Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was the most disappointing thing since my son. I mean...

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was the most disappointing thing since my son. I mean, how much more could you possibly fuck up the entire backstory to Metal Gear? And while my son eventually hanged himself in the bathroom of a gas station, the unfortunate reality of this Metal Gear prequel is that it'll be around. Forever. It will never go away. It can never be undone.

And if you're someone under the age of like, 20, who says his least favorite game of the series was Sons of Liberty because you didn't get to play as Snake, then I suggest you shut this thread off right now, before I carefully explain to you how much of a fucking idiot you are.

So where do I possibly start? Nothing in The Phantom Pain makes any sense at all. It comes off like a script written by an 8-year-old. It's like Kojima finished the script in one draft, and they decided to go with it without anyone saying it made no sense at all or was a stupid, incoherent mess. I guess at this point who's going to question Hideo, or tell him what to do? He controls every aspect of the game. Probably got rid of those people that questioned him creatively a long time ago. I also think that everyone just assumed a new Metal Gear game would be an instant hit, regardless of what the plot was. Really, how hard could it be to screw up? It's like screwing up mashed potatoes: you boil the water, pour in the packet--

MGSV >>>>> MGS4

MGSV fucked up big time by not meeting fans wild expectations and pretty much doing a 180 to what people were expecting.

Still, gameplay wise is the best third person stealth action game ever made. It has a shit ton of replay value and an above average multiplayer.

FOB is neat too.

Story wise is harmless. It is nonsensical yes. Ridiculous plot twists and rushed narrative with some side stories not even having a satisfactory conclusion or a conclusion at all.

Still, it is a harmless chapter for the lore since it affects nothing the other games lore wise.

MGS4 on the other hand pretty much fucks every character and plot. Making every support character from MGS3 an evil person, from shitting in every paranormal aspect of previous game with "nanomachines".

Not to mention ruining Big Boss.

MGSV is a good game harmless to MGS lore. MGS4 is a bad game that ruined MGS lore.

Please continue Mr. video game Plinkett

It's like poetry.

Oh my God, what's wrong with your FACE?!

Vidya Plinkett thread?

Jim Profit goes in the name field

>Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was the most disappointing thing since my son.
>the most disappointing thing since my son.

>Still, gameplay wise is the best third person stealth action game ever made.
Every time with you fucking morons. When will this meme die and people will be able to look objectively at V's gameplay?

Newsflash: just because you spend upwards of a hundred hours jerking off to a mute sniper in ACC doesn't mean the gameplay is good.

TWO, THREE and FOUR were better, more complex games. With actual fucking level design.

*rich evans smugly spouts pleb opinions for ten minutes, then falls down*

Taft you fuck!

I really enjoyed MGS V but it was probably but people keep telling me its because i didn't play any of the other metal gears. Why does playing the metal gears effect everyone opinion on this game?

Then the dumbest line in the game is said:

Because then people wouldn't jerk off to its gameplay constantly and act like it's the second coming of Christ. And we'd have less uninformed retards running around, which is generally a good thing.

>Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was the most disappointing thing since my son
Couldn't make it past there. Snorted and figured that was the best part anyway.


>Phantom Pain
>Phantom Menace
pure pottery

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was the most disappointing thing since my son. I mean, how much more could you possibly fuck up the entire backstory to Star Wars? And while my son eventually hanged himself in the bathroom of a gas station, the unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequels is that they'll be around. Forever. They will never go away. They can never be undone. And if you're someone under the age of like, 20, who says his least favorite film of the series was The Empire Strikes Back because it was "the most boring-est one", then I suggest you shut this review off right now, before I carefully explain to you how much of a fucking idiot you are.

So where do I possibly start? Nothing in The Phantom Menace makes any sense at all. It comes off like a script written by an 8-year-old. It's like Lucas finished the script in one draft, and they decided to go with it without anyone saying it made no sense at all or was a stupid, incoherent mess. I guess at this point who's going to question George, or tell him what to do? He controls every aspect of the movie. Probably got rid of those people that questioned him creatively a long time ago. I also think that everyone just assumed a new Star Wars movie would be an instant hit, regardless of what the plot was. Really, how hard could it be to screw up? It's like screwing up mashed potatoes

MGS4's level design was terrible. But I guess it's better than no level design.

I mean MGSV literally had no level design. They just put random shit everywhere and called it freedom.

Just beat 1,2,3,4
Really liked them all.
is it really that disappointing?
what should i expect?

His son is a casual.

Things you "shouldn't" expect:
>level design

>gameplay wise is the best third person stealth action game ever made.
Meh. I can see why people would enjoy it, but I personally don't find it that interesting.
>Story wise is harmless
The story is mostly irrelevant to the rest of the series, but what it does change is kind of bizarre. Venom Snake is easily ignored but he only creates weird questions. Did Solid Snake really never notice that Venom wasn't Big Boss? Did Liquid never find out?

>a prequel villain that does nothing to the point that the future canon remains unaffected with no trace of his name

4 looks like a masterpiece compared to how terrible V was

Omg are you me? When they sent me the text that my order (ps4 with mgsv edition ) was ready to be picked up the next day. As soon as I got off uni I went there and it was raining like hell and I waited outside for 3 hours because the pickup truck with the deliveries hadn't come. And I didn't care nothing would stop me from getting it, and the ride home omg the ride home with my brand new ps4 red with mgsv nothing literally nothing could run the moment , the hype the light in my eyes I was alive for the first time in years I was excited for something. When I got home and set everything up it was that moment that hAppens every once in a while when you start a new mgs game and everything is new. When I finished the hospital when I got to afganistan, when I played the first mission that I saw countless times before the in the trailers, I was finally controlling snake. Fuck that day I didn't even go to the gym ( which is like religion to me ) and the day after and the day after. But then something happened , there was no story , the missions were repetitive as shit and I kept playing and then I got to Africa and I was shitty as fuck , nothing like the jungle they showed in their gameplay videos. But I kept playing , I finally rescued code talker and some cool cutscenes started and it felt like a mgs game for the first time in around 40hrs of gameplay , but then it was over :( the chapter was shitty as fuck should ve been a prologue.

It destroyed my the only thing I loved, and it wasn't because of konami,no , it was on porpuse because that faggot watched drive and mad max and wanted to recreate that with mgs, he wanted to over hype that shit and let us down on porpuse . He destroyed me, by destroying IT, been a fan since I was 11 with mgs 1. I dispise you Hideo Kojima, like no other man I this world

what you should expect

Big Boss hates Quiet and abandons her, even if she cares about him more than anyone in the world and will always want to be there for him when he needs her.

I'm so glad I didn't get that hyped for the story of MGSV. I wasn't even going to buy it until I tried out Ground Zeroes and thought the gameplay was awesome. The Phantom Pain for the most part delivered on what I wanted but of course the story was pretty shit, or at least just lifeless.

I also kind of wish the game was 6 ish Ground Zeroes sized levels that you could freely explore and do missions in. I think it would have worked better. The boss fights were also so bland which really let me down but at least most of the game is pretty good.

>The boss fights
What boss fights?
The one where you fight Pre-Rex?

You keep making these everyday, just off yourself.

>What boss fights?

MGSV is pretty good if you didn't anticipate it as the game of the century and if you are not a sheep like the average user.

>what should i expect?

metal gear unlimited. the classic 3D metal gear gameplay perfected ]and a ton of missions that can be done again and again with many different approaches.

I read it in his voice

