Tfw a videogame becomes a chore to play

>tfw a videogame becomes a chore to play

Take a break from video games.

Don't play them

Any MMO ever

Depression is a bitch, user.

Time to start drinking.

Watch a movie instead.

Just starting a play session is a chore for me but I feel better if I force myself in. Before I know it I've been gaming all night and having a great time.

>tfw game is shit but you have to force through it cause you paid $60 for it

>tfw not just vidya but all my favorite things and passions fall by the wayside and I lay in bed for days at a time unable to motivate myself to even eat

>tfw life is a chore

>tfw chores become a video game

I feel like I'm becoming casual. Because when I die and lose a lot of progress, it makes me never want to play the game again. I just can't be assed to do all that shit over again.

>Far Cry 3
>Final Fantasy XIII

Third time's a charm, I hope I never fall in the trap of playing a game I hate because I feel obligated to again.

>he saved a thumbnail

I still haven't finished Fallout 4. After coming home from work I cracked open a beer and got comfy, but while playing it I realized that it gives me no joy whatsoever.

Then I played CS GO with some random slavshits and all was right in the world.

Just uninstall LoL, OP

My friends only play league of legends and that game is a pile of shit. Still better than playing alone tho

Did kek appear because lol was taken up by LoL?

>being underage

>so many alts in Grim Dawn
>play only a handful of characters

Black Desert post lvl55

Another problem is the burden of choice. I have so many goddamn games and not knowing which to play first makes me choose nothing at all.

There are plenty of others ways to pass the time and indulge in escapism besides playing videogames

Just finished Devil Summoner Raidou vs Soulless Army today because of this. 35 hours over a month because the high encounter rate and mash square to win gameplay bored me to tears past a certain point. Now I have to finish FF9 and Kingdom Hearts on proud mode and they both have the same issue.
Netflix helps.

Fallout 4

No, people say kek because some stupid game did.

This. Whenever I'm burnt out, I just switch to anime And manga until I get burnt out. Same cycle for 15 years.

Look at thoese little babies!

>its a jaded gamer thread

i swear you faggots need to fuck off somewhere else

>tfw janitor thinks he can ban you for saying nigger

Shit skins are such salty cunts
