Do you think old games are too hard and are best played through an emulator with cheats enabled Sup Forums?
Do you think old games are too hard and are best played through an emulator with cheats enabled Sup Forums?
>faggotry on neogaf
thank god for cheats in FF7.. that game is broken as hell, monsters were attacking constantly despite it was my turn
I would've died like a million times if I couldn't just constantly heal myself with cheats
>needing cheats to beat Mega Man 7
>emulation in general
Why even play the game at this point? Jesus christ, well at least SE knows their audience by heart at this point if they are adding those bullshit cheats
Playing devil's advocate here; emulation is nice for certain old games like RPGs. fast forward function is amazing, specifically when it's a game you're already played. Said fast forward also shorten loading times on some games too.
I cheated money in the megaman battlenetwork games but that's it
What is fucking wrong with people
>I'm less patient now than I was as a kid
What a load of shit I fucking hate people like this
fast forward is the best reason to play on an emulator besides convenience; I have an NES but I probably couldn't be bothered to hook it up again to play megaman when I can download it and have a controller attached to my PC
>implying FF7 was hard
How do they remember to breath?
yes old games are mostly boring one-note shite and to beat them you just have to use autistic pattern memorization. i think a lot of this is the awkward transition from arcade, where you killed the player a lot to keep them pumping in coins, to home game systems where they were still designing games like that.
>wanting cheats in VC games
>when you already have save states
isnt savescumming considered cheating?
>Faggot on NeoGAF
news at 11
Yeah since you can rewind and not do that bad movie in say a JRPG bossfight. Or load until you get that critical hit
>Faggot on Neogaf can't beat the Mega Man 7 Wily Capsule
these are the people developers cater to
The only real cheating I do with an emulator is using a save state to take a break. I never do it for save scumming, but I recognize that it's still making it more casual than usual for a game that enforces save points or something you traditionally have to play through in one sitting.
I agree with FF7 and RPG's in general. When I replay them, I replay them for the story usually so I can't be bothered with grinding.
I would say playing Pokemon or other grinding games are better on emulation; you can fast forward all that shit.
Old games were made to be unforgiving to lenghten them without adding more content
I think Yakuza should be played through an emulator because that shit is fucking expensive.
pattern recognition IS the core of video games.
>Emulating a game for an easily modded console
I like save states just because of the convenience factor - you don't have to sit through the stupid license/publisher logos and waiting screens. However if you are just going to use cheat trainers to play the game then you might as well just watch a playthrough if you don't want to put in the effort to play it like it was intended.
If I'm playing an RPG an emulator is preferred so I can double the speed of the grind.