Im fucking done with this game. I got to level 12 and fuck it

Im fucking done with this game. I got to level 12 and fuck it.

>more bugs and glitches than all Bethesda games combined
>drops to windows every 20 minutes with error, stoped working or no message at all
>have to replay parts of the game twice because I lose saves

They should refund me this broken piece of shit

you should probably get a PC that works

Negro I over 100 games installed and this piece of shit is the only one that is unplayable

Have LITERALLY never heard of someone having these isues.

>doesn't work on my machine :^(

It worked for me

>>more bugs and glitches than all Bethesda games combined


>drops to windows every 20 minutes with error, stoped working or no message at all

Sounds like PEBKAC

>>have to replay parts of the game twice because I lose saves

See above.

You are just terrible at life, OP. Kill yourself.

Have you tried turning it off and on?

>Op pirates outdated build with no patches
>wow wtf why isnt it working

Dumb fuck lmao

>You are just terrible at life, OP. Kill yourself.

Poor CDPR drone. Im sorry your game is still a broken piece of shit a year after release.

you should probably get a PC that can play demanding games

>play the game during release over a year ago on pc
>no crashes or errors
op just has a shit pc

Nice try but I have gog version with all expansions

CDPR has nice piracy solutions right Pirate-Kun?

I have beaten it twice and have had no real issues.

Sorry you are poor and have a shit PC though LMAO better ask your mom for some hardware for XMas little kid.

Its not a performance issue you dumbshit. The game is fucking broken

it's one of the more stable games out there, they had a lot of outside help to get their patches in gear

most likely. the game had a ton of random crashes until like 1.08 for me, i was saving every 5 minutes. its been rock solid ever since.

sounds like you have a shitter pc. I've played it on two rigs, worked flawless.

eat shit op. You were once again a faggot today. nothing new at channel 11

Except it isn't, if it were it wouldn't have flawless reviews on all public review outlets.

Stay poor and retarded.

>Sounds like PEBKAC

Except pretty much every review mentions poor technical performance and tons of glitches

lol link those reviews then. Literally none that say that. you need a life op. I really mean that

or a job

>more bugs and glitches than all Bethesda games combined
I'll play Fallout 3 for an hour and encounter more bugs/glitches than my entire Witcher 3 playthrough.

if the game was literally broken why would it be so goddamn popular? nobody could play it

>everyone except me is wrong

Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better.

>it's one of the more stable games out there

after a total of 20 GB worth of patches


>they had a lot of outside help to get their patches in gear

the game was so broken they couldn't fix it themselves? no one was forcing them to make a large open world game, nice job CDcucks

blood n wine was elder God tier closure for me.

best single player experience I've had in a long time.

Poop Jokes: The Game
I quit playing because I got sick of people talking about feces in every other scene.

Weird. I experienced about as much bugginess and crashiness as I did fun, that is to say next to none of it.

gayme gave me a boner. sorry to see you limp dick willies didn't get the same feel

btw I love when a shitposter starts a witcher bread and I come in and dump screens in order to trigger an user or three


>b-believe me that despite near flawless reviews from everyone that the game is unplayable because i said so



I can't even find real documentation about these problems

have you tried checking the local cache through steam or redownloading it?

user he doesn't even have it installed.


I want to see the Dandelion ending.

And that final moment with Regis, I was waiting through the entire Witcher game series to see him again and it was great. That shitty smile into the camera, "WE BOTH NEED SOME REST M8"


regis is a good fella




Witcher 3 looks good and all, but can't bring myself to get it because I just can't get into the setting. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that's the fault of the game, but it still bothers me that I'm too much of a pleb to be immersed in this type of world

He is the best Witcher character. It kind of miffed me that they put in obvious vampire traits into his 'human' form, but I know that's purely for player identification instead of lore.

ironic, I found it the most comfy fantasy world I've ever experienced in a game.

max comfy

What type of worlds do you like, user?

His whole "DETLAFF DINDU NUFFIN HE A GOOD BOY" shit got old really fucking quick, but I liked him aside from that.

Works on my machine

i saved regis and rekt that nigga detlaff

PC master race, amirite?

Is it possible to let Detlaff live?


Most I get is a few crashes. Sounds like you got bad luck or are a shitposter exaggerating.

>more bugs and glitches than all Bethesda games combined

Lmao go lie elsewhere

It is, I *think* you need to go do THE DARK UNSEEN NIGGA questline instead of going to the guard captain.

what do you think?


I'm a piece of shit pleb, so fallout 3 and new vegas were some of my favorite environments ever, next to stalker and RE1

Have you even played witcher or just assuming the atmosphere isn't for you?

I honestly mean this. You're a fucking retard if you take anyone serious here, go form your own opinion by actually playing the game. torrent for all I care. cdred has already made enough money for cyberpunk so allis well.

>Bethesda games have bugs, CDPR fags shit on Bethesda

>Someone even suggests that W3 has bugs, CDPR fags defend it with bullshit logic and "facts"

I've never played any of them, I just haven't gotten it because I fear I'll end up disliking it because of the setting just like I abandoned Skyrim, fable, and every other fantasy oriented games. I want to enjoy them so bad but there's something wrong with me ;_;

STALKER is 10/10 for settings and my absolute favorite, if you haven't peeped the movie you should. It's pretty good if you can stand the, uhh, slow pace of it.

And grab it on Steam, throw on a pair of headphones and turn everything off. The sound design in Witcher 3 is pretty good and when it fully envelopes your senses it helps a lot, but if you still don't get into it at least you can refund it now.

Little late to be trying to sabotage the competition, isn't it Todd?

nigger the game has had literally a dozen of patches. If you still seriously have issues of that serious like in the OP, then the fault is on your end, not in the game.

personally the game worked perfectly fine for me on day one. You'd be surprised how many people have no fucking idea how to maintain a "healthy" PC.

I know I have shit taste, I'm trying to fix it user

I've never heard of Witcher crashing.

I've never seen any bugs, even online, except the janky horse legs thing, which was fucking hilarious.

>>Someone even suggests that W3 has bugs,
OP literally called the game unplayable

I had these issues too.

I don't even have the official version, I've had the pirated version since release and played on every patch and that's never happened to me, I think you're just a shitter

here's your (you)

What's your system running? My friend has had some of the same issues and he's running something like an ancient processor but has a 980

hi op

I want to, but I've never been able to immerse myself medieval-esque setting no matter how hard I try.
I want to enjoy things, I want to love it so bad


No wonder you lack immersion, those are shit examples of atmospheric games save Skyrim's soundtrack.

PS4fag here, played the game to completion after the week it was released. Zero game breaking bugs (Roach going full retard and random NPCs walking weird were the only consistent bugs), zero freezes (Skyrim felt like it fucked up and needed a reset every hour), zero lost saves.
Sounds like you either have a complete dogshit rip and/or you got a buggy pirated version.

>100 games installed
so do i but my laptop cant even play W1 without some problems. number of games doesnt mean shit


literally the only bugs i've seen are horse bugs and maybe a random person half way buried into the ground.

hardly ever see it though, so I don't even mind.

4/10 made me reply

lol that picture

My PC is a piece of shit (3.40GHz i7, GTX 660, 12 GB ram) and I've had none of these problems. Also, I've played the game and all of the DLC 2x over.

So either you're a retard playing on an actual toaster or you're making shit up. Also, if you're having problems with saves, at least set it to save every 3 minutes instead of the default, which I think is 5 or 10.

Lock your frames to 30fps and turn graphics down to the lowest possible setting.

Finally, I take pictures of all the glitches I run into in open world games. in TW3 they are literally all just clipping glitches rather than the game-breaking shit you get in Beth titles. I've run into one real glitch involving a merchant who wont play Gwent with me. I emailed CDPR and they fixed it.

Your loss.

>I want to, but I've never been able to immerse myself medieval-esque setting
Those games are for white people only sorry.

what are patches

Uhhh, what....

can't let the bread die. Op was too big a faggot. want people to see dis

Shit That Didn't Happen: The Post

You're a retard OP. Game is brilliant and works perfectly on PC's that aren't a steaming pile of shit.

I found a picture of the computer OP is trying to play on.

So what card do you need to play at constant 60fps? I have a 970.

>Guards in cities fart and laugh every time you run past them
>Johnny the Godling says taking a shit as the sun rises is his favorite daily activity


>They make a fat noise at you. They also spit on you because you're a mutant freak
>One example of someone talking about shitting in a 100 hour game
>Read Sword of Destinty, retard

Are you actually this retarded or just pretending?

>They also spit on you because you're a mutant freak
But he looks like a hot dad.

In universe, there was a book published a hundred and some years before that espoused Witchers as vile demons and freaks to be eliminated. It's why there are barely any Witchers left and why no more are being trained. An army of haterz stormed the Witcher strongholds and massacred them. It's why Kaer Morhen is in such ill repair. After that, barely any new Witchers were trained

People still hate Witcher even that much time later.

I have my witcha 3 running for 4 days. I just alt-tab when I need or go to sleep without shutting down the game. It's 60 fps solid, never freeze, never leak. Update that win xp, dickhead.

as a console-fag im very imporessed by how fucking amazing this game looks

the fields of colorful grass and plants near the meadery look god like

I'm enjoying the game but I have a problem

I have anxiety about missing shit and gwent card to the point I don't wanna play the game.

Like now I'm at "Now or Never" but it says I should do Soldier/ Nobleman Statuette which I had no fucking clue about. Kinda feel like I need to look up shit before starting all somewhat big quest or else I will miss out on important shit

Based CDProjekt indeed.

but for what purpose?

>Ciri doesn't appear in all the endings

one job CDPR

The only bugs I've seen happened when I modded the fuck out of my game.
Vanilla, after all the updates it's gotten, I haven't seen a single bug in hundreds of hours, unless you count the rolling down stairs while walking thing a bug.