Edmund McMillen on dataminers

>They swallowed a hundred dollar steak in one bite. It's true. They couldn't resist it, they had to break it apart. And even though people were actively working on some of the biggest secrets that would have taken awhile to unfold, they said "NOOOOO! I WANT IT ALL NOW!"
>It's disheartening. It sucks because we're gonna start working on an expansion soon, but we sure as hell aren't gonna fucking take all the time that it took - especially with Simon, who tried his best to really bury the stuff so it would deter people from doing this, but all they see is a challenge, so they're going to dive right in and do it anyway. I can say right now that I don't think the expansion is going to feature any buried secrets that anybody will care about.
>Nobody likes to wait anymore. They like to eat it now!
Is he right?

Yes, sadly.
Forget about be the first person to discover some crazy secret in a videogame anymore doing random stuff.

>changing your game design for the 1%
>believing dataminers and their audience are a majority
>saying 'it's true' after an opinion because he's conditioned to be on the defense

Hack fraud is literally irrelevant without this game, of course he wants to parcel it out in tiny pieces and make it last as long as possible.

Wasn't he supposed to be working on some new game called mewgenics? Last I heard of that was probably 3 years ago.

yea, he's right. I don't think it's worth the effort to try to bury game secrets, though.

People figured out his puzzle themselves just as dataminers did their thing.

The people on reddit only needed enough people to die in the room with puzzle pieces to get the final puzzle piece done.

He's just mad as fuck because he's not as clever as he thinks he is. Cue his temper tantrum approach to Afterbirth by constantly patching stuff into the game and breaking it at the same time.

His game is good, he's insufferable.

Pretty sure it was Tyrone from Nicalis who said that.

That's fucking stupid though.

"oh look out of a million people maybe 5 of them like to have to take months and months to figure out exactly where to die after thousands of deaths of trial and error just to unlock a character which should automatically be unlocked to begin with so people finding out the solution to this 'puzzle' quickly is bad"

It's not even a real puzzle. Most people don't want to spend a year doing retarded shit just to unlock a character.

Finding alternate solutions should be praiseworthy. An example springs to mind because I just played it the other day - if you cheat on the first Riddler puzzle in Arkham City (by using the line launcher to bypass the entire electrical floor section) you get hidden dialogue where the Riddler bitches at you for not playing fair, but you still completed the puzzle with a valid solution and you get to progress anyway.

If he didn't want his shitty ARG to be solved in that way, then he should've encrypted the game files better (i.e. designed his 'puzzle' better). If "Simon" was paid to hide these files to deter people from looking at the game files (which happens for EVERY game nowadays) then McMillen should really take a second look at the guy since he obviously screwed up with the job he was assigned.


Unrelated but does anyone know why Sup Forums is credited as a Special Thanks in the original Meat Boy game?

>food analogy

He phrases it like a twerp, food analogy and all, but he's right.
Why add secrets when some fag spoils the surprise for everyone ahead of time?

People pander to Sup Forums all the time. It's the reason most e-celebs get talked about here at all.

That example is LITERALLY the reason why datamining is cancerous. You don't think it would be more rewarding for both the devs and the players if people found out about the Riddler bitching at you on their own rather than someone on day 1 saying
>hey i looked at the game files, here's an audio clip of riddler bitching and it seems to play if you skip the electric floor section

The original Meat Boy prototype was posted on Sup Forums for feedback before it was posted to newgrounds as a flash game and way before it turned to Super Meat Boy.

It's an example of where the devs considered an alternate solution that many players would never find, and took the time to create a reward for the players that did. In OP's case, it would've been certainly possible to bury an audio file near the secret saying something like "yeah, you found this by mining the game, the puzzle wasn't meant to be solved this way but we're glad you were so invested in the puzzle that you went to this effort to find a different way to the solution" or something. If you build a giant wall to guard a secret but forget to close it off, you shouldn't whine at the invader for just walking around it because it's more convenient than drilling through. It's your fault.

I hate them most of the time, but sometimes they're good

>If you build a fence around your house but it's not infinitely high you shouldn't complain about people trespassing on your property
literally what you just said. There is no perfect defense against data-mining

I don't really care about ARGs and convoluted secrets but there are ways to protect them from dataminers, Overkill did it with Payday: The Heist

>someone played the game a way I didn't like
get the fuck over it faggot

The ARG bullshit he did for afterbirth was terrible, but if it's only in-game, he's absolutely right.

>complain about people trespassing on your property

It's more like complaining about people hopping one of these fences(without skipping the queue) instead of walking back and forth needlessly.

Datamining a game isn't the same as trespassing, retard. Trespassing is a criminal act and has consequences. McMillen INVITED the players to solve his puzzle, and then got pissy because they solved it in the "wrong" (read: simpler and with less time wasted) way.

Poor Edmund. He's like in a fucking concentration camp.

When is the last time you kept playing a game in the hopes of finding a secret, real or otherwise?

Of course, guy in the OP is a literally who so maybe he's made the the one single exception in history.

>don't have your fun, let me have mine!

He fucked up by not making it so that it was so hard to datamine, in-game players could make work of the secrets faster than the dataminers.
The in-game way of getting the secret was pretty stupid, and reddit managed to solve it roughly at the same time as the dataminers, so who fucking cares anyway.

Not every player goes online to see what dataminers have found out. For every person that spoils themselves there are probably 10 that were surprised by your secrets. Not anymore though, because dataminers have made you fanny flustered and you just have to spite them.

I dunno, even if I'm not a dataminer it's still very easy for me to look up whatever information I want online.

whoops, didn't mean to make that a reply

I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

Fuck you nigger. I'm not about to let developers go back to the Jap way of doing things where if you don't leave at least 10 different chests unopened throughout various points in the game with no indication that this needs to be done, combined with going to the right place at the right time and making sure to avoid three rocks to the right then you don't get to experience the ultimate weapon.

Fuck you and fuck him and his backwards ass design philosophy.


>write book
>sell book
>book gets popular
>write another book
>sell book
>people skip to the end and find out "SNAPE KILLS HAN SOLO"

I was about to assume you were disagreeing with me, fly off the handle and call you a flaming faggot.

I'm glad now I exercised some restraint.

>Of course, guy in the OP is a literally who
You're a newfag if you don't know who Edmund McMillon is.

I can see the point you're making but I still don't agree

Nobody cares what you think, Edmund.

Oh right, a fun little platformer that everyone forgot about 5 years ago and Tips Fedora: The Game. How didn't I recognize him, what with that poster on my wall and that darkness in my soul?

>but I still don't agree

Then you should offer some refutation and insult my character.

>Nobody likes to wait anymore.

No one ever liked to wait. Why do you think everything has been gradually shifting toward instant gratification?

We're a naturally curious species. It's one of the things that make us great. It's why we have medicine, math, and science. We want to figure everything out and we want to make our own lives easier. Complaining about data miners is retarded.

I wish I was Edmund. He's so handsome and I probably makes so much money

What's the big deal, can someone enlighten me?

>random smart guy on the chan

Always a good event.

stupid ass million hour secrets are retarded anyway.

I don't want to leave a chest unopen in the tutorial then go back at chapter 4 8 and 12 touching but not opening the chest then open it at 18 only to see it's turned to dust and I need to jump back to chapter 6 and open the chest to get a broken sword to deliver to a blacksmith in chapter 2 and get him the materials to fix the sword then in chapter 22 find the backsmith is dead so I need to go back to chapter 16 to persuade his daughter to become a blacksmith then in chapter 20 save her and she will have repaired the sword in chapter 26 but I need to dip it in a pond only available if you didn't save the fairy in the tutorial then come back at the end of chapter 32 to get legendary sword of legendary legendariness but the big bad is already dead so I can only hit trash with it.

What did he mean by this?

I thought it was all a meme before, but Edmond really doesn't have any clue as to what made his game good.

>literally irrelevant without this game,

>thinking BOI is his magnum opus and not Super Meat Boy

Datamining is fun, even if I don't partake in it myself. Finding the unused assets and secret content people weren't meant to see is an experience in itself. If Edmund wants his game to be impenetrable, he can have the whole fucking thing run remotely with no data on the player's PC.