Has attacking your core audience ever actually worked...

Has attacking your core audience ever actually worked? Is there actually a real example of a developer just ridiculing the people who enjoy and support their games that resulted in it being financially more successful?

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Romero makes you his bitch.

It sure works in comics.


Hello newfag.

Tumblrtales' creator I think.

>not knowing about some literally who e-celeb on shitter makes you a newfag

Walking Sim devs shut down because their walking sim surprisingly didn't sell.
This was their parting message, I guess.

Thank you.


Dingaling straight up said all his kickstarter donors to burn in the credits of Lisa, didn't even name them, just literally told them to burn. I'd say yeah, he got more copies sold by it.

It doesn't though. People don't read comics. The entire thing is sustained through continuous gimmicks to draw in people for a short time. There will be a boost to Iron Man sales because of the black girl, but it will drop off almost entirely after a certain point. When it does the Punisher will become a purple haired tranny that forgives people.

The cape comic industry gets its money from movie licenses, which stick to the version the core audience want to see. If they did the same with the books they might actual sell more and sustain an actual audience. At this point they are printed click bait.


How small time do they think we are?

Oh, I remember, it's the one where you play as a black housekeeper. I remember it ran extremely poorly, the only gameplay is holding X for the next bit of dialogue, didn't even need to do all the chores to get to the next day, and only got made because they got some kind of artistic grant.

What was the name of this game again?

No and no.



What did she mean by this?

But Phil Fish has returned

He is the same guy who put a 5 minute rope climb just to find a big fuck you at the top and no way to climb down other than going through the very same rope.
He obviously did it for the lulz.

>die in the same agony as defenceless virtual creatures

I don't even know.

Does flipping a bit from 1 to 0 actually hurt? And if so, who?

IIRC it's the developer of the adventure "game" Sunset, after it sold like absolute dogshit and no one but their friends working at Polygon liked or even heard about it.


>forcing a 1 to be a 0
Wow not only are you an animal-abusing shitlord but you also misgender the numerosexual.
Ugh, it's fucking 2016 when will you manbabies fuck off and stop ruining MY hobbies?


>standard comic audience is stable-ish amount
>generates same-ish amount of money every year
>how do we get more money
>make an obvious headline-grabbing, fan-upsetting change
>generate promotion by insulting people who complain about it
>get into mainstream press
>standard comic audience buys it regardless
>normies buy 1 or 2 issues, people who don't normally buy it add it to their list for the length of the first arc
>congrats you just made more money
>now do it again

They made a shitty artsy game called Sunset which no one bought. Worst of all is that they made it with government money. They had to shut down and went into a meltdown in Twitter.

They also loved telling "2deep4u" bullshit to people in their Twitter and games even though they probably read Catcher in the Rye once and called it a day.


Didn't Daikatana sell like shit?

Anyone who cares, downloads it for free.

This is fake, right? I can't tell anymore.

Nah mate, he legit hated fucks like Garth the artist(for all that is holy, do not Google it, even /d/ finds the place disgusting), cat samurai, the praise the sun dude, he even his a horse mask lmao guy in the bathhouse on some alternate room. He really hated them mate.

I don't know if he has ever attacked the core audience as much as he's just a general jackass to everyone whenever he wants to be.

Thats called Poe's Law, and no, it isn't fake.

retards crying about console wars aren't his core audience though. There's a difference between insulting your core audience in a bid to get more success and insulting people outside of your core audience in a bid to get more success. For an example of the latter that, far as I can tell, worked flawlessly look at Play-Asia's twitter shitstorm from earlier this year.

I believe that's the point.

Sadly, that isn't true.

I know someone that acts just fucking like that after playing video games for years. It's the weirdest shit. All of a sudden virtual feelings matter.

He doesn't attack his core audience, the guy tweetimg him there was just butthurt about Bayo 2 being on Wii U and claiming it was moneyhatted by Nintendo rather than what actually happened.

Only at Marvel

Sony tried it with Ghostbusters but it didn't work

I'm not defending that attitude, but graphics nowadays are more realistic, so perhaps he's finding it easier to emphatize with the characters he kills?

Some people truly cannot handle criticism

Kamiya is not attacking anyone he is defending himself.


>dragons are realistic

If you cannot separate fiction from reality you should not play gAmes, read books, watch movies, etc.

Daikatana is the classic example of marketing failure, but let's remember that Daikatana didn't bomb because of that ad: Daikatana bombed because the game was absolute dogshit.

MGS2 maybe. Well, maybe not more financially successful, but it did produce legions of retarded elitist fans singing its praises.

Cavia games too, but they went out of business.

Marvel insults their core audience with every issue, every contradictory interview, every tweet, every blog post. And yet they consistently sell the most comics out of every publisher.

No which is why real developers sidestep big issues where they could alienate one group or another. They do small things to placate the most vocal groups like the one poem in that one game SJW freaked out on or Tracers pose. Things that the vocal groups can tout around as a "win" but most on the members of the other groups really wont care about and people who dont pay attention to drama most likely wont even know was changed or was even there to begin with.

thank you for posting this, I fucking lost it

meanwhile you played zero games

I guess so. Makes me feel like a psychopath because I just don't give a fuck.

Now that you mention it backer NPC stand out a lot. Some NPC cogratulate you for killing them too.


Because they're selling to people outside their core audience, they're shitting all over that audience to prop themselves up for another because the issues they're touching on are topical and have mass appeal.

It works for Sony

I liked Her Story, the ending was anti-climatic as fuck but it was ok.

Marvel is for casual fans now. I know it seems like their core audience is fat neck beards, but that ship has sailed. They read less "mainstream" stuff now. They sell the most because they have the most sucessful movies.

Marvel aren't complete idiots. They wouldn't make the changes they make if they didn't realize that their core audience isn't the same as it was 10-20 years ago.

Notch shits all over SJW. I haven't seen him drop bombs on autistic 10 year olds yet so I'm not sure what you're getting at there.

>Has attacking your core audience ever actually worked?
no but some people could afford it

Those retards are not his core audience. Xbox kiddies wouldn't even buy Bayonetta 1 until it was in the bargain bin.

Kamiya doesn't make tweets attacking people he shits on individuals who tweet him. Hes also never been caught whining about his games not getting attention or about another game.

Be glad this based developer takes his time to shit on you poor fools.

My sides.

One cancer dev down many many more to go.


You must understand the context, user.

This was happening back when GamerGate had happened and we were being flooded with a bunch of "Gamers ARE DEAD" articles, and so pretentious indie devs like this seemed intent on "elevating the art form" and attracting a newer, more "sophisticated" and appreciative audience to peddle their "art" to, and so yes, while this may seem stupid to you, they didn't care much about their traditional demographic. They believed that they could pander to and succeed by going after the pretentious San Franfaggot nu-male audience.

Why is San Fran filled with these fucks?

>all these normies blogging their uninteresting lives
when will it stop?

it does, I can name every literally who because I have no life and spend more time getting angry over stupid tweets than actually playing video games

Not enough nukes.

No, not really. The only people who buy comic books are comic book fans.

Marvel gets away with it because they already have a captive audience. The people buying comic books do it habitually and want to keep reading them no matter what.

I quit reading comics when One More Day happened (google it if you don't know). I was talking it over with the owner of my local comic shop because I'd been coming there for years and knew the guy and he was really cool. I felt bad that I was just going to suddenly stop being a regular. He hated the story too, but said he was going to keep reading the book, and I asked why, and he shrugged and said, "I wanna read Spider-Man."

The writers and editors know this is how their readers feel. That's why they do whatever they want, and they laugh about it when fans react badly.

The thing is if your shit indie game where all you do is walk around is to succeed then it has to have absolute fucking support from the hipster crowed.

Every fucking scrawny self hating nu-male in the industry HAS to say "Yes! This is it!" the game HAS to come off as chic and hip, the game HAS to be in at that time or it will burn.

The audience they're aiming for doesn't play video games, they don't buy video games, they just pretend to because being a "gamer" is in right now. Gone Home basically became the definitive hipster trash game because every single thick-rimmed glasses wearing fuck agreed that it was hot shit in a champagne glass. Expecting people who aren't into the genre to buy your games just because you made the game is selfish, inconsiderate, borderline retarded behavior.

I truly dunno why these people have Twitter

Sometimes I feel weird that the only """""""""""social"""""""""" site I visit is Sup Forums and even then it's only Sup Forums

The other anons already posted, but they missed a crucial element to the story of why it got so well known around the time.

The DEVs released their artsy-fartsy walking sim the week after steam refunds became a thing

>Take a beloved movie series
>Insert Women with none of the talent of the older movies writing staff
>Have the black man replaced with a nigger female who is the definition of LOLIMSASSY
>Other ones are ugly or fat

So it fails on all levels.
1. writing
2. comedy
3. something to look at.

50 bucks says this will evolve into the DmC of movies. People saying "oh you don't like it because they put women in it." instead of its glaring faults and being trash,

>fella and his bird come sit right by us
Fucking kek

He was annoyed because nearly every OC donut steel didn't fit with the game how he wanted. I'd be annoyed too.

>marketing to literally audience that doesn't play any video games and hates fun.
Good riddance, free market verified :^)

Do they not realize Dragons are huge, dangerous, wild creatures? They're better off dead.

I remember the articles about the steam refund. So many indie devs furious about having to lose their profits and their lost sales. Talking about how unfair steam is and steam is the death of the indie dev.

It was glorious

What they failed to realize is that steam didn't start the refund process,the buyers did. The buyers reached as verdict the game wasn't even worth keeping.

These people are getting way with the bait and run tactic. And that shit don't fly no mo


>And yet they consistently sell the most comics out of every publisher.

That's because comics sales are shit to begin with.

Selling 50k of the first issue (which is then followed by massive drops each subsequent issue) isn't success.


It literally actually isn't. Its full of tech companies and homeless people. Anyone who says otherwise has never been there
it still fucking sucks though


Zootopia theater was empty when I saw it.

>passed a billion
Tiwttertards mean nothing. The movie is actually great and everyone should go see it.

I thought the manchildren were BTFO and the movie succeeded enough to make another.

>Why do yall hate women?

>People are weird. In an empty screen for Ghostbusters and this fella and his bird come sit right by us, out of all the seats

>indie dev makes a game that can be beaten in two hours
>gets mad when people vote with their wallets and rightfully refund a terrible product

Good. Maybe now these useless fucks will actually make something worth paying for.

>The movie is actually great and everyone should go see it.

Kristen Wiig and that other blond woman from SNL are by no means ugly.

But the movie still looks awful, and absolutely everything I've seen that black woman in has featured her doing nothing but constantly pointing out that she is black and/or a woman in as obnoxious a way as possible.

>The movie is actually great and everyone should go see it.
This b8 is even funnier than the movie.

>Implying half the board didn't shed """""manly""""" tears for Sif

I lived there for 4 years, man. It is full of techies and homeless people as you say, yes (oh my god, what the fuck is with them shitting everywhere, Jesus Christ. The city is one giant urinal), but it also seems to be infested with a particularly radical breed of rabid liberals too, and I most certainly noticed a very visible population of premature-balding effete nu-males and colored-hair-and-piercing almost-dyke SJW types there, too.

>slowly the corporations are starting to realize that theres no money into appealing into a small populace of easily offended people.

its dying gents. we can breathe easy now.

>Garth the artist
Jesus, it only goes downward from here.

Wow, what a fag. I seriously hope he never plays MMOs where every quest literally involves driving the local wildlife to extinction for a few beads and a sword with one more strength point on it than the one you have equipped.

Are you not reading reviews? Are you not listening to word of mouth?

It's not fucking bait, the movie is great. Let me guess, you won't see it because "muh female cast"


If Sif didn't want her shit pushed in maybe she shouldn't have fucking jumped me and tried to cut me in half with a 20-foot sword. Could have just given me the ring, it's all I needed.

>Are you not reading reviews? Are you not listening to word of mouth?
All of them say the movie is shit.

Ben Cuckera getting PTSD from a VR shooting game.