Go to a video game review aggregate

>go to a video game review aggregate
>find a game you love
>find a 0/10 review
>post it here

Street Fighter 4:
>Oh dear god. this game sucks. first battles are supposed to be easy and oh no your dead in a second due to the amazingly overpowered CPU. So you try challenges to get better. oh wait, due to the stupidly hard combos you cant get through those. So you try online. its full of people who keep using the same move over and over and over again. This game is terrible. my advice go buy soul calibur.

>Mario Galaxy
Ok, I ask myself "Who the hell would rate this game high. I mean yeah i used to play it...(Mario that is) But then I turned 8 years old! The amount of games that are being sold is appalling (For Mario)
This is so outrageous and stupid that I just can't rate it!

Dark Messiah
>Best Game Ever!!!!

>Metroid Prime
No I cannot say good-bye Halo you stupid moron, where is the multiplayer Biznotch. Wheres the game of the year award. The game is incredible but nothing compared to the classics like Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, or Halo. But really the only problem with this game is that the controls are wierd, but since the Gamecube controller is not designed for FPS I congratulate nintedo on the effort. Great Game, the zero is just to get the attention of the itiot who said it was better than Halo.

This game is a waste, and does not deserve a ten... I give the game a 0 --and it deserves a 0. Originally I was excited to play, I brought a cup of tea with me. And the levels "puzzles"(if you can call them that...) were ridiculously easy, so easy. I hit this one "loading..." screen toward the end of the final chapter and figured I had just finished some sort of testing area for the real game. The game was stuck on this "loading..." screen, so I got up and got another cup of tea, returned to the games main screen. I thought nothing of it, some sort of glitch maybe. I went back into the level I completed last and ran through it, couldn't have taken more than a minute, literally ran through it and into the elevator again. "loading..." then back to the main screen. Now I thought to myself, "has the game really ended??" so I tried one more time --"loading..." and the same thing. I went online to learn about the game and it turns out that the game had ended. I want to use the word "scam", but people are not only dumb enough to pay money for this game, but also they give it good reviews, so i look at the game as a money making portal. A portal over the internet, where STEAM takes your money and portals it into their bank account. bravo.

well when i first saw the game i thought this will defenantly get a ten on my scale but when i got the game and couldn't play it because the valve team are bunch of incompitant retards. its wierd i can't play a game on my brand new laptop that meets the recommended requirements. this game has also fucked up all of my other steam game except half life 2 which is a good game the first 5000 time i beat it. i would give the game a lower score but numbers dont go that low!!!

Fucking Kevin strikes again

Bet on age groups ladies and guess what type of people these user reviews belong to are. Aside from being autistic, that's cheating

i hate this game it is not as good as halo by a longshot i hate the game the story line is short i got this game last week and i have beaten it twice it is to easy who ever likes this game is werid i hate it halo is better bioshock does not deserve first place halo does and it will be once it comes out halo actully makes sence and it i boring and it sucks

>another one
Totally agree with most of the rest low voters. just hated it. I expected too much I guess since this game is annoyingly overrated. critics and players should be more careful in their reviews to avoid causing great expectations.

I think Bioshock sucks. While it is pretty to look at, the sound effects are very week. the guns don't even sound like a gun. Plus it is too hard to get through, even on Normal. I get killed within 2 or 3 minutes every time.

>Devil May Cry 3
Wow, high scores from everyone. Ok lets see, a guitar as a weapon, Dante himself is like a goth white boy with stupid jokes,every stage seems to look the same, some of the worst Boss battles i have ever seen in a game before(The F#@ked up Ice Dog-the witch lady), Dante seems useless with his new moves(although he's younger), the difficulty is for the insane. For one I have a life, so i'm not going to sit a game(WELL THIS GAME ANYWAY!) and play for 4 hours trying to figure out how to use all the "style" systems, cuz SwordMaster is prob the best. So what do we have so far, we have horrid gameplay where nothing flows like the first DMC and we have stupid charaters,a real nice Sh!$ story, terrible settings(not near as close a the beauiful mansion in DMC-1. If you have me Devil May Cry 2 was better than this joke of a game. Now some of you game whores might say well it was just to hard for you, well maybe but i really loved and passed the First game like 7 times, the secound game like 3 times so i kinda now what a DMC game is supposed be like. If you buy this game and once again listen to he the critics don't blame anyone if your FORCING YOURSELF to play through this game.

>Stalker: Call of Pripyat
i don't have any positive thing to say about this game,, so i wont say all the negative things either, only thing i will say is, "if u are an fallout fan/cs fan/oblivion(skyrim), diablo,, aso aso. don't try this game,, confusing"
i played for under 5 min,, just didn't like the "feel" of it. very different from other similar games.

>read one post, 0/10
>"I thought it was an 8/10 game but so many people put 10/10 so I had to give a really low review to bring the aggregate down"
I'm beyond mad

I start up the game and encounter my first enemy. I remember I had a tranq-pistol and a knife. I tranquilized the enemy, and didn't want him waking up and compromising my mission, so I used the knife to stab him. After about a dozen or so stabs, my victim gets up. I then turned off my console.

>Sly Cooper
What a load of junk. A wannabe steal game that gets punched, stomped on, and thrown off a 10-story building by games such a Splinter Cell and Thief. Actually, you can't even compare them to each other. Sly is a game that makes me feel like I'm controlling some cartoon character. WAY too kiddie and overall just plain crap.

>This game is terrible. my advice go buy soul calibur.
he's not wrong though

I'm noticing a consistent theme of people hating games because they expected other games.

>hyper light drifter
Every review that says this game requires patience and skill to enjoy this game is correct. I love this game, but I'd rather watch someone play it perfectly than go through this myself. It's a hassle and a chore. I can't recommend playing it unless you're a god.

>all the bad reviews are kids saying its too hard

Sounds fair desu

>Witcher 2
Loved the first witcher, it was a true RPG. This iteration is not an RPG, its a platformer. I hate platformers and hitting all the platformer stages is just annoying.

>Dwarf Fortress
One of the most overrated "games" of all time. The interface turns away the majority of gamers, which is why this game isn't a big success. The graphics are also non-existent. At least Minecraft HAS graphics.

>Dragon's dogma
My first review was glowing, as I was halfway through the game... Shortly after my review, the game glitched and I could not progress any further, forcing me to start over on my 26 hour save file... When i finally got back to the point in the game where the game glitched again, I had come to find out it was right before the LAST mission... not the middle. What i've come to find is that basically there is no MIDDLE of the game... it just goes from about 1/3rd in, to the end! all of the rest of the missions that should be in the middle of the game are downloadable content.... you bastards! this is a serious let down. I was really enjoying this game, but right as its starting to hit its stride... it ends. I'm now trading it in to Amazon... I don't care about the DLC or the RE6 demo... i just want to get this poor excuse for a $60 DOLLAR game out of my house

>mfw I have no idea what he's talking about

>Search for game
>it has no 0 review scores
>closest to negative review is a 5

heh....nothing personal kids...

That game isn't bad because it's hard. It's bad because there is a shit ton of backtracking and the combat gets very repetitive very fast. I feel bad for the people that I told to buy this game because I was trying to force myself to like it

>Still Dragon's Dogma
This game is a lazy effort. The enemies are too difficult, killing the player in 2-3 hits despite being at a relatively high level, grabbing the player and inflicting damage while the player has to WAIT to be able to free himself and some even possess the ability to kill the player in one hit that cannot be defended against. The character moves too slowly to compete with enemies who move at the speed of sound. The DLC is complete trash being nothing but items that weaken your character, boring "fetch quests" (Kill 30 undead, Collect 50 Tokens) or pointless game modes that add nothing to the overall experience of the game (SPEED RUN MODE IN A BLOODY RPG??). The storyline is more JRPG than RPG giving the player no control over the flow of the story except to move from one plot point to the next. There is no world immersion; the NPCs in the game might as well be part of the scenery. Speaking of the scenery, on more than one occasion, I found myself walking through trees, crates and benches as if they weren't there. Weapons and armor must be purchased at exorbitant prices and there is little to no real treasure to be found in the game. Spells and skills take too long to come to completion in combat making some of the character classes useless as the tachyons masquerading as enemies will frequently interrupt the spell while your allies mill about ignoring any command to defend you. The game's main selling point, the boss battles, isn't even polished. While you can grab enemies and climb about striking weak points, the creature can simply disable all button commands by moving about. Since it takes stamina to hold on, the player will often find themselves out of stamina while frantically hammering the controller produces no effect. The one lone bright spot of the game is the deep character customization. It's also the reason I give this game a 2.

>no treasure to be found in the game
if there is any wrong criticism with DD it's this.

Mario Sunshine
>He uses water for his attack and he uses it to clean the island. i wouldnt waste my time playing a fake world.
Katamari (2 score not 0)
>How people can rate this garbage high I dont know. They rate manhunt and suffering under 70 but this crap is almost 90??? Rolling around a ball...please ...garbage.

Did this guy seriously think that after you kill the dragon there would be much more to the game? I mean thats the whole fucking point of the story.

>Wipeout Pure
I did notlike this game it is a total copy of star wars i think it should not be a psp game.

>Kirby: Super Star ULTRA
A great game, but really has no in-depth. There are only a few missions to beat as well as the lack of campaign gameplay. However, the boss fighting mode (forgot the name) is epic and fun due to the availabilty of partners. If you are a avid fan of Kirby, try playing it.

>another one
The game is good,but it gets boring.The last level is very hard! you do the same thing in the whole game! my friend Meridith can't beat level two!!! I had a hard time trying to beat six.on two player mode with only one game card you have to look at the other player's screen and that is annoying! the game needs some upgrades.

Have never seen more suckier game than this. The only reason people are playing this is that it's easy to learn and even the nerds with an IQ of a fly could learn to play it. So all the gamers out there who don't have the brain for a bit more challenging game, go and give CS a try.

>Mount & Blade Warband
Tyпoe дepьмo, этa игpa coceт члeн.Mнe дaли квecт пoйти и ocвoбoдить cынa oднoгo пиздюкa и я тихo пpoбpaлcя в зaмoк пoдхoжy к тeмницe нy и тaм cтoит cтpaжник eгo нaдo yeбaть и взять ключи, нo y нeгo мeч и бpoня пиздaтaя,a y мeня пaлкa и бpoня и oлeний кoжи,a вce пoтoмy чтo в зaмoк c кpyтoй бpoнeй и мeчoм нeльзя зaйти пoтoмy чтo тeбя c пaлят нy и этoт пиздюк тeбя yбивaeт вce вpeмя.

>also M&B
the graphics are **** controls suck...and for the love of god there is no voice acting. Its 2014 I shouldn't have to read every thing an NPC says in a game....

>There's a good game buried in Overwatch, but it is grossly overshadowed by one of the worst match making mechanics around. Enforcing a 50% win rate, you will have frustrating, boring match after frustrating, boring match. Even if, somehow, you get a decent one, a rarity, the lack of maps will quickly make this game a dull use of forty dollars.

Battleborn shills still pissed off.

>Hotline Miami
This game is absolutely god awful. I played 5 minutes of it, rage quit, and broke my keyboard. I hate this game and I hate the people who made it. I was so enraged by this game I felt the need to create a metacritic account just to express to everyone just how bad of a game this is. DON'T PLAY IT

Ok, the gameplay is very cool, it is a funny game, but seriously, the graphics? Jeez, this looks like SuperNintendo game on steroids, ps1 maybe, ps2? No way. It's a shame, this game could have been sooo good. Unless you're a diehard gamer who's into retro gaming, forget it, you'll be so dissapointed by the graphics.

>Steel Beasts
Graphics suck unrealistic weapons/features.

>Age of Empires
This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it. This game sucks. I wrote a longer review before but i lost it

Pikmin 2
No 0/10s this is the only mixed review (5/10)

This game is just a dumbed down clone of PC strategy games, wrapped up in a cute little package. It's lengthy, and original, but compared to a lego strategy game on PC (that is a few years pikmins senior) it seems dumbed down and lacking. Perhaps I'm just being picky, but I want a full fledged strategy game, not a cutsey treasure hunt nintendo spinnoff. oh well.

That sounds about right. I'm not good at fighters and street fighter killed me.

>Ill probably love this game when it comes out, because I love all of the others. But because its NOT out and I dont know, for now im giving it a big fat zero to drop the score because of all the fanboys voting prematurely. Now this user score is not accurate thanks to them.

MANY BUGS You Died" then wait almost a whole minute to respawn then soon thereafter see "you Died"
rinse repeat. Bland, repetitive gameplay. No storyline.

>Luigi's Mansion

Simply put: this game sucks. It is tedious, repetitive, and quite possibly the worst game I've ever played.

>Witcher 3
The current paragon of role-playing titles and open worlds, The Witcher: Wild Hunt is a game for the ages; a rich and immersive world full of significant decisions and a feeling of intelligent and epic fantasy.But one fatal flaw, no steam cards.

>Gothic II
lowest i found is this 3

Looks like all of the negative scores don't have any reviews, so I'll be brave and post the first one. Only tried the game out recently and was hoping it'd be an improvement over the first Gothic. As a matter of fact, there were some improvements. The controls are a bit better now and aren't as tricky as in the first game. Also the story carries on from the first right away and I generally thought that the music and the atmosphere were as good as in the first one. However, nothing else had improved. In fact, in terms of pacing it got even worse. Much worse. Now you're thrust right into a huge city without any direction as to what to do. Or in fact, you are told to go and do x, y, and z. However, when you try to find out how to get those tasks done, the game just shrugs and tells you to find it out by yourself. Now this is incredibly boring. Do I have to go around and talk to every NPC in the city in a hope that at least one of them can tell me something useful? I understand open gameplay and all, but it still needs some direction. If the game isn't going to bother to captivate and immerse me, then why should I continue to plough on, hoping that eventually it would get interesting? It's just incredibly slow paced. If you are someone who wants to get right into the game and do interesting stuff, then I'd avoid Gothic 2 for sure. Now I've still got Gothic 3 left. I'm just hoping at least that would be an improvement over 1 and 2.

everthing about this comment makes me mad

>Medieval II: Total War
This game be hitten all up on my grillz homies, i be goin dlown to da mall bein all cool and sh*t and these peeps would be knockin at my crib sayin how east side this game was u heard me son. my peeps would never buy this sh*t and neither should you, you heard me you white people i dont give bout you wiggers so... dont be playin hatin home g's


>An empty shell of a game. Both the Singleplayer and Multiplayer aspect of the game is so average and repetitive. Go there, kill some demons, go there and kill some more demons. Congrats you beat the singleplayer. Would you like to play the Multiplayer with sh*tty customization now and the same boring repetitive gameplay now? You'll get bored of both aspects of the game in 5-6 hours. If not less. Anyone with atleast 1 brain cell would be smart enough to ignore this and buy Uncharted 4 instead.


Fire Emblem: Awakening

Oct 6, 2015
>To make it Short the Title Fire Emblem: Grinding would be more matching. Like Midipon already said you grind levels, skills, some boring marriage stuff but it's not rewarding at all...

>Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2 may be one of the most lauded PC gaming experiences, but I'll never know, because the same criticisms I had about Dead Space 1 apply to its successor. Namely the fact that your player camera is needlessly 3rd person over-the-shoulder, meaning that at any given time at least 1/4 of the screen is not visible. I played about ten minutes of DS2, shambing around constantly twitching the camera to see into my blind spots like a man with one eye, before I remembered exactly why I quit DS1. It's like trying to watch a movie with someone's head in the way -- This is no kind of way to play a FPS, and with no option to switch to 1st person like you'd expect from any decent game, I had no reason to continue.

>Baldurs Gate 2

Simply awful game compare to Neverwinter Nights , TES Morrowind , Diablo , Diablo 2 and other brilliants of RPG gengre.

now i think this might be the first person to not totally talk out of their ass
for some that might be a gamebreaker

to be as autistic and actually write a review like this ....

Mountain Blade: Warband
>Ok, so, like many of you, I am a hardcore rager. I have snapped game disks, stomped on my x box and and eventully I broke my x box. And i got a gaming pc. With that said, unless you are a huge rager like me, avoid this review. So many times i have yelled. As loud and as long as i could until i couldent see through my eyes because dark spots appeared everywhere. This game did that. I think i have broken 2 mouses because of this game. But for some reason i cant explain i keep coming back to it. Just recently I spent all the money i had in the game on armour. I lose a battle because this games combat is and i lose it. I smash my mouse, hit my desk as hard as i can 15 times, walk around making that typical rager yell while hitting everything i could find. And finally, i rage deleted the game like i have done many times. This game is complete in terms of graphics and combat. Along with no story and absolutly no depth. All writing is in text and the game dosent even have an ending. I would strongly reccomend you get this game. But if you like games that use logic and make sence, don't get it. And if you are a rager, by no means should you get this game.

holy fucking shit dude

System Shock 2 because none of the reviews for System Shock are negative
>This game is broken to the point of being unplayable. I don't get a gun when I start, I'm told that I can't even use the gun I just found (because people in the military don't know what guns are), and my only weapon is a wrench. Wow, isn't that fun.
Easily the worst PC game ever made.

great review
i can imagine it all in my head

Controls are crap, Visuals look like a ps2 launch title, and the story is a cut-rate spy movie knock-off. I lent this game to three different people who all agree that this is the worst game ever. I have played sudoku on gba and it's still better this game.

Less talking! More raiding!

>Galak Z

I can't believe the review scores for this game and the fact that almost none of the reviewers mention that the game is broken! First all , even after two major patches , Galak-z's frame rate is still tragically inconsistent especially during intense dogfights resulting to skipped frames and eventually a game over out of nowhere. To be fair , the patches fixed some issues PARTIALLY with the cost of new bugs and glitches. A quick research in youtube is going to convince anyone who thinks I am wrong. Even though I hate Jap-anime , I was waiting for this game to come out like forever hoping that it would at least have a solid performance so I could give Resogun a rest for a while. I was once again misguided by all these Galak-z trailers and fake publicity and wasted hard earned euros for a piece of junk that is littering my HDD. I won't describe all the bugs and glitches this game suffers from, do yourself a favour and make a quick research about this in YouTube before buying it or avoid like the plague

Kid Icarus Uprising

>A complete and utter disappointment. The game was very overhyped and it failed to deliver. The control scheme is broken, which is a shame consider how the actual game is quite good. Considering how game breaking the controls are, I have to rate this one low, especially considering the expectations.

>Overrated crap. No storyline involvement at all. It's hack and slash gameplay is horribly repetitive, and the game relies on this battle system. The gaming world is a horrible place for this game to be rated at even a B level.

Tales of Symphonia (this is the only 0 I could find):

>einfach nur Scheiße,
einfallsloser japan Quatsch
den kein Mensch braucht solche Spiele gehören auf den Index,
da sowas unsere Kinder wirklich versaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loosley translates to

>just shit uninspired japan nonsense no man need such games belong to the index , because something our children really messed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>hack and slash gameplay
Literally the most meaningless thing in video games these days.


Bought it at release day, traded in at next day. The problem for me is cannot pause the game no matter which button you press, even the Playstation Buttion not pause the game.

Negative reviewers also seemed to insist Demon's Souls doesn't have a story, as if further proof were needed that they are cretins.

What the actual fuck ? You cant even fucking jump in witcher 2.

Oh look, another bad game where metacritic manchildren show their hard on for anything indie made.

It's not that hard, in theory- but the controls are bad. Yes, yes, we get it- on the NES, the controls were generally terrible and that resulted in many of the games being insanely hard. But even Super Mario 3 managed to get out of that rut by the end of the console's lifespan.

Now, if you appreciate playing a game that could have come out on the NES- by all means, you'll probably like it. Just be wary that this isn't just NES challenging, but has most of the things about NES that were bad too- like controls.

If you're looking for something like Super Metroid- this isn't the place. I love Super Metroid, it's one of the best games ever made- this game is utter garbage, and nothing like it.

>Halo 3
They best be naming that shit to Gaylo 3. That shit is mad gay. Two niggas don't play that game. You know who plays this shit? Gay niggers. Gay niggers

>tfw my favorite game only has one negative review
>it's not even a 0
>it's because it was a gaiden game and the person playing it was expecting it to be like other games in the series

Can you guess the game?

>Super Mario Galaxy
We got this nigga, this mexican ass nigga that just jumped over the fucking border runnin around fixing peoples toilets. I don't know about you, but that shit ain't ballin. Chad Warden ain't gonna play as some nigga that ain't even got his papers

This is for SMT IV

>This game had so much hype but I was disappointed.
>The graphics in this game is just so...dull and dark. I guess that's what you expect out of a deep game after all though, haha. Maybe that's because I tend to like more happier-themed and colorful-schemed games.It really doesn't live up to the standards of 3DS graphics nowadays, and the graphics it currently has is not interesting at all. Take TWEWY for example. It may have had edgy graphics, but at least it was presented in a fun and showy way. The battle system was rather boring as well, and I found no interest in the fusion system. I traded in this game after having made several attempts to play SMTIV. I just couldn't get into it. Oh well.
>This is coming from the point of view of someone who has never played SMT games before, might I add in. So my review is kind of towards the gamers in the same position as well.

At least he didn't say "Dark Souls" or "Persona".

>Deus Ex

>The story is very non flowing, even if it is good I couldn't tell because it's so choppy. The ruined Mombasa that you play for most of the game as the rookie is very dull and lifeless. It has it's moments and I was entertained but it really doesn't hold a candle to what the halo name has set itself to be.

it seems like almost every 0/10 review are people who only played the campaign and couldn't play online. and yeah, if you're buying halo JUST for the campaign, then you're going to feel ripped off so I get that

Lost Planet 2
>So this stupid platformer, who dont cost 50$ and wasted time! Dont play this oldtimer game, if you dont play this 1 part. +of game Big monsters, Coop
>- Boring Big monster, boring coop

I REALLY enjoyed Fallout 3 GOTY. Played through all the DLC, found the story engaging, the enemies interesting, and the progression of the story fun. Inventory management was a bit of a beast, but all things considered, among the top 10% of RPGs I've played. So I should love New Vegas, right? That's what I thought. It has been a chore to play. It all stems from the lack of connection I feel to the lead character. In FO3 we're born, we have a childhood, we're searching for our father, always one step behind. This story opens up with our lead guy being shot and left for dead, then revived by a guy who doesn't really like us...nor dislike us, and a town that is as ambivalent. Hoping to chase down the killers, as you're in the middle of a civil war, just doesn't create the same connection as FO3. My biggest complaint is level progression and mission management. It seems like about 2/3rds of the time, I'm underleveled for my current mission. Whether it's because I need to hack a computer above my science level, or pick a lock that is too hard for my character, it's just a roadblock and senseless push to fight the same enemies over and over again, to grind it out. To make matters worse, the loading screens are everywhere. At some point I started avoided going in to buildings, so I wouldn't have to wait 30 seconds to load, just to find out there was nothing of interest. Fetch quest "quick teleport" here, then there, then there, then back to the mission, and you've spent almost 2 minutes in loading time, 10 minutes of gameplay. That's not good.

Throw in the constant need to drink from your canteen, find scarce ammo, repair clothes and guns...playing this game is a job. I already have a job, so my relaxing hobby of videogames, isn't where I hope to spend more time working.

Lastly...if I wanted to read as much as this game requires, I would sit down with an epic novel.

>buy a shitty cinematic game that plays itself instead. Goyim!

Nice try Naughty Bitch, but you fooled my twice before, not falling for a third time.

>deny my opinion
kek'd here. What opinion? There's nothing to defend because it's just baseless claims.


Nice Realschul-Englisch brudi


Kenmei Dec 23, 2011
Hard to look at and even harder to play, this indie title really dropped the ball in alot of areas. The rough edges (VERY rough in this case) and poor grammar could have been dealt with if the game was actually fun to play. Combat is horrible, the stealth is extremely buggy, just like the rest of the game, and, again, the very poor translation into English really hurt this game. Even if your looking for an under-the-radar FPS to play, I cannot recommend buying this game, even with the very low price tag. Like Philodox said, stay far, far, far away from this game.

The rating might be a bit harsh, but he's not wrong

did he acquire brozouf after the rating?

>Metro: Last Light
I randomly picked up and played the first game and instantly found interest. I then read the book Metro 2033 by Dmitry G - even better than the game. Then, I picked up last light....


It's almost as if someone WANTED to ruin this game.

The stealth is broken. The sound effects are corny and loop every 30 seconds (this is an exaggeration, but not a lie). There is no horror element. There is no survivalist element.

The Metro itself is now overpopulated with Reds and Nazis- which literally kills the idea of this being "post-apocalyptic."

Go read the book itself, or better yet, go play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - no joke. You will not be disappointed. This game, is a waste of your time.

Awful game.

RIP Metro :(

>This is no kind of way to play a FPS
>Game isn't actually an FPS
Jesus christ how stupid do you have to be to force what you want onto a game and then hate it for something it isn't

>Super Smash Bros For 3DS and Wii U
Another word for smash absolute crap in terms of playability!

No more story why did they took it out? It was one way to unlock the characters period!

They also cut out some of my best moves like Meta Knight he can't hover up any more like in brawl or Pit he gets a crap recovery instead!

Also you can't save pictures as now this is an absolute joke as it says you need a sd in your wii u to do so that is pointless in brawl you can snap them and save in memory of wii.

Boring roster too here's a check list of who;

same boring link check
same boring toon link check
same boring falco check
same boring fox check

basicly its all the clones yet again and about 5 fire emblem member's why do I bother?

if they like fire emblem then rename it to fire emblem smash

sorry but this game reeks of lazyness (haha you see a name in lazyness)

as ness he is the same too same moves as brawl, so if you plan on getting this for christmas don't bother its the same thing over and over.

they ban people too for quitting the game I remember brawl we had players quitting the game and nothing is done about it so now you get 10 mins ban

they changed kirby's voice to a low pitch one now so I am gutted about that too and no more cooking people in brawl so its a overrated game poor standards by Nintendo Collapse

>Visuals look like a ps2 launch title

>try to look up a game
>says it has like 15 or so negative reviews
>go to look at some
>"There are no negative user reviews yet"

is metacritic just fucking broken, or...

You can give a score without adding a text review

and yeah metacritic has always been fundamentally broken

>all the writing is in text