Ok memers

Ok memers,

I currently have an AMD Radeon 7970, and I'm considering upgrading to the RX 480 8GB/1060 or the 1070. I currently have two 1080/60 monitors, but I only game on one.

Basically, if I get a 1070 I might as well get a 1440p monitor right? Is 144Hz worth it and do I get IPS or TN?

Or is high frequency and 1440p just a meme?


Bumps don't work anymore user.

1440 is just a matter of higher pixel density. Is that what you want/need? Is that imperative?

In my case I want a 1060 so I can run TW3 decently 660 here, how did time go so fast

Yeah TW3 shits all over my 7970. I wanted to get the Sapphire RX 480 Sapphire but I don't think they're going on sale until early August. I might get a 1060 but they're out of stock as well. I guess I'll just keep waiting until they restock.

Another shameless self-bump

AMD is for multimedia and bitcoin, not gaming.

Why are you pretending to be me user, and why are you posting old-ass radio prank stories?

I bought the 480 to try, it works fine for 1080p and can do 1440p, but FPS is pretty subpar. I decided to give in and got the 1070 and can now play 1440p at 60fps ultra smoothly. Trying to get higher than 60fps is going to be difficult without a 1080 or lower settings.

What kind of 1440p monitor should I get? Does 144hz matter or IPS/TN display?

I just told you 144 is pointless unless you want to go for a better card or run lower settings.

I have an IPS and there is no reason to ever buy a TN anymore imo.

I'm also looking to upgrade. Just looking for simple stuff, this is a computer I'm just wanting to upgrade a little. Suggestions?

I would only get a 1440p monitor if I was getting the 1070. Yeah I hear the colors and viewing angles are a lot better on IPS, but TN is better for twitch shooters. Although, the only fast game I play really is Overwatch.

I don't know AMD processors that well, but it looks like you would do well with getting a RX 480 or GTX 1060.

480 is bad for dual monitor setup because AMD clocks the memory to max or something and causes the card to draw 60W just displaying your desktop.
The only AMD card that doesn't exhibit this retarded behaviour is Fury (X, nano). So if you get a 480 you better ditch your second monitor, unless you like noise. Specially if you're getting the shitty reference version instead of waiting for decent aftermarket designs.

I would get the Sapphire RX 480 Nitro if I went that route. Does Nvidia do this? I wasn't aware that this was even a thing.

No, nvidia fixed it with either Geforce 5xx or 6xx series if I recall correctly. Geforce 4xx did do it and it was a nightmare. I literally couldn't use a second monitor because the power consumption was so much higher and that was accompanied with fan noise.

With a good aftermarket cooler it isn't a problem but you'll still get the power draw if that matters.

Would that really be the smallest upgrade though? I'm not looking for much, just to be able to play Overwatch at a consistently playable rate (right now I can only play on low with constant frame dips)

Power draw I guess will raise the ambient temperature in my room and increase my utility cost. Still, I'm afraid that if I buy the 1060 it may become irrelevant since Nvidia doesn't seem to be supporting DX12 like AMD is. I figured getting a 1070 would override all this since the card is just so damn powerful.

How much were you looking to spend on a GPU?

I am not sure this is totally fixed. My 1070 is currently running at 15% power with 3 monitors running, one doing video acceleration, so bot bad. However the gpu idles around 1000mhz and will get up to temps around 60c if I let the fan shut off.

With a manual fan curve it stays fine around 45 at my current settings, but the fan cycles off and on every 1m to keep it at that temp. Can't decide if I want to let it get hotter while idle or just leave the minimum fan speed at like 10% nonstop so it isn't cycling off and on.

Won't be pointless forever, user.

Somewhere from 100-130. I'm saving up for a new rig altogether, but in the mean time I'd like to tune this one up a bit so I can actually play some of the newer games a bit smoother.

If you get a 1070 you need a 1440p monitor correctus

Get the Zotac 1070

What kind of 1440p though? 60 or 144Hz? IPS or TN? G-sync or no?

I dunno about 1070 and 3 monitors, but that might be a different story due to the extra monitor. With 2 monitors my GTX 980 remains at default idle clocks which is 135/202MHz if I recall correctly. Power draw increases slightly but it's not meaningful with only 1 extra monitor.

60C temp is low, my normal working temp is 75C. I even play a few less graphically intensive games with the fan off.

I don't think anyone has meaningful support for DX12 right now. With HBM2, my bet is that the next generation of graphics cards will be the revolution for DX12.

All that money and still can't hit CRT performance. Imagine if r&d hadn't stopped turn of the century into CRTs where we'd be at now...they might even weigh less than your car by this point.

What are you doing? Go buy a GTX 980ti already. Go to EVGA or Newegg and buy it. It's a better deal than 1070 price wise even. We are talking

What makes it better?

I'd vote for setting the fan at a nice speed/temperature. Making a motor go on and off intermittently is always a bad idea.

1. 980Ti is the same as 1070 in performance. Forget about the 2gb vram going to 1070. Pascal is just a refinement on Maxwell.
2. Price. Cheapest 1070 right now is $430. 980ti can be had at $360-400 new, and that's not including MIR.

You pick your poison.

I really don't know

actually depends on what games you play

The only fast competitive game I play is Overwatch. Otherwise I play Total War Warhammer, Crusader Kings 2, platformers, RPGs, etc.

>competitive Overwatch

If you are saying 980ti to play 1080p might as well get a Fury

Good to see another total war bro

I have to say since you like those games 1440p is a MASSIVE improvement, while in shooters its just a nice improvement.

60hz is enough to play those games, it's just the the 144hz is really nice for twitch shooty kind of games. You should be good with a 1440p of 60hz.

Like I said, it's the only fast twitchy game I play. I used to play TF2 quite a bit back in college but no one I know plays it anymore.

>play 1080p
Well at 144Hz if it's 1080p. 1070 and 980ti are meant for 1440p displays really.

when is sapphire rx 480 nitro 4gb itx?

I don't need to turn a toaster into a mini crematorium thank you very much. Besides, Fury isn't $400 yet.

>building a new pc
>deciding on a gfx card
>1070 comes out
>okay I'll get that one
>sold out everywhere
>instead of the promised $375 price now it's 430 min

Not sure what to do now.

I heard August.

Get a 980ti then.

Just wait mon negro. It's because Nvidia is trying to pawn off their "Founder's" edition cards, which are more expensive than aftermarket models.

i don't know what site this man is using but on newegg 980 ti($450-500) is marginally more expensive than the 1070($400-450) over all.

basically if you can get a 980 ti for CHEAPER than the 1070 then its a good deal, but 1070 is literally designed to be the 980ti but slightly cheaper and more future proof so if the price tag both hover at $450 range then 1070 is the better deal

Good luck getting a fury for less than like 600 dollars.

Theres a 1440p 144hz IPS free-sync display for around $400. Just get that with an after market 480 and youll be set

if you want 1080p go rx 480, keep waiting for cheaper 1070 if you want higher

it was on sale for around 200 earlier today

>980ti 1440p
mega kek

Yea right. That was either an error in price or some extra special one time only deal. There is no way this shit goes that low.

>980ti 1440p
>mega kek

I can run Witcher 3 on Ultra, minus hairworks, at 60 fps with dips to 50 fps. Very playable, not for me, but it's playable.

yeah try playing games that are challenging though, when you run into shit like squad or games in the future when devs finally start using more vram

Sup Forums had a poster telling people that Newegg has a paypal promo code that stacks with this, $25 off extra if you pay by paypal, so it's $375 before MIR.

There are a few games I'd like to run more smoothly than my 770 can but probably need more to justify a new card.

Is there anything interesting on the horizon for pc that looks to be graphically demanding?

Well, what resolution?
Do you play Doom the meme game?