Why do publishers put their games on PC when they always flop?

Why do publishers put their games on PC when they always flop?

Is this the EDF thread?

I've been kind of interested in trying out the big guy and I get how to dash around as him, but what's the best kind of weapons to use as him?

>rereleased niche game doesn't sell well
What a shocker

>charging the same amount as your game's entire budget

Found the problem

it looks like generic animu shit and generic chinese cashgrab just by looking at that image.

>only been out for 24 hours


I don't really know much about EDF, is 5,000-ish sales after a few days good or not?

>$50 budget game

What am I supposed to do with this?

Is it shitty and glitchy like the other pc edf?

It also includes both ten dollar DLC mission packs that were on the ps4 so I guess that's why they stuck it up at full price

>game where difficulty increase inflates enemy HP
Refunded that shit so fast

>makes them faster, attack more, and do more damage

its only glitchy if you have a shitty AMD CPU

So i5 is okay?

Numbers arent accurate until about 2 weeks, also it's been number 1 on steam

I wish steamspy never existed because you retards like you who dont even understand how it fucking works

> Not on Xbox One




I got it for the equivalent of $15 in my 3rd world country so

do i gotta grind air raider if I want the giant robot


Yes, farm on hard.

according to what?


Well that shit could have been the next cod. But nobody even know what's the game about

Yeah, the original was on 360, and now that they have a DX11 version it can't be too hard to port to Xbone. It's weird that Japanese games have dried up on Xbone despite Xbox and 360 having a decent selection.

Because right fucking now I could buy the game on PS4 for 30 dollars, or any of the other titles for bargain bin prices. I'm not going to pay full price for a game that has three graphics options, it's not gonna fucking happen. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance's PC port was made by four fucking people and it was fantastic, these people have NO EXCUSE.

PC took Xbox's spot as the Western representative in Japan, weird

c'mon son

The port is good and it''s way better can it could ever be than PS4 due to frame rate

It sounds like you never really wanted to play it

They stopped trying completely to court Japan a few years into the 360's life. That's why Xbone is dry-bone valley for Jap games unless it's a big, international publishing house like Bamco, Konami, etc.

The only reason 360 had jap games was because smaller studios couldn't into the ps3's cell. Now that ps4's architecture is standardized, you won't see jack shit on bone unless MS directly pays for it.

VGChartz is not a valid source

okay then, what were the PS4 sales and state a source

40k sounds anecdotally correct

Jap stockholders are in a panic over world economies collapsing and they need to get their hands on every red cent they can before the happening

Really? Even all of those Japanese shmups? The 360 was THE console to own to plays those games even in Japan. We're lucky they made a bunch of 'em region free for NA consoles. Also, we've just got Raiden V on the Xbox One. EDF better be coming to Xbone.

As soon as I saw the reviews, I knew it wasn't worth purchasing or even pirating for that matter.

Simple to see why. There's a bigger audience for them there while xbox users don't look at niche too much.

The other big reason is you need to pay MS a fee just to put a game on their system. On pc, there is no fee you just throw up whatever on steam and start making dosh. In addition you don't get charged for patching. No risk at all.

Thirdly, it might be just loyalty to sony as they are Japanese.

There is none.
Xseed doesn't report sales numbers.

>release a niche game
>with that pricetag
>and tons of DLC

of course nobody's going to buy it

should have made it 20 buckaroos with all DLC included, greedy gooks

>released today
>flopped already

Most of those shmups were all under the Cave label though, and they're pretty smalltime.

>threads have been turned into constant shitposting
where are all the cool people who played games with eachother from before

>We're tired of being treated like second class citizens. We want to be treated like console owners

Also Neptunia proved that PCfags will buy literally all the dlc for a game if you put it out there

waiting on a pirated copy. 35 dollars for a video game is stupid especially a japanese one

shield + piercer
double vulcan hammers

35mm cannons for long range

I wonder if Microsoft's free devkit thing will pan out.

PC users shat up console EDF threads so they're just getting payback

The game comes with both ten dollar campaign dlcs and the rest of it is aesthetic shit thats outclassed after level 1

most of the weapon DLC is outclassed by higher level weapons you get ingame unless you want to fight giant spiders and ants on IDOL TANKS

What kind of logic is that? JP games are the only worth being supported nowadays.


Well I was really hoping this would do better because I love the series, but I already have it on PS3 AND PS4. I really don't feel like buying it again.

That's true. :(

sorry that was a picture for ants

What missions are the best for farming gear? I need new Air Raider Vehicles.


You're just mad we can play EDF at 60fps and you can barely manage 25

35 on PC and it had the mission packs included as well as stable frame rate and better graphics.

insect scum

What's some good missions for farming weapons on normal? The starter rocket launcher is really fucking me over. I mean I picked up some good shit on inferno when I tried it, but that doesn't really help me when the missions I want to play are capped to 6.

Saw someone say 11 and 14 or 15?

Is it optimized?




why would you farm on normal
go do 14 on inferno

What's the multiplayer like? Lots of people playing?


Runs like a dream considering the amount of things happening. I've had more lag in the menus than ingame. Worst I've had happen is a few instances of minor slowdown when huge ass explosions are happening WHILE being swarmed to shit by hundreds of enemies.

Because I want to play through the game on normal? I'm not a tryhard or trying to skip the bulk of the game. Also I still shoot things in front of me with rockets. A lot.

Console war shitposting aside, how much does it cost to simply port a game? Expanding their market is always a good idea, plus they spent literally nothing on marketing.

EDF thread? What class are you guys playing?

Respect the robot.


Like minecraft?


Because hostage taking and falling for the pc meme.

>game sells poorly on ps4 because Sup Forums boycotts it
>Sup Forums says port it to pc
>nobody buys it
>le pc master race!



there are no good farming missions on normal because farming on normal is retarded

>Sup Forums
>boycotting and making a difference in sales

>Game sold badly because of Sup Forums


Damnit. Missions are getting annoyingly difficult just because I'm hitting everything with a wiffle bat. Keep getting repeats or situational weapons.

Inferno just pisses me off because people keep having chat turned off yet run ahead, get surrounded, and die. Or they run into melee range to fight a swarm so I can't rocket the fuck out of it.

wait are you doing online?
yeah enemies have multiplied hp online

it jumped on steam in literally days before launch and it was pages down on the upcoming release list. most didnt even know it existed so no real hype. it also had no prepurchase which is how you get some big numbers on launch.

its still the top seller on steam right now and it seems to be a decent port and its being reviewed well. i can see some big legs on it.

Stallman addition. We aren't just Sup Forums anymore. We're like Sup Forums + rmasterrace.

When you consider how many millions of people post on Sup Forums every week and that Sup Forums is one of the most popular boards, it's actually plausible that a few thousand mustards here made a serious dent in the game's sales by holding out.

On principle, think about why these ports happen in the first place. It's not because they sell well on pc or because Valve is paying; it's because they sell poorly and developers are losing confidence in only relying on ps4/vita to reach western audiences. Steam has influenced an increasingly large number of holdouts to boycott all console releases. As more games are ported, the fanboys feel more confident in their boycotts and developers feel more willing to take the risk since the console localizations are failing anyways.

Seriously, look at any port thread and you'll always find people trying to shill and hype in order to get more games ported.

not to mention totalbiscuit definitely doing a video on it and giving it a good review

Yeah I've just been playing online. Just trying to unlock missions mostly while everyone is still playing the lowbie ones. Normal is a decent difficulty for me. Not piss easy and still can get my shit pushed in if I get cocky.

extremely wishful thinking

I had no idea a PC port existed until I came across this thread.

>the original on xbox 360

It was announced a week ago, it released yesterday.

thats the way to do it. play through on normal, then a higher difficulty each time you beat it. EDF games have been like this forever and people still try to be retards or get max lvl weapons right from the start when youll never beat inferno without grinding armor for a million hours anyway

Playing online solo gives enemy health the same multiplier as playing with three other players. Playing with one or two other players online actually has a lower enemy health multiplier than playing online solo. Don't grind your online progress alone.

You guys never read the website's disclaimer apparently.

except playing through hard on your first playthrough is better and mission 14 is a literal cakewalk anyone with a brain can farm on inferno with minimum armor

I didn't know the PS2 was a 360

>for an EDF game
>for a PORTED EDF game
Yeah nah, $50 maybe for a four pack. That's fucking ridiculous unless there's some nice overhauls for the PC version, which I doubt.

It ad absolutely zero advertising for some reason, who knows what they were thinking. I didn't know until I saw a Sup Forums thread and was reminded of it being added to Steam a fucking year ago.

It's 35 right now and comes with both the campaign dlcs from the ps4
Not too bad for a sale right now

Its 35. And it has the mission packs. So youd actually be spending more getting everything even if you got it for 20 dollars used. Plus 35 dollars for a game that you can easily sink 100+ hours into isn't a bad deal.
I swear everyone on this board is an entitled fringed 14 year old.

$35 senpai but I agree that's a bit high for a niche game. Pirate but and have fun if you don't wanna buy it, more fans are always welcome.

you are fucking retarded, you are creating a false conspiracy