My university and also my parents insist that I get a laptop for university...

My university and also my parents insist that I get a laptop for university. I'm skeptical to the idea that I NEED a laptop and that I cant use my desktop for university. My Dad has also been teasing me about how I'm going to be the only one with a desktop and everyone else will have a laptop or tablet. Are desktops not viable for the college life? How many people typically bring their desktops?

Also, do any of you guys own gaming laptops and prefer them over desktops at university? I know they are inferior to desktop gaming, but in theory they seem more practical at college.

Took me a bit to figure out what was going on in that pic.

I had a desktop going into college that I kept in my dorm room for vidya and backups, but I also bought a cheapo netbook for taking notes and work.

The setup worked well. People did kinda look at the desktop funny, but nobody really makes a case of it.


University is a scam. Leave immediately and sign up to a trade school.

Sup Forums is probably a more appropriate board but whatever.

i brought my desktop. All of my friends I met at college brought their desktops. I also had a laptop but I never used it outside of playing my roommate in Frozen Synapse. Competent professors won't allow laptops in class.

>gaming laptops

I went through most of uni without a laptop and relied mostly on my desktop and taking handwritten notes. Handwriting notes definitely helps you retain information a lot better than writing in a tablet or typing on a laptop. You really only need a laptop if you're going to live away from your campus.

Bring a laptop instead of your desktop. You can write notes and fuck around in class with it. Also teachers tend to post stuff online and you will sometimes need that shit in class.

Don't get a gaming laptop. If you need a laptop for university, it would be for taking notes or word documents. Get a cheap netbook and also take your gaming desktop for games.

Nah you'll be fine with a desktop, plus nobody ever uses their laptop to take notes anyways
I've seen watching movies in the middle of a lecture

Do you mean you'll be in the dorm? I had a desktop the entire way through (bought it right before college) but I also used laptop for some notes before it crapped out on me. Unless you think you need an electronic device to take notes, you don't need a laptop for college since it should have plenty of on-site computers to use anyway.

I own the Lenovo Y50, which I got for cheap

Its a great laptop, assuming that you have an ssd, and it plays games very well from last gen.

Also doesn't scream "gaymur" so that's a plus.

Only reason I have it is because I don't have the space for a desktop in my dorm.

laptop is fine for note taking and browsing the internet during class

Do not ever buy a gaming laptop. They're shit for taking to class, they're shit for gaming. Trust me, I was a dumb high school kid and got one right before college and it was a mistake.

Eventually I got a small laptop for class and built a desktop for my dorm room.

I had a desktop all five years of college. Was never a problem other than moving it in/out when my fat ass had to hike it up 6 flights of stairs.

I never saw the use for a laptop (IT Management/Supply Chain Management dual major), but I prefer to write my notes

Why is someone shitting on the baby?

Depends on your course, by and large
>You totally need a laptop for college
Is a marketing scam, same as needing Apple products for anything creative. People are very easy to fool, especially at your age when they have no peers to consult on the issue.

I studied comp science and managed fine with a desktop. Any decent Uni will have a computer room you can use for practical stuff on campus and if you learn shorthand you'll be fine for taking notes.

Re: Notes - I actually can't pay attention while writing so I didn't really take any. Never made too much difference as most lecturers put notes up online and you can get them off friends.

Enjoy your debt, fag.

MacBook Pro + gaming desktop

I found myself checking Sup Forums instead of paying attention during class when I had a laptop. I like paper and pen way more for that reason

I've been banned for posting this before.

>for free

I've seen this image so many times, and it isn't until know i finally know what it is

I should clarify, I also can't pay attention while typing, I need to be listening, watching the board and thinking about what's been said.

Which is strange because I'm not slow on the uptake, have good memory and a decent attention span. There are a lot of studies showing that multitasking seriously diminishes your performance and "you learn better if you write things down" is a scam. I guess I'm a slightly more extreme case of that norm.


lmao Missou
No wonder this is where they protested for not creating muh safe space.

I went between laptop and PnP notes, really depended on the class.

PnP was definitely better for maths, but outside of that my laptop was far more useful, since I can type fast than I can write and I can look shit up faster than trying to flip through a book. That, and my classes had loads of online assignments and such, so being able to access it right in class was a godsend.

It's all a grand scam. I work for a school's tech department and we sell MPBs to kids who don't know any better.

get a really cheap laptop and a nice desktop and just use the speed of the campus LAN to connect to your desktop and remote control it from your laptop. Use Teamviewer or Remote Desktop or VNC or whatever. You will have all the functionality of your desktop wherever you go with your laptop.

I only have my surface book and my Xperia Z5C phone and I'm pretty happy with those for studying.

If you want gaming I definitely recommend a PC to put in a corner of your room .

Would probably be a good idea to get a cheap portable device for use at class, be it a laptop or tablet with a keyboard attachment (ie Surface or a Surface imitation.) That should be all you need if you have a beefy enough desktop.

Get a laptop off ebay and build an ITX PC that you can move around without much trouble. Just keep the boxes for your peripherals. You'll probably need a laptop for class work and quizzes.

I bought a laptop during my JR year since I was tired piece of shit hardware in labs. I also brought my desktop, because nobody gives a shit what you do.

>My Dad has also been teasing me about how I'm going to be the only one with a desktop and everyone else will have a laptop or tablet
As I said nobody gives a shit and your dad is an idiot and you're an idiot to believe his lies.

For gaming take your desktop. For uni shit buy a cheap laptop than can run microsoft office and a web browser. A nice keyboard is a big plus.

Okay now I see what happening.

>having debt when things such as scholarships exist


>Not having scholarships
Only retards get into debt