It's too good to be true

It's too good to be true...

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What's so great about the concept? I can't understand how this dumb planet hopping concept still gets your dick hard after starbound.

>all planets only have one climate/biome each
>planets are miles away (note some trailers show short travel to moons, not planets which are much further away)
>can rename any creature/planet, but doing so is completely redudant given the fact there's no reason to stay on a planet and chances of another player seeing said planet is almost 0
>the online "multiplayer" is extremely misleading - players cannot bump into each other in the world; rather, actions they do (like renaming things) will take effect in an asynchronous manner
>the "quests" shown off were literally to gather matetials or defend/attack a faction
>NPCs have no AI whatsoever, only a select few scripted events to trigger the above
>less than 10 actual climates seem to exist in the game, with recolours being their compromise for looking like more
>due to the insanely high number of apparent planets in this game, statistically the chances of you seeing many unique ones is miniscule - rather, you're more likely to see a planet with tall mountains in red, then one with slightly shorter mountains in blue, then in green with a lake. The more permutations in a procedural structure, the less different they are to one-another
>"combat" appears to only be basic gunplay (one of the easiest things to implement to make what would otherwise just be a simulator into a game, since implementing guns just requires basic raycasting)
>optional weapon upgrades that are """crafted""" by dumping random collectibles on it
>trees, creatures, and NPCs shown off so far already have duplicates in promotional material, which is quite an antithesis to all the "there's so many permutations!" point they hammer-in

Why are people even hyped for such trash?

The devs deserve to go to prison for false advertising. This is a fact.

What if we just wait for the game to release to find out? Crazy idea.

yeah, no, im fucking canceling my preorder

And you wont understand because you clearly have brain damage, since you cant see the obvious appeal this game has.

>all planets only have one climate/biome each
Yeah that's too bad, it does encourage exploring severals planets tho

>planets are miles away (note some trailers show short travel to moons, not planets which are much further away)
Not really, apparently people who played the demo got told that the planets would be a bit farther away in the real game. Some guy who played the demo also told that you can see how long it takes to reach a planet in your HUD, and with his ship's base speed it would take him 5 hours, a few minutes using fuel.

>>can rename any creature/planet, but doing so is completely redudant given the fact there's no reason to stay on a planet and chances of another player seeing said planet is almost 0
Uploading your discoveries to beacon allow some infos to show on the galactic map for everyone, and if there's valuable resources to be found on your planet more players might be interested in going there
>>the online "multiplayer" is extremely misleading - players cannot bump into each other in the world; rather, actions they do (like renaming things) will take effect in an asynchronous manner
This is false, as you can read here
While it's true that the game is singleplayer at its core, it's not true two players can't run into one another. This article also explain why the devs downplay this feature
>the "quests" shown off were literally to gather matetials or defend/attack a faction
There's also the artifacts which need you to perform certain actions to get bonuses from them, and the starates only open through different means you have to figure out. however you're right in that that stuff hasn't been shown
>NPCs have no AI whatsoever, only a select few scripted events to trigger the above
No idea where you pulled that from, the NPC don't look dumber than NPC usually do

We are, but these manufactured hype/bait threads are popping up 2 a day minimum so we gotta fling shit at it.

fucking dropped, my mates canceled too

Star Citizen will blow it out of the water.

because its a single player game

>all planets only have one climate/biome each
Remove plants or the ocean and that would be earth as well you stupid fuck.

Sup Forums's bullshit detector might be a bit over sensitive, but everyone else's is just plain broken.

Sean Murray is obviously a hackfraud. The concept of his game is okay, but he's promoting it like an amazing explorable universe. It's just a bunch of procedurally generated planets with minimal gameplay sprinkled in. Will absolutely be boring.

>It's just not for you

>less than 10 actual climates seem to exist in the game, with recolours being their compromise for looking like more
The 50+ planets revealed show pretty good diversity in my opinion but you're right in that it focuses mainly on planets looking sorta earth-like, however some of them are definitely aliens worlds and the dev is pretty set on not revealing the best part of the game. You might argue that it's retarded since it'll pull more people in but judging by the amount of preorder and the positive word-to-mouth if he actually delivers his stuff it's justified.
>>due to the insanely high number of apparent planets in this game, statistically the chances of you seeing many unique ones is miniscule - rather, you're more likely to see a planet with tall mountains in red, then one with slightly shorter mountains in blue, then in green with a lake. The more permutations in a procedural structure, the less different they are to one-another
This is a lot of assumption, and this can be fixed by making sure planets too simialr to each other tend to be in differents locations of the galaxy
>"combat" appears to only be basic gunplay (one of the easiest things to implement to make what would otherwise just be a simulator into a game, since implementing guns just requires basic raycasting)
Yeah definitely looks simple, but functional. There's a fighting trailer comign up this week tho
>optional weapon upgrades that are """crafted""" by dumping random collectibles on it
Using resources in your inventory to craft items is the textbook definition of crafting in vidya game, I'm not sure what yo'ure offended about or why you call the collectibles "random"
>trees, creatures, and NPCs shown off so far already have duplicates in promotional material, which is quite an antithesis to all the "there's so many permutations!" point they hammer-in
Agreed, it's worth waiting a bit for community feedback. Apparently shit get weirder toward the center

Serious contender for dumbest post of the year.

Have you even read the article?


>The only answer that I can think of for this is a really technical one. If we were to make a game where we synchronized every player, what they were doing with every other player, then that would be impossible and no one has ever done that. What we can do is, like many games that you have at the moment, where you are flying around with an open lobby. People are coming into that lobby and leaving it – like if you play Watch Dogs or something like that. Effectively, we have players joining your discrete space. We're not trying to make an MMO where you can play with literally 60,000 people on screen. We handle the case like where other people can fly past in your game or that you can bump into other players in the game.

>But that's okay for us because it will never happen. I guess the whole of the entire community could organize to go to one specific spot and then they would find that they weren't all there at the same time. That would be ridiculous.

Holy shit it's literally a scam. They say there's multiplayer and then refute it in the most confusing way possible. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>Yeah that's too bad, it does encourage exploring severals planets tho
>and with his ship's base speed it would take him 5 hours, a few minutes using fuel.
These 2 points contradict each other. Why don't planets have more than 1 biome to prevent the player having to travel for 5 minutes minimum to the next planet? It's so fucking stupid and this is what the whole game is built around.

>it's not true two players can't run into one another. This article also explain why the devs downplay this feature
Because players have basically no.chance of bumping into each other?
Brilliant, another spot of genius for the game design here!

>however you're right in that that stuff hasn't been shown
The game is complete and releases in like 2-3 weeks now?
They really have no reason to hold back information.this late

No idea where you pulled that from, the NPC don't look dumber than NPC usually do
Given the talk of factions you could join/attack/interact with, I was expecting a little more (even just bits of conversation with an NPC) than just them giving you menial tasks for things you're already doing as part of the game's end goal anyway.

multiple times now, we all know their lies
>its a multiplayer game
>but you wont meet anyone because its sooooo big

>We handle the case like where other people can fly past in your game or that you can bump into other players in the game.

>But that's okay for us because it will never happen. I guess the whole of the entire community could organize to go to one specific spot and then they would find that they weren't all there at the same time. That would be ridiculous.

What did he mean by this?

Plant distribution is what causes the different ecosystems on earth, where as the ocean is main supplier of moisture is the only reason there can be ecosystems on earth. So remove plants and all of the land areas on earth are now barren wastelands, and remove the ocean and the entire planet becomes a barren wasteland. You stupid fuck.

They want that label that says "Online!" on their box for more sales. That's the only reason to be so dubious on mp and design the game in a way that mp is nearly impossible, and pointless to boot.

I bet the multiplayer will be like XCX, squad missions aside, that game's "32 player asynchronous multiplayer" consists of ghosts of non-players (but represented by player avaters, think like Splatoon's lobby) that you can somewhat interact with or gain items/help from in battles etc.. Judging by what the developers have said, this is the type of multiplayer NMS will have.

>Technically all players are in different universes
>When a player changes something, the robot race of nanobots recreates that change in the other universe
>The nanobots also reset changes on planets when you leave
>The developers were not capable of making a good game so they wrote the story to accomodate it

Screencap this

How much support will there be for modding?

Since when was NMS going for realism?
It was under my understanding that it's a videogame for entertainment purposes, most notably a videogame where the key selling point is exploration of planets - stupidly, they contradict this by having the planets one-note as a single biome type for every single entire planet, meaning you have to spend ~5 minutes+ (and that's if you actually have enough fuel...) to reach the next landscape...I mean planet. It's really retarded game design for an exploration game, like Wind Waker's oceans times a billion.

>They want that label that says "Online!" on their box for more sales
Yeah that's why it's noted singleplayer on Steam

>No idea where you pulled that from, the NPC don't look dumber than NPC usually do
In case it's unclear, this part of my post was supposed to also be greentext.

All those 18 quintillion planets are predefined on the base disc or how does this work? I mean let's assume I never ever play this shit online, will my PS4/PC create all that shit when I install the game or when I reach some predefind positon on the map the engine will start creating a new planet randomly?

literally zero, you can add models and shit but you will never know there it spawned because its all lol so randum

there better be some frog fraction style insane bullshit hidden in the alien language after all the practical stuff

It would be fraud otherwise.

>the planets will be boring as fuck
>well yeah if you made the earth boring as fuck, it would be boring as fuck too!

Think Arena, it just auto generates everything. Literally everything. So the base game probably wont be very big size wise.

user only planets with plant life and liquid surfaces will actually have different biomes you moron.

iits all on disk, this game is perfectly playable offline

This might be the most retarded thing I've read in 2016. Dumber than the removal of the orlando shooting from the list of islamic terrorist attacks on wikipedia. Congratulations.

So where are they then?
No, seriously, there is literally no evidence that any of that exists - even planets they've shown off WITH plantlife and wildlife was all the same climate through the entire planet, but I'd gladly be proven wrong.

it'll be the next spore
all the shit we've heard about and are excited for will either get cut or poorly implemented
the 18,000,000,000 planets we were promised will be cookie cutter cutouts in different hues
and no real multiplayer


Screencap this post

These threads will die once the game gets released.

You know, if that picture would be how the game actually looks like, I'd might be interested.

But it looks like fucking trash and the coiors hurt my eyes


Look at our solar system you stupid fuck, barren worlds galore faggot, and every extrasolar planet seems to be a hellhole.

You wont see other players because nobody will be playing it LUL

Then it can be either awesome or total bollocks. Just think about those 2D boss fights with random attacks, pic related.

But of course. People will see the game for truth and no amount of marketing will work then.

Three weeks though.


Earth with no oceans would be a barren world you stupid fucks.

spore at least had 5 different stage, bacteria was great, this game is like last galactic stage, boring

>0.05 dollars have been deposited into your account

>earth without what makes it interesting would be uninteresting
Wow you sure showed me

ok fine it'll be worse than spore

1. There are planets with plants and liquid oceans, but they still only have one biome
2. Even planets without those can have polar icecaps, in reality
3. The game looks boring, regardless of realism

Has there ever been a game that was labeled "Too good to be true" that was actually was good?

>5 hours

just like battleborn
sure there will be a few desperate shill threads here and there but it'll die soon enough

Breath of the Wild looks to be heading that way, with all the gameplay and people who played it enjoying it.

For number 1 I am not arguing against it I am just pointing out to all the morons that complain about single environment planets how realistic it actually is.
It would actually be another Venus because the ocean cools down most of the underwater volcanoes that would be pumping volcanic gas into the atmosphere eventually creating another Venus.

>traveling from one planet to other
>eta 20 minutes
20 minutes of straight flying in total emptiness

Friendly reminder NMS doesn't even have volcanos anyway.

>Procedurally generated world
>Wow, it's so big, guys! Literally billions of hours of gameplay!

The Elder scrolls: Skyrim


This. I want to kill myself every time I see that retarded image.

>No volcanoes
Are you fucking for real?

Some of the planets also dont make much sense like Balavi V how is anything beyond microbes living on a planet that fucking cold?

I don't mean to defend this piece of shit game, but that's a lot better than the hour it could take in ED, just to get from a star to a station. It's ridiculous.

So you defend the realism of planets only have a single climate, even though the game doesn't care for realism when it comes to life on said planets?

Also, you're still ignoring my earlier posts explaining why this is bad from a gameplay/game design standpoint.

If you have fuel for your ship, you fly much faster, turning the 20 minute flight into 40 seconds. They also mentioned there will be some kind of "skip" feature for longer flights so you don't have to sit through the whole trip, but it will still stop you if you run out of fuel. I'm thinking something like GTA's taxi system.

I'm not sure to be proud of Sup Forums because they detected the bullshit early or disappointed because of the incessant shitposting.

>turning the 20 minute flight into 40 seconds.
Bullshit. If you were flying to one of the moons maybe, but all footage of flying to other planets took around 5 mins minimum.

Superior Universe Simulator coming' through

Proud, since if you've seen it too much for your liking you can always filter it, but newfags browsing may see these threads and be saved.

I know weirdly colored plants means alien world but red plants is really crossing the bullshit line.

The current alien life "alien" looks like not so imaginative alternate versions of earth vertebrates I mean not one single hexapod vertebrate creature was shown on a planet all of them tetrapods its too earthlike its too boring.


user earth is a really fucking weird place, you see before we backbones existed the ocean was teaming with a bunch of weird freaks that died out because the current batch of weird freaks beat them while we backbones also beat them. Eventually some of these freaks made it onto land millions of years before us becoming the Insects and land based mollusk and stuff. What is means though it is entirely possible for the land of a planet to be dominated by a non vertebrate like land creature had the backbones never shown up earth would truely be an alien planet from our point of view as all you would see is new variants of arthropods on earth it would be an insect world a really interesting world because insects have the most amazing biological adaptions for land living.

Why are you STILL ignoring the very valid point I've repeated 3 times now about the importance of the gameplay here above "realism"?

No need to be so upset, friend. I could've sworn they said with proper fuel it can do that. Are you sure they had the fuel in this footage you seem to feel so passionately about?

Unless you can provide proof of otherwise, I don't believe you. Also, what's with the passive-aggressive tone?

Red plants exist for real, dumbo. Sure, in game it's gonna be a very exaggerated red but it's not that far fatched

But alien looking aliens would improve gameplay user.

Also the alien plants look exactly like earth plants instead of being giant balls on stalks that absorb solar energy through biological lengs scattered on their surface or something.

What about giant flat saucers on stalks instead that act like biological solar collectors.

Seriously give us actual alien looking plant life for once.

>Alien looking aliens

Still waiting to see something like this in promotional material.

True, but I was alluding to how I hate the fact every single planet is just one climate - whilst it makes more sense realistically, it's really stupid game design.

"Using an in-system jump engine, I could be there in seconds, but that’s if one is installed, and if you have the fuel to engage it. Thankfully the demo provided both, but ordinarily, that would be one more item added to the shopping list"

Its about half-way down, between an embedded video and another paragraph titled "Under the Sea" or something


What's the source of this?

>No grass
finally a xeno artist that has a brain, and also how does that thing escape predation.

Oh shit my bad I forgot to copy the link lol

Kicks things? Giraffe are funny looking and stand out and I imagine they kick lion shit in all the time.

>How does that thing escape predation

Who knows. Maybe it's an intelligent species based upon those spires/potential buildings in the background. It doesn't have to make sense in vidya though. At the very least it just has to maintain a consistency.

Yes but user the design of giraffes make it so kicking things is possible but that thing looks like it cant really move at all.

Thank you.

Though I can't help but wonder how you upgrade the travel speed like that, as it's implied to be difficult or late-game to do so (at least that's the impression I got). Regardless, this doesn't entirely invalidate what I said earlier, but it does mean it's significantly less a problem later in the game.

Personally, I still would prefer if each planet had more than 1 climate so the player would have more incentive to stay and exolore a while before making the (potentially long) travel to the next planet.

yeah but my skepticism triumphs over any kind of hype

Guys tidally locked planets will be in right?


Yeah I'm guessing earlier on you'd have to spend a lot of time getting resources and exploring locally. This shouldn't too big a deal so long as you're actually invested in the game. If you can't really get into it early on I can definitely see that being a game-killer, but it's all the more reason to keep going so you can have that freedom later on.

The 1 biome thing is a little disappointing, true, but I think Sean Murray (Creative Director) said that he doesn't want somebody spending too much time in one place anyway, since the sheer size of this game is its main selling point. Sort of conflict eachother that a player has to play for a while to earn the ability to travel freely, but he wants people to travel and explore a lot.

Im just gonna enjoy wandering planets and discoverin new things, but that obviously isn't everybodys cup of tea.

Fuck no, that'd actually be fun

I've said it before and I'll say it again - it's the same mistake Wind Waker made with unnecessary filler between islands. Just obviously this is on a larger scale.

Why do you faggots do this? Why do you make these shitty endless bait threads? You do it for every game that is getting press. It's so low effort, yet these threads almost always hit the bump limit.

shills are bumping each other, you can only fight it by shitting on a game, do your best