Are shmups the only games that have actual gameplay that is fun?

Are shmups the only games that have actual gameplay that is fun?
Also, general shmup thread.

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Does no one even play them?
Are you all so casual?

Dodonpachi Daioujou is the best arcade game ever made

yeah memorizing few patterns is extremely fun man what could be more fun that memorizing bullet patterns maaan

How do you even play for score? I find just surviving difficult enough

Nope, I'm way too bad for that
I'm still working on a 1 all but the game is super tight, emulates really well, and has great atmosphere and music

Why do threads have to start like this?
I love shmups and bullet-hells, but having to shit on everything else ever is not a fun way to start a thread.

Memorization doesn't really apply to bullet-hells.

go back to your shitty JRPGs

Because I don't know how to get replies

I'm not attacking you specifically, this is a common way to start a thread and it just kinda bugs me.

Anyways, did anyone try out Astro Port's new game? I really liked their other games so far on Steam

They are the best kind of games to pick up and play

is Retroarch any good?

feelio when forced to shitpost about things you love

Retroarch itself is not an emulator, it's like a nice GUI for a collection of emulators.

It's nifty, I personally don't use it but it's definitely nice.


SHMUPS are shit you shitposting faggot

Not him, but it's not a shitpost. STgs ARE the only good games. Everything else is boring kiddy shit.

>memorization doesn't really apply to bullet-hells
>the one genre where pattern memorization is literally the only thing that will make you get better


gunbird 2 is pretty fun. doesn't feel fair at all though

>Memorization doesn't really apply to bullet-hells.
That's complete bullshit. Every shmup heaily relies on memorization, and it's good this way. If they wouldn't be about memorization, they either would be boring or the gameplay would be completely fucked.

Are there any shmups with super deep loadouts?

You talking about Ikaruga? Barely a bullet-hell and definitely doesn't speak for the genre.

Do you mean something like this?

This game had such energizing music. I really liked the upgrade system too. Anyone got any similar games to recommend.

Let me guess, you are another retarded Cavedrone, right? Bullet hell or not, shmups are always about memorization, like everything else which requires you get good.


>tfw no shmup, economy sandbox

What game? This is a mockup by Android Arts.

I actually never played a cave game yet

>like everything else which requires you get good.
Why even bring it up then? We're not talking about speedrunning shmups, just playing them
Satazius, which is a huge homage to Gradius, has a "power-up" system, but instead choosing your upgrade, you get 3-different color upgrade orbs to pick up. I can't think of anything that actually uses the Gradius power-up system.

Compile made the best shmups,prove me wrong.

There are lots of good games and lots of good genres.
If you like stgs then you probably also like rhythm and fighting games, riiiight?

>I can't think of anything that actually uses the Gradius power-up system


>I actually never played a cave game yet
In other words you don't even have an idea about the genre, yet act like you know better.

I hate every genre even shmups

Going hard on the insults instead of defending your own thoughts.

I consider Parodius and Otomedius part of the Gradius series.

No, STGs are the only good genre. Everything else is literally cancerous dogshit.
>you probably also like rhythm and fighting games, riiiight?
No, never played a rhythm game (boring), and the only fighting game I play from time to time is SF 3rd Strike, even though that one is also retarded.

This reminds me of gradius 3 right after the first boss but before bubble area or is it after bubble but before volcano...

Reduce + the massive plasma balls and ring option

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should be enough for today?

>Going hard on the insults instead of defending your own thoughts.
If you haven't even played a single Cave game yet, you obviously have no idea about bullet hell games. They are ALL about memorization. Only shmups which are not about memorization are shallow and easy shit games you can clear in one try.

In QP Shooting Dangerous, you select a loadout of three shot-types that you can cycle through during the game. There's like twenty of them to choose from.
But I don't find the game very fun apart from that

But majority of bullet hells bullets are not static. It's much more about reaction.
Memorization only helps you get amazing scores, which can be said about any game.

I wasn't a big fan of that game either. I like being able to choose bullet formation, but something about the pace or the hitboxes annoyed me.

>But majority of bullet hells bullets are not static. It's much more about reaction.
Of course they are static. Do you think they just throw random shit at you the whole time or what? LOL

They are about route memorization like any other shmup.

Only enemies spawns are static, not where they shoot.

I really like to use it with EmulationStation

But I haven't found good CRT shaders and I'm too lazy to play with settings

Did Raiden V turn out good? I don't have a bone.

They either shoot static patterns, or shots aimed at the player. Some bigger enemies sometimes also chose between two or three bullet patterns randomly.

It comes down to the same. All about route memorization. Without memorization you won't get far in any shmup.

should I feel good for beating this on 1 credit?

What is the best shmup level of all time? This gets my vote.

SHMUPS are great. I always have such a good time playing them even when I'm getting my ass kicked, and I naturally get better because of it. Even recently 1 CC'd Cho Ren Sha finally.
I wish I could have the same mindset when it comes to fighting games though.

Ya, I can see where you're coming at with the "aimed at the player" thing. But using this logic, can't you argue any genre comes down to memorization? It's like saying you won't get far in Bayonetta if you don't memorize the timing to dodge enemies attack, or memorizing how to dodge the projectiles in Doom.

Also, thank you for butting into the conversation. It was going no where with that other guy. I dont think I've ever seen the phrase "LOL" unironically in an insanely long time.

Is this the babbie version where you always get a shitton of power-ups after each death?
If yes, no, you shouldn't.

thanks breh

1CC/1LC are always a cause for celebration.
You should reward yourself handsomely whenever you achieve one.

Why aren't there good shmups for android?


>using this logic, can't you argue any genre comes down to memorization?
No, because hardly any genre is as challenging as shmups. People always see memorization as bad thing, when in reality all it means is just that the genre is actually challenging. Basically anything which requires effort to get good at requires memorization, but most games don't require much effort.

>It was going no where with that other guy. I dont think I've ever seen the phrase "LOL" unironically in an insanely long time.
You are still talking with the same person you dumbfuck. LOL LOL LOL XD XD XD

What's your favourite shmup? How much have you played it?

So what did you guys think of the HD remake of Lifeforce that Konami was making before it got canceled and they went full pachinko?

And what is the best Gradius series song, and why is it Thunderbolt?

Ikaruga, 369 hours

Are there any newer versions of shmupMAME out?

I can't stand 5ms of input lag in Batrider it's too intense

When shitposting, keep in mind the value of your post will stay the same no matter the intent you have while typing on your keyboard.
Thank you.

I noticed a difference between nemesis and gradius that gradius bullets go way slower, it doesnt give powerups after death, and the volcano/barrage sections start slow then get faster. Where in nemesis, you get a chance to rebuild some of your powerups, but there are more enemies and the game is constantly fast, and gets even faster with the more options you deploy.

I found gradius to be much less forgiving, but still doable even though it's going to take a much longer time to get your options and weapons back. I guess I prefer nemesis though because of how fast it is and if I do fuck up it's not such a climb to get back in the game.


For everything but MAME. They use old versions and the "unified UI" is kind of fucked by MAME's internal handling

Use MAMEUIFX or some other package instead.

I used to be able to get to the last stage of CRS68k pretty consistently.

Then I got my stick and played only MAME shmups for a while and went back and got my ass handed to me. I have to switch back to keyboard just for this game and I still don't do nearly as well as I did.

Hi kraut-kun.

Jesus H. Christ. How does a person spend that much time on a shmup?

Air Zonk,a bazillion times.Inb4 its too easy

>369 hours
>that much

By scoring. Getting a good high-score usually takes several 100s of hours of practice.

By having real autism.

That poster is an anti-social sperg who plays modded Skyrim all day long when he isn't playing shmups.

By loving it. I just love the game and try to get really good at it. Still have a long way to go though.

So i picked up darius bust from the psn flash sale over the weekend and its pretty fun so far, but is there anything to unlock in it? extra ships or modes or anything?

i really picked it up for the 4 player mode, but i feel like there isnt really much to it.

dariusburst is outsourced garbage

go play border down for the real successor to darius

nice, man
How do you, personally, know when you're improving? How does that feel?

No, play other arcade games you simpleton


Deathsmiles! I have 80 hours logged on the Steam version, and probably at least 100 hours on top of that on the 360 version.


>It's a "without the slowdown it's basically impossible" segment

Yo fuck those bouncy lasers, can't react to that shit

>not entering the bonus stage

The moment that I became a man

>bonus stage
>playing the extremely easy and inferior SNES version

kys my man

snes version would be best if they fixed the lag tbqh famicom

What's Sup Forums opinion on Jamestown?
Also, if I'm new to shmups, do I have to start with Gradius, R-type and the like, or should I jump right into games like Jamestown, Ikaruga, Battle Garegga?

who /fantasy zone/ here?
the ones in the sega 3d collection are pretty nice, and the endless mode in the remake of II can get really hectic

Jamestown is fun but not really like arcade style shmups
Try them all and play whatever you like best

I cant even tell what this is.

Based kraut detected

>couldn't get a top 5 score in CCWI like he promised

>but not really like arcade style shmups
Really? How?

It's like a campaign where you play level by level. Although there is an unlockable option to play all the levels in a row

Vertical shmups, or horizontal shmups?

he's getting there though so I wouldn't discourage him when he's finally playing a good game

>Implying the SNES version still wasn't one of the best Gradius games.

It gave III a proper organic stage, not that phoned in shit.

>tfw the computer I run Ring Runner on keeps dying and requiring me to tamper with it to revive it
>tfw no one plays Ring Runner multiplayer, ever

Speaking of Organic stages. What was the point of flying into a giant organism and causing what I assume is massive internal damage to it?

Can you imagine Vic Viper flying around in your body fucking up your blood vessels and organs?

He can't even consistently beat level 2!

Generally I prefer verts but horis are a nice change of pace

Dumb awoo poster.

I'm still the only person on Sup Forums who cares about Ring Runner?

Looks like it.
It's also not a shmup desu