinding in it?

5 is better


It's good, 5's better though from a pure gameplay perspective no one can refute this. Wonder if they're going to come to steam

I can stomach grindy games, but the games where you choose exactly which characters you use are just too open ended for me

the entire point of 'grinding' is that you max out your stupid fucking stats

but when there's no upper limit to how many characters you can grind up, then why not just discard stats altogether

Except for the characters being the worst in any Disgaea

In these games you choose your favorites and max them out if someone actually maxed out every unique and generic class it would take ages.

1 has the best cast of characters. It's a PSP port on PSN and it hasf the most features out of all the other ports. This is true for all mainline Disgaea games btw.

2 is an okay sequel. Nothing super excitong save for the soundtrack. It's also on PSN as a PSP port.

3 is the most fun installment. Both characters and story are excellent to watch unfold, and the combat this time around is pretty good. It's also on the Vita as a cart and digital.

4 has the best gameplay out of all of them.

The spin-offs are okay. Disgaea Infinite is just a cute little interactive VN with a Prinny that'll take about 3-4 hours to beat if that. The Prinny games are really fun, too, but their platformers.

>Game for Vita

When did I say 5 was for vita? All I said was 5 is better gameplay wise.

>best gameplay
>Disgaea 4
>One of the games with the horribly broken damage calculations that makes stats pointless and every single battle a matter of 1 hit kills


That's just not true user

Yes and no. Grind only happens in the post game.

You're talking about a series whose main selling point is and always has been that the maximum level is 9999.

Yes there is an absurd amount of grinding.


I wanna fuck Majorita

There's no moe games for Vita

I must own a different Vita from you.

>Wonder if they're going to come to steam
wait for 2, 3 and then 4 first

I need more clown.


I meant in general though. 2 WHEN?!

I need to spank the clown

I like 4 a lot. It's my favorite but I still like 1's story more and characters slightly more. I haven't played 5. Kind of wish they would put it on steam but I guess I have to wait for 2-4 first.

At least wait until she does something to deserve it.

How long is Odin Sphere?

more like worst. Emizel & Atrina are awful.

Being naughty isnt good enough?

Main story doesn't really require much grinding. You can get by just buying better equipment at shops.

Post game is where you'll require a lot of grinding. D4 is also currently the game that has the most post game content in the series.

D3 had the best art style & quality IMO

notice the quality drop from 3 to 4?