Looking for good point and clicks in the style of Myst, Aura, and Rhem. Also just general discussion on good adventure games.
First Person Adventure/Puzzle Games
Cradle is good but light on puzzles and pretty heavy on you having to piece together the bigger picture of the story.
Vanishing of Ethan Carter, slightly more puzzle heavy than Cradle and rides on visuals and narrative about as much.
The Witness is OK.
Tex Murphy: Tesla Effect is amazing if you enjoyed the FMV era of adventure games.
Syberia series are sort of a cult classic.
Still Life, by the same devs is also but its spiritual successor, Post Mortem isn't (It's OK story wise if you're fine with kinda dumb puzzles).
Scratches is OK. It's the grandfather of the spoopy house games before they resurfaced as youtube bait.
Call of Cthulhu as honorable mention though the stealth and combat are fucking awful.
If you want to go way back, there's 7th Guest as well.
Somewhat unusual FP-puzzler is the Journeyman Project series, but also quite old.
Obsidian is the best that exists
I'm having trouble finding info on it. All I get is Obsidian Entertainment.
I'm making one but it might be bad i dunno.
probably gonna release it for free anyway
Are you planning to release on steam? Looks nice, I'm more of pre-rendered background kind of guy.
Honestly it's just a pet project right now to learn dev.
It has VR support, and according to a few other devs, valve fast tracks that shit onto steam and it's not that hard to get on steam in the first place, so probably.
Good luck with that man.
That looks aesthetically pleasing but you could do with some better graphic design there user. Typography is all fucked.
What engine are you using? How many people on your team besides yourself? What's your actual process for making it, how much programming do you do? I'm interested in making a game myself but I'm an artist and designer, not a programmer. The most I know is HTML, CSS, and a bit of JS and PHP.
Not OP, but I'm curious as well.
Cradle looks wonderful, but I hear the puzzles are mostly some 3D virtual world of pushing neon-lit cubes around.
I wasn't aware of Vanishing of Ethan Carter being a puzzle adventure game. I'll have to check it out.
Tesla Effect, as much as I love cheesy FMV adventure games, was just plain old shitty. Felt like a chore to me.
Syberia I and II always goes on sale in a bundle for $3-4, yet I always skip on picking it up. Grew up on point-and-click adventure games from Sierra and LucasArts. How much would you recommend it?
>How much would you recommend it?
Not that user but I'd highly recommend it. They're cult classics for a reason and it's a shame they're not more widely known in general.
I liked Syberia but im more of a fan of first person puzzle games. The whole vast empty lands and 360 degrees of vision stuff just really gets to me.
Cradle's puzzles are mostly putting a thing in a thing in the actual game world. Once in a while they make you play those VR world games to get an item but you are prompted to skip them which you probably should.
Vanishing of Ethan Carter's puzzles are mostly finding clues in a "crime scene" and then figuring out the order of the events that occurred there, not exactly big headscratchers but overall it's pretty nice and atmospheric.
I honestly don't know much about Syberia but it comes recommended very often so there's probably a good reason for it. I played Post Mortem and bit of Still Life and I found them to be pretty good so I figure since it's the same developer they can't be much worse.
OP here again, currently in my collection I have :
Myst (&realMyst)
Myst 3
Myst 4
Rhem 4
Haven Moon
Darkfall 1 & 2
1953 KGB Unleashed
and Siberia 1 & 2
Since you like Myst, have you tried URU: Ages Beyond Myst?
If not I'd sorta recommend it, it's probably not the best Myst game but I think it gets shat on a bit more than it deserves. The only real fuckup with it was the attempted MMO game mode.
Is cradle point and click or free movement?
Though that's 3rd person, I just realized so that might be a dealbreaker.
It's free movement.
I didn't really like the transition from pre rendered environments to blocky old early videogame 3d so i stopped a 4. 5 just disinterested me and Uru just looked really boring and tedious compared to the other games.
Crackle seems interesting. I really like the visuals. Hopefully the puzzles aren't as bad as everybody says.
I'd say don't support Ubisoft and buy Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, but download Uru Online for free and support Cyan Worlds directly with a donation. It's the same thing with some extra content.
Not sure if you must be online to play by yourself though.
I don't understand all the hate for companies like Ubisoft and EA. Everyone I hear complain about them has this look of entitlement. They act like they're the worst companies ever yet companies like nike and apple exploit children for work and they don't get shit on.
The puzzles aren't bad they're just not very complicated, they're also not like full retard cartoon logic. There is a particular section towards the very end that can be kiiiiinda tedious though, it's not super horrible imo but maybe be warned.
It focuses more on world building and sort of pretty much leaving it up to you to find and piece together the bigger picture through stuff you find in the environment (usually by reading, a fair bit of it). Basically be sure that you're cool with actual puzzling taking backseat to atmosphere and storytelling and reading
Eh. Just giving a second option if it was something he cared about. Didn't mean to sound negative.
Scratches is pretty good if you want some horror.
You can't get it in steam anymore, so the developer said it's a-ok to pirate it.
so where would I get it then? Got a link?
Just pirate it man.
I'm asking you where dude are you autistic? I can't pirate a game if I don't have a magnet or dl link.
Alright, open up, baby, here comes the spoon. Say "ahhhhhh".
k thanks for being a total nigger.
Not that user but I don't support any company that does crazy shit like that. I don't support EA or Ubisoft though because I've been burned consistently by the games they publish and their business practices are cancerous, so I vote with my wallet. I don't even find their games interesting enough to pirate either.
Not that user and I'm afraid to post the link but it's on TPB with a decent amount of seeders. Just search "Scratches" and filter to only games, it's the GOG director's cut.
Why don't you just search for favorite pirate portals? Do your own legwork.
The Last Express
The Witness, obv.
I played really long time ago Idk if it's good
Obduction, by Cyan, comes out next month.
I thought it came out at the end of this month?
Got delayed again, lol.
There was one for the x files and it came on like 9 cds or some shit. No idea if it was good.
>don't support Ubisoft and buy Uru: Ages Beyond Myst
Cyan owns all the rights to Uru now, so buying it is a-OK.