roll those New Vegas Thread characters, baby
Roll those New Vegas Thread characters, baby
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God dammit you bucket of bolts, why are you always late on your interaction for boulder city? You show up in the weirdest places
>leaves through the front gate
>prepare to turn back
>suddenly start hearing the howitzers being fired
>realize it's not just scripted for specific characters and the game will fire on anyone not flagged properly
rolling but I play on console so I'm 90% sure I won't do it
See you in vegas, dumbass
>roll again
Got power armor training
If dad were here today, I think he'd be proud
It's been in my library for years, but I've never played it. Rollan.
How fucked am I?
Fallout 4 thread instead
Rate my yummy mummy
frick off you shitter
I'm going to give you a quick tutorial on running New Vegas with minimal problems.
Install the game, run it once so that all the files are verified and set, then follow these simple instructions
Note that your game directory is located in \Steam\SteamApps\common
This is only needed for manual installation, which NVSE and 4GB require to run properly
First, download and install Mod Organizer.
If using the installer, run it as administraitor
The skyrim nexus is just a hosting site, it will detect New Vegas along with other Bethesda games before Fo4
Install New Vegas Script Extender by dropping the files into your New Vegas directory as mentioned above
Very important, a key feature for a lot of mods
Install 4GB by dropping the files into your New Vegas directory as mentioned above
Install Yukichigai Unofficial Patch through Mod Organizer
Install New Vegas Anti-Crash through Mod Organizer
Install The Mod Configuration Menu through Mod Organizer, this is a system for mods that allows in-game mod customization, which CASM has
And then install CASM through Mod Organizer, NV's vanilla saving system is prone to bloating and save corruption, CASM does not bloat and rarely if at all will corrupt your save
Also check out Fear and Loathing, it contains a lot of tweaks and tutorials for setting up your game to run its best.
I recommend you hold off on game changing mods until you've played through the game enough to know what you're changing.
why do other people always seem to have the funnest adventures in new vegas and my runs are always boring and uneventful
the best moment was probably:
>fighting cazadores with Arcade
>he gets stung during the fight
>kill all of the cazadores
>he says "I guess that could have gone wor-" and passes out from poisoning and literally falls flat on his face
How much do you innovate with your playthroughs?
what do you mean by 'innovate'
Fine. Rollerino!
what is the best gun in the game and why is it the Medicine Stick
I like survivalist's rifle the best desu
I mean like, how much do you start a new character with a specific personality or goal in mind?
Pick a weapon or playstyle you don't normally go with and try to make it fun for you, roll with the punches
Look things up on the wiki if you need ideas
For example this is my first unarmed build in my entire time playing
I started out with a caucasian man named Frank Horrigan, when leaving goodpsrings I decided I wanted to be blue instead, and made an african american
When I went to make him blue, I made him green first because sliders are weird, and I decided to stick with green because it looks fucking stupid.
Since I was green now, I added Jr to my name because I wanted to make this character all the more stupider, and because it filled up the characters you can have in a name.
I made my goals:
1) Buy every implant
2) Get to OWB so I can have max strength from the renforced spine perk
and 3) Obtain remnants power armor so I can be like dad
Being a Frank Horrigan fanboy and thus an enclave fanboy, I do my best to piss on ghouls and super mutants, all abominations must be destroyed.
Only it backstory makes it worthwhile
>I mean like, how much do you start a new character with a specific personality or goal in mind?
I usually have a certain character/personality in mind but the idea is usually so weak that it devolves into a generic good karma sneak/rifle character
I've got an idea for a fun playthrough already but I still have so much stuff to do on my current character and I don't want to do all that shit from the beginning
I want to do an Explosives run, but with a catch. Nothing like a missile launcher, grenade machine gun, or cheating using explosive rounds in the AMR. So that leaves Grenade Rifles, Grenade Launcher and the Grenade APW. The Rifle and Launcher work with Grunt, but the APW doesn't. Whats the better choice out of those weapons?
literally better than most rifles with that sweet DPS
>Grenade APW
this is literally the first time I've heard about this weapon
Damage is more important than DPS mid and late game
how da fuck i do this shit
AMR shitter detected
I prefer the Medicine Stick
AMR is too impractical
I haven't used it, but its like a more portable, or downsized 25mm Grenade machine gun. Got a lot of attachments, pretty decent looking.
let see what I get.
ronal mcdonaldomd
Any recomendations for good mods?