Is this the best Early Access Zombie Survival game on Steam?

Is this the best Early Access Zombie Survival game on Steam?

No. It's garbage because it hasn't changed in years. They STILL haven't added NPCs. It's the DayZ of EA games.

Play Subnautica, The Long Dark or The Forest if you want a game that'll actually be released with content.

> It's the DayZ of EA games.
DayZ is the DayZ of EA games, you fucking twat.

And yeah, DayZ development is slow, but at least that's nearing completion and the developers have the release date on their minds, unlike the PZ devs who just respond to questions about when the game or content for the game is going to be released with "when it's ready :)))".

PZ is a good game in its current state, however. Even without NPCs it's fun.

The Long Dark is boring as shit and the devs are feminist cucks.

The Forest is laggy, boring bullshit with terrible AI. The devs don't even put effort into the structures. All of the cabins, shelters, etc all look like they're held together by thin air.

I'm having a lot of fun with this.

Forgot image.

How is that game still early access? Was there another flood or something? Wtf.

>It's the DayZ of EA games.
What the fuck does that even mean?

It entered early access 2 years before DayZ and is a completely different game, and has had a completely different development.

>And yeah, DayZ development is slow, but at least that's nearing completion and the developers have the release date on their minds, unlike the PZ devs who just respond to questions about when the game or content for the game is going to be released with "when it's ready :)))".
They haven't put a date on it but they've stated what's going to happen. In the next 3 months the animations and 3D models overhaul. Then NPCs, cars, and beta.

The devs are nice enough but they're slow as hell.
They never give any dates or estimates for stuff, just "When it's ready" which is annoying as fuck.

Despite being in EA, it's actually still really fun. I'm disappointed in the devs for making us wait three years and still not showing any gameplay including the NPCs.

It was released in Early Access in 2013, the same year as DayZ, just a few months earlier


Are you going by steam date? It entered EA in 2011.

About 4 different mondroids from various points and some reddit posts by the developers. I'd rather you don't believe me than dig through it.

It has been early access for about 3 years now.

No, this is.

if you're a child.

No, that was a tech demo, according to wikpedia.
It entered the S T E A M E A R L Y A C C E S S program in 2013


Doesn't change the fact that it's a good game. Some games just take time to make, not denying that development has been slow, however.

>Nearing completion


They've done quite a lot. You wouldn't know that though, would you.

Dayz, because it takes Days to make

Nice meme.

A new renderer was pushed out in just the last update, you dumbass.

Predators, new sound engine, and a new player controller for improved and smoother animations have been confirmed for the next update.

Literally all you have to do to know this shit is read the status reports

Bit the real question is, have they finally put more than 20 zombies in the whole map?

As far as I'm aware Zomboid is the only one that actually gets what zombies are supposed to be about. Shame it's an early access game that will take twenty years to finish.

It's ok, but the devs clearly lack the experience they need to make a lot of the game. You also have that shit where they faked a robbery instead of admitting that they did nothing for 6 months.

My only problem with this game is that the player limits and maps are way too small. Still fun to mess around in though.

No, sadly, which is partly why I'm also pissed off at them in some ways. However, they're also adding some kind of dynamic zombie spawning mechanic in 0.61 alongside predators and whatnot.

>Fake robbery
What makes you think its fake?

Bought it on sale and still refunded it.

Yes complex survival is neat, but window juggling is just too boring and ruins immersion.

Window juggling?

bro, how long is this game gonna be in development?

What's it been, like 5 years now?

What the fuck is window juggling?

>What makes you think its fake?
Some guys had a look and found no reported robbery in their area. That and i dont believe any proffesional development team would only keep their shit backed up on laptops.

>Some guys had a look and found no reported robbery in their area

Early access games are almost universally shite.

Sorting gear and junk between inventory, stashes and character. Or looking through skills and skill books. or crafting and materials.

Cant find the original post, but it was on Reddit i think.
Even if it is true, it shows how innept they are as developers if they dont know to keep daily backups of their work elsewhere.

Only good EA are Factorio, Subnautica, and The Long Dark.

Rimworld could end up nice but ill wait on that.

The Forest was gonna be good until they put MP in, now its gonna be unfinished unoptimized garbage.

Is DayZ still a glitch filled shitfest? Bought it a year ago and it was fun but stopped playing when I routinely couldn't pick up items or manage my inventory because of bugs.

>complicated dynamics that require strategy and planning ruin muh action omg so boring and tedious why isn't it like my CoD zombies XD

Yes, it's broken as shit. Still fun though.

Are you sure you aren't just getting desync when you try to pick up items or manage your stuff?

PZ's inventory system doesn't require 'planning' or 'strategy' it's just dogshit.


Is Zomboid worth the 15 dollars?

Yeah, definitely.

Despite the slow development and early access, it's actually a fairly solid game without too many noticeable bugs.

It also has a steam workshop with a good amount of mods.

I got my money's worth (almost 200h played)

Get it

It can be quite boring once you get used to play it and want to start over, especially the initial water and food gathering to last the first months. When well planned, you'll spend 3-5 ingame days gathering shit, without exploring a lot.
The game also lacks a goal other than "Survive", and there's no endgame. Once you get a steady supply of water and food, the only thing left to do is fortify your base and wait until the dynamic AI decides to throw a horde at you