What are some games where I can focus on trying to save everyone on my side, but the odds against it are nearly impossible?
What are some games where I can focus on trying to save everyone on my side...
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Halo 1
any 40k game
RTS no base missions
Warcraft and Starcraft had some of thoses, trying to end the missions with everyone alive was fun.
They really twist the knife in Halo when anyone tries this.
>Truth and Reconciliation
>somehow SOMEHOW manage to keep marines alive on Heroic mode
>marines stay on the bridge while I fly solo to rescue Keyes
>return with a band of limping, bleeding leathernecks
>the previous squad has been cut down
>floating energy swords point at me and roar
I thought I was the only one that did this.
I used to restart missions whenever any of them died.
Those marines were my only friends as a kid desu.
>Playing Tsavo Highway on Halo 3 and can get nearly 2 dozen marines following you for absurdly over the top firefights you can spend hours watching in Theater Mode
I miss when my only real concern was school and I had time to dick around in vidya all day.
The odds against it are impossible. You can't save Keys, and you can't save Foehammer ;_;7
>escort 9 marines to Pelican for extraction
>almost get them within 100m of the Pelican
>they all get killed by a single plasma grenade
>3 Elites and horde of grunts are shooting the corpses
I painted the walls blue and purple.
Nah man, I fucking crave that shit too. I would spend hours and hours, for days replaying the second level in CE on Legendary, trying to get all marines and engineers to safety. It's why I really like games like X-COM or the original Ghost Recon too.
Still makes me sad.
I guess that explains why I really like X-Com too.
Just real satisfying to get everyone back, safe and sound.
doesnt she survive though
>the marines get stabbed with purple needles, blasted with multicolor plasma blasts and face up against a pair of ravening, fuel rod cannon-wielding titans
>they still soldier on even though they dont have shields like you do
>the audio clips they utter when you die
Earth Defense Force
Don't try it though. It's impossible.
>play starcraft campaign
>its an installation episode
>try to keep everyone alive and rescue all rescuable units
I hope this isn't a symptom of autism
No, she slams into the desert. And if that didn't kill her then the PoA going critical killed her.
Those missions were my jam.
I never played the games after Halo 2.
Please tell me Chief avenged Reach, the Pillar of Autumn and Captain Keys by glassing High Charity and HUMANITY FUCK YEAHing the covenant.
HL2 also, and that's pretty much it.
Having unimportant AI allies never really took off unfortunately.
Yeah, I always do that in SC mission. The same thing happens with GTA SA and recruiting your buddies into turf wars. It helps that I mod them into touhou characters
Play 3, it's worth it to finish the fight.
it's always nice to play games where you feel like you're not the only guy fighting the good fight (and your friends/allies aren't totally useless either)
Chief makes High Charity go critical in H3 and ignites a Halo ring to kill the flood and any remaining Covvies.
High Charity is still around IIRC but the Covenant is totally broken the fuck up after the Brutes started to genocide the Elites and were blown the fuck out in return along with the Arbiter and Chief fucking up the Gravemind once and for all.
Right now there's negotiations going around to try and make nice nice between the various races and humanity since the end of the war and the return of the Chief and his fellow SPARTAN 3s but I'm not deep in the lore so yeah.
Elite got rigged and help humans in Halo 3. Some of them live in earth out
>Chief and his fellow Spartan 3's
>Spartan 3's
>not deep in the lore
I can see that.
are you me? that was far and away my favourite level that I replayed like sixty times for exactly those reasons
I would always try and keep the marines in the plain gray outfits alive as long as possible.
Quake 4
>that dropship
Vehicle designs in Halo is something that I actually enjoy. They made things that look futuristic, but not sci-fi like that stupid jeep in that one star trek movie in the desert.
Spoilers for those who like to sperg out when someone has something bad to say about halo:
But their soldier designs for everything is shit all-around, or flat out unoriginal. KINDA LIKE THE SERIES AS A WHOLE!
Also OP, try XCOM EU/EW, maybe with the Long War mod.
Halo 3 marines are by far the most useful of all the halo games. 1 were fun, 2 were a nuisance, 4 were practically non-existent with how little they contributed, and 5's campaign mechanics needed to not exist. Odst was 3 so obviously god tier allies, and Reach's marines permanently had catch on, and Noble team was worthless in vehicles and hung back from every fight.
>give every marine a fuel-rod cannon
>get them all in a troop-hog
Death on wheels.
Try saving all the regular clones in Republic Commando.
"hi, I'm a jeep but I'm also pointlessly angular like a stealth jet and have a really stupid front window that looks like something from an attack helicopter"
>in that one star trek movie in the desert.
half life 2 let you do this
I used to spawn in rebels everywhere and see how long I could keep my squad alive
Halo designs were based off the Aliens movie user. Except for 343 designs since they used anime and LSD for design inspiration.
Pelican is the best dropship though.
The warthog is OK, because its not this.
>posting the 343 design
It's shit, real shocker there.
The jeep you posted actually looks more realistic. The color is just shit.
>Halo was unoriginal as a whole
From a story and design perspective, but not as a whole.
This is not a big improvement.
>Halo 2, 2nd mission
>keep marines alive until the Hunters show up
>kill the hunters and move on
>Jackal snipers pick off every marine
I'm more of a fan of the H3 and Reach versions.
I always liked how the Halo 1 UNSC was literally just the Colonial Marines from Aliens. Halo 2, 3, and Reach made them into generic modern day army guys, 4 and 5 made them too HITECH SCIFI TACTICOOL. The shit from Halo 1 could easily fit into something like StarCraft. It makes it feel more believably human.
Halo Wars retained the Aliens look from H1. Shame they couldn't pick a design for the marines and fucking stick with it for the main series though. Even HW2 is sticking to the Aliens look.
I don't mind the design per se, I just think that calling it "not sci-fi" is dishonest. It's a jeep-in-space and everything about it screams it.
I tried saving as many friendly pilots as I could on the Fortuna level of Starfox 64.
I'm pretty sure I counted 30+.
Takeda is a old, clanky RTS game I revisit. You have a set amount of (good) generals, and killing / protecting generals becomes more difficult like 15% of the way in vs the Uesugi clan.