Bonfire Lit Crew

Are they our only hope?




Tubro Button:

Vash the Shell Bullet:


Why do Youtube threads ALWAYS get deleted on this site, while obvious porn bait threads are okay? Even Sup Forums does this.

Shilling is real

Everyone but Turbo and Hyper from that list are garbage. Also Hyperbit is a cunt that doesn't answer anyone on social media/comments

So what?

Clemps is pretty nice though

If you're gonna make a "shill your own Youtube channel" thread, at least make it subtle. The OP picture alone will probably cause dozens of people to report it.

Hyperbit is a self-centered cunt that doesn't give back to the people he literally owes everything to

But it's the first one in the OP.

>All the good Sup Forums tier youtubers stopped making videos

They only talk about good games (japanese games and no RPGs) and believe gameplay>story so the redditors here will never watch them.

>no gamingbritshow

Shill your boyfriend at least.

he is the first link.

>HBH and TGB like asura's wrath

Where is Joseph Anderson?

>Al Russel deleted his channel
>Fitz is dead
>Matthewmatosis ran off to Mexico with his patreon money
>Chadunda doesn't make videos anymore
>Mechagamezilla doesn't make videos anymore
>brutalcumpowder doesn't make videos anymore
>Oxide went full airshitter

why even live

Al russel was a faggot.

I enjoyed his videos, fight me


Paid by Sega to shill the Yakuza series. Stopped reading there.

In what way?

Matthew is just slow as fuck. At least Mecha still does his yearly Christmas video. I still miss instig8ive. GYP was a mistake.

He was ok.

miss me yet?

>Al Russel deleted his channel
Fuck, I thought I was forgetting someone. His videos were great

Past their prime

Imagine the butthurt if someone like matthew did a normal video analysis of something like New Vegas, it would be 3 hours of trashing the game design.

I enjoyed when he took a huge dump on gamergate, but his subsequent social commentary attempts were pretty lame. Hope the next one (if it ever comes out) will focus on the important things again.

GamingBrit, Turbo Button and HyperBitHero are amazing.

Vash is the ABSOLUTE relentless faggot with shit opinions and nigger attitude.

Never heard of the rest.

What did he do?