Best character in a series doesn't show up in the games

>Best character in a series doesn't show up in the games



the final season of Sonic X would've been god-tier if it weren't for fucking Chris, the ugly mech monster designs, and Tails killing Cosmo

>best character in the game is a pokemon rip off

more like something straight outta Sonic Shuffle

i wanna fuck Void's boipussy

you're lying to me

no lie

play the game

I played it, I just didn't remember that specific part.
I don't know how to feel.

it's fine user

nothing wrong finding a feminine boy cute

But Allah would not approve


it's halal in my book

>best character
>not Rouge

>picture not related


>best sonic robutt in a series doesn't show up in the games


>videogame character made for a series reboot
>doesn't even appear in the show based on the reboot

y robot need tiddy?

>doesn't show up in the games
she kinda did OP. pic related

too bad this game is heavily ignored by SEGA due to youknowwho

>implying I don't know that feel times a thousand

She wanted Tails' shoot.

because reasons

The whole show would have been better without Chris.

>Tails killing Cosmo
Would have preferred him getting to hang out happily.
Shit sucks, Tails always has it rough.

>not Blaze

Something to do with Lazerbot or some Chris-chan tier autist?



You give him too much credit. Sega would've ignored it regardless.

And he's why we don't get Cosmo in anything?
Tails needs his plant waifu, man.

Oh, no, Cosmo isn't in because Sega of Japan doesn't give a rat's ass about Sonic X. Hell, they never even got season 3. It was made and dubbed exclusively for America, funded by 4kids.

Its also possible they can't, since Sonic X is in some weird legal grey area between TV Tokyo and Saban.

No, it's pretty much some bullshit copyright reason, that's why you don't even see any X characters in the Archie comics.

Penders is the reason that 90% of the Archie characters were retconned out of existence though.

I'm pretty sure season 3 was just a direct-to-DVD release, why would 4kids censor something they themselves made?

Tails has tons of waifus. He'll be fine.

His thing with Cosmo was legit adorable though.

Last time I bothered to look it up, Japan got the Metarex arc years later on satellite cable or something.

So they probably knew it'd be in Japan at some point and left in stuff for 4kids to censor. (Molly didn't die, she flew off to save other planets!)

That's pretty weird, you'd think they'd be all over it.
Then again, they don't seem to have our level of highly autistic fans.

What weird legal grey area?

After this thread, I may have to download Sonic X.

I get wanting to protect your works, but he went overboard.

>why would 4kids "x"
Why bother asking about anything they did?
I'm convinced they're not even humans running the place, but rather some weird puritan lizard men or something.

Who's the Boom one?
She's cute.
Is it worth watching?
I've seen an episode her and there, as I don't watch a lot of TV, but they kept showing the same three episodes, so I couldn't develop a proper interest.

Cosmo was the cutest.
Shame how it ended.

>Tails killing Cosmo
I dunno that's the only scene that stuck with me after all these years. Pretty much the only thing in the show that made it have some real substance I think.

Though I still liked the show as a whole. Obviously I didn't watch the 4kids localization.

Ownership. TV Tokyo owns part of it, Saban owns part of it after they bought everything from 4kids, Sega probably has...some small portion in their name...

But in general Sega tries to avoid using stuff from alternate versions. Something about "brand purity". Same reason Knuckles can't ever have his hat from the OVA.

>Who's the Boom one?


She's only relevant in one episode, though.

That's a damn shame, I'd like more Sonic X.
Hell, getting more might even mean we'd get a proper game, maybe something like Adventure 2, chao garden and all.

>only relevant in one episode
As in she only shows up in one or she only matters in one?

Still, Sticks is cute enough to garner my interest.
Her voice is somewhat annoying, but I like it at the same time.

>whoah my heads spinning

What localisation did you watch?

Oh shit, I never noticed that.

What am I looking at here?

It was on Youtube the 7 or 8 years ago that I watched it.

Ah, fair enough.
I'm too lazy to learn Jap and I like to multitask, rather than just watch something, so I don't like subtitles for most things.
That, and I like Sonic's English voice too much.

>Sally Acorn will never ever appear in anything Sonic game related besides one shitty cameo in Spinball

Thank you Jesus

>I may have to download Sonic X

It's not really good but it has it's fair share of underrated characters.

isn't the first one a robot sent by eggman.

Sorry, should have said 're-download'.
I've seen up to where they were travelling through some black space distortion thing on a spaceship or something.

I enjoyed Sonic's friendly rivalry with the racer, the main kid's dad or something like that?

His uncle I believe

In that issue, yes.

She was reintroduced as an actual, non-robotic character later on, for some reason.

remove chris-chan and his family but keep doc brown and speedracer.

That seemed pretty cool, rather than it just being some other hedgehog, it was a human who felt Sonic's need to go really, really fast.