So what's the best controller for PC? Are PS3/360 fine too?
So what's the best controller for PC? Are PS3/360 fine too?
Gee Bill, three analogs?
I am inclined to say the PS3 controller, despite it's trouble with third party software
Spergs will tell me it sucks tho, because they suffer from gigantism in their hands
I think the ps4 controller has higher quality buttons, but I miss the regular placement of start and select on the ps3 controller.
DS3 is probably the best controller ever
no one will disagree with me here on the chan
360 or one, both are really good.
Steam controller for those paddles do.
Anything but the Steam controller.
The Steam controller works really fucking well, retard. You're one of those retards who've either never used it or never bothered to configure because you can't figure shit out.
Most ergonomic controller, works flawlessly with Windows and is cheap to get second hand
x360 controller is very nice.
Logitech F310 is also decent, if you're a poorfag
well said you really showed him bro!!!
Xbone Elite, literally perfect controller.
Good luck affording it, though.
A cat would be
Help me choose vee?
a) Zowie mouse
b) Logitech mouse
c) Keep my old Steelseries and buy GOOD scotch and bourbon
All 3 are supposed to improve gameplay, just rec me according to your experience.
"Gaming" mice, like most "gaming" periferals are just placebo. Don't be a retard
Actually, I'm picking them up based off sensor quality, not based off led lights.
$12 wireless logitech that uses 1 AA battery
I've gone through two in 13 years, comfy and only starts mucking you around once the battery eventually gets too low
i know a guy who just got a steam controller and he loves it.
but then again he is a fucking contrarian and he could very well be loving it just because almost no one else has it or because almost everyone who has it hates it.
what i'm saying is that if you got one and you liked it, he would tell you he hates it.
so i have no fucking idea if that shit is actually good or not.
Very subtle valve-drone going at it again.
wp user
Xbox One controller work perfectly. Just bought one the other day for my pc, it took 2 minutes to download the drivers and you don't need anything else. PS3/4 controllers are fine too, but they often need 3rd party drivers to work.
Xbox one controllers in the other hand are officially suported by microsoft to work on PC.
also Xbox One controllers are very comfy!
If I have small hands will the PS3 be better than 360?
Because of third party software there's too much input lag with the PS controllers for my taste. I'll take the shittier XB ones because of it.
It's pretty versatile for the customization of controls, nothing like fine tuning the controller to how you like it.
I will say that it feels like a cheap piece of plastic, the grips leave much to be desired.
People who don't own one usually call it an over-glorified couch mouse though, Others will be annoyed with the amount of haptic feedback the controller gives off. The track pad + gyro feels much better for aiming than a clumsy thumb stick.
Get one if you don't have another gamepad already, otherwise just stick with whatever you already own.
The analog sticks on the DS3 feel terrible after using the DS4 for a while.
If you prefer digital input then just use keyboard.
> buying used peripherals
I have huge hands and the DS3 feels completely natural to me.
Is wireless worth it?
A jar of peanut butter.
I really like the Xbone Elite controller. Though the regular Xbone controller is pretty good as well, that D-pad is better than Playstation D-pads in my opinion.
Been using a wired 360 pad for years now. Plug and play, it always works. Plus it's one of the top-tier controllers around.
I like wireless because wires are always a hassle to get comfortable with. And with decent wireless controllers you could just plug it in and have a wired lagless experience anyway. I don't notice any lag though, but it's not like I'm well tuned to that sort of stuff.
Wireless shit will always give you a headache since it's always prone to not working, which it will do somewhere down the line.
Get wired.
>A hassle to get comfy with
It's plug and play nigger, can't say the same for wireless shit. How much more comfy do you want it?
>Wireless shit will always give you a headache since it's always prone to not working, which it will do somewhere down the line.
Sounds like you're using shit controllers man.
>It's plug and play nigger,
More like plug, route the cable comfortably, play. I don't like the routing the cable part. Especially because you need to do it everytime you shift a bit.
>can't say the same for wireless shit.
That's just press a button on the controller and play. Assuming you have set it up decently, which is nothing more than plugging in a dongle and not removing it.
Its major flaws are reallly only two things that can't be worked around by software, and one is just the fact that you need steam running all the time so playing random emulator can be a pain in the ass.
>No Dpad attachment that sticks to the left touchpad that somebody's programmed to perfect
Its fine as it is for menu navigation but not for platformers.
>Way too many games don't support simultaneous thumbstick and mouselook, so mouselook might stutter or just not work at all when it detects an xinput controller being used.
If you can play a game holding a 360 controller in your left hand, while looking around with a mouse, and you feel no issues, then it'll work fine.
In MGS5 your aiming gets interupted when switching inputs so you have to fake it with wasd, which just means you shift between 8 different directions.
The new action sets finally get rid of shit like Fallout or MGS5 having completely different controls on a menu screen, so you just make the button you bring the menu up with also toggle 360 controller emulation, and make it disable when you exit the menu.
>More like plug, route the cable comfortably, play. I don't like the routing the cable part. Especially because you need to do it everytime you shift a bit.
How obese are you exactly?
I'm actually way too skinny.
Same with the 360. I used to use it on my PC but it's unplayable now after current gen controllers
Not with that dpad
I need a controller with good face buttons and a dpad, preferably something like PS Vita in terms of face button feel and tactility, I want them to click.
PS3 face buttons are too soft. How are PS4/XB1 controllers?
Wii U Pro
Logitech F310
Saturn controller if you don't need analog sticks
Agreed. The 360 and Xbone controllers are nice to but it comes down to prefrence and I prefer the PS4 controller.
The Fighting Commander 4 is also excellent; by far my favorite six button button controller and one that finally overtakes the Saturn controller for me. Currently it's my favorite controller as long as I don't need dual joysticks.
Xbox one elite, but I use a 360 controller because fuck if I'm going to drop 100 burgerbucks for any controller.
I used to use the 360 controller exclusively but started using a wii u pro as well for emulating it's pretty nice and wireless with the bonus of the dpad not being garbage
you need bluetooth but it's pretty easy to set up
I will probably get a controller only for Rocket League and a few others. What do you suggest?
anything other than an xbox 360 or xbox one controller is giving yourself a bad time for no reason.
Someone post the one, you know the one..... that godlike one for PC that merges PS2/Xbox(the good parts) into one. I actually need it for myself.
Why do controllers cost so much these days? I remember them being pretty cheap back in the PS1-2 era.