>new game has section of older game in the series as an easter egg
New game has section of older game in the series as an easter egg
>that shiny face
>new game has the entire older game in the series as an easter egg
Hello Canadian artist
>new game has remake of section of older game in the series as an easter egg
Fuckin' DoTT
Wolfenstein: Old Blood
why does she have a mustache?
Does system shock 2 count?
Hahahahahha hahahahahha
how can someone be so cute in some pictures and so disgusting in others
>new game begins at the beginning of the old game
dunno. desu this has been edited for """effect""" by Sup Forums
she is actually really cute and her music is good too
fucking checked
she's kinda cute and has some good songs yeah I agree
that's a girl
>here is your 3d gf for the night
Onimusha did this nicely.
there goes the thread
Metroid Zero Mission
Indiana Jones: Staff of Kings on Wii.
Fate of Atlantis is the better game in this package
>New game starts in the same spot as old game but you go to new game area through a blocked mysterious path that was full of rumors in the last game.
who is that girl?
Name it
read the fucking thread jackass
>new game has section of older game
>completely destroyed/in ruins
I just wanted to know who is she
The answer is in the thread for fucks sake.
>when you try to make a thread, but then it's ruined by a GET
Who is she?
brb listening to art angels
the quints command
Halfaxa>Art Angels>Visions>>>Geidi Primes
I don't even like Grimes that much. Art Angels > Halfaxa > Visions >>>>> Geidi
nigga dont front I see them trips
Dragon Quest 2.
I'm not even kidding.
Unlockable != easter egg
Jak 2 had this but it was a glitch
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure.
Pazner Dragoon Orta on Xbox has PD1. Probably the best looking version out there. The box doesnt even mention it
Sonic adventure DX