Any games where the love interest is a cute short haired girl? Bonus for abs.
Any games where the love interest is a cute short haired girl? Bonus for abs
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Kindred Spirits
tomboys best girls
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't accounted for your love of being cucked and/or being delusional.
>liking cute heterosexual romance I can self insert into is now equivalent to having a cuckold fetish
>not liking yuri
Just end your life, senpai
>self insert
That was the delusional part, not cuckoldry
Nel from Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
I don't think shes the cannon love interest but you can pursue her I think.
Why aren't there more tomboy main characters? Are there even any?
its not you she loves
its the main character
You are a bystander to your love having romantic relations to another male, that is literally the definition of a cuck
Never played the Star Ocean series, how does that one hold up?
>There are literally no tomboy love interests
>They are always bland uninteresting cunts
feels fucking bad desu
Main characters, but not the mainest.
Might as well go for boys, faggot.
I never understood why the high test meme is associated with thiccfags. Wouldn't it make more sense for /fit/ girl lovers, since you'll probably be doing physical activity together?
>m-my fat fetish is me being HIGH TEST
fucking kek
you literally just can't handle the superiority of tomboys. enjoy your cow.
if anyone's interested that's Riza Wildman from princess resurrection
also waifu
is that /fit/ enough for you, you closet faggot?
Might as well fuck butter, you degenerate.
Fat fetishists are the worst
Carmen from RF3 is a beautiful 10/10 sexy crispy chocolate tomboy with lovely emerald hair and amazing choice of hobbies
I married Raven still
You sound like a fucking retard.
>I married Raven still
You disgust me
Does Emily from Stardew Valley count? You can't really call her a tomboy, but still.
nice cherrypicking, you disgusting motherfucker.
you fat fetishists are worse than futafags.
i had to filter the word "feeder" because of you digusting fucking cunts.
Growlanser IV
Are the Rune Factory games fun, or are they just a glorified Harvest Moon? I don't really like games like that or AC.
Does this short haired girl count?
>short hair
Stop playing with my dick
>mfw seeing the first time Raven smiles
I want to protect that smile. I want to playfully tease her and then comfort her in a loving hug.
Plus, red is my favorite colour.
Fat enablers made the thick meme popular
It has a lot of Harvest Moon gameplay with the farming and selling crops angle, but you can also fight monsters in dungeons. I'm not sure if you could sustain yourself on purely monster loot though
tomboys are for insecure beta faggots, who unconsciously try to compensate for their shortcomings in being a male.
you faggots try to find your manhood in a woman
another tomboy for you faggots. are her muscular legs of her manly enough for you?
Tomboys are degenerate, and those who like them are also degenerates.
>implying I'm gonna deny I'm a skinnyfag with no masculinity who wants a tomboy to dominate me
jokes on you
yes and no. it was an IRONIC /fit/ meme that was coined in 2011. then it became popular in general by people who don't even lift. then the digusting fucking degenerate fat fetishists thought the meme was serious then started spouting it too.
i love how you're trying to defend being a fat fetishist by saying liking women is gay.
please keep posting. it's fucking hilarious how embarrassing you are.
Persona 3 and 4, but I'm positive you knew about those already.
>horrid musclefreak who tries to be a man
Let's do this right.
>literally a guy with a wig and makeup
>fatfags will say liking this is gay
>fatfags will say liking this is gay
>fat body
>face of a thin girl
That's not how it works faggot. If you're trying to be all "UNGH MUH THICK MUH NATURAL MUH HEALTHY LOOK SEE EVEN ANCIENT PEOPLE LOVED MUH THICK" then show her with a matching fatass chunky face you fucking coward.
never said liking any of that cherrypicking you did. nice argument by the way, you fucking child.
go jerk off to imagining over-feeding your waifu you disgusting fucker.
These ones are gross
im a tomboy fag but even I think you should kys
>literally a boy in skinny jeans
now i know you're just an attention whore "trolling" a.k.a. acting retarded on purpose for (You)'s.
well, here's one more. it's free.
i hope your depression worsens and this acting retarded thing does nothing to alleviate it.
Literal perfection
Not exactly what I'd call short-haired, but Meryl from MGS
it's a mental disorder that you can only distinguish a man from a woman from the length of their hair, user.
you should kill yourself.
>That fucking shirt
Came here to post this.
>he.. he's just trolling you guys!
just stating the facts
Back on topic, since i actually made this thread out of interest
Are there any fun action games or JRPGs with these types? The romance doesn't necessarily have to be explicit or a center focus, as long as there's a close relationship of some kind.
You get cucked by a guy who shits his pants because kojima's a hack
go back watching leafy you fucking fag
there are none
the girls are designed to be dumb blond bimbos
fuck this gay industry
is the manga worth a binge read? I've got some time on my hands.
cherrypicking roided up bodybulding competitors isn't an argument, you disgusting fucking feeder.
please. do everyone a favor andl kill yourself.
ladies first, faggot
No thanks
@345679673 (You)
as always, nice argument.
definitely, just be prepared for an unsatisfying ending. Otherwise it's one of my favorites. The anime is really well done too
Voluptuous female traits are signs of health. Checkmate, implications.
>fat fucking folds are healthy!
here's your (You), other fucking disgusting feeder.
This. Tomboys shouldn't be roided freaks
>i like my women like little boys
>liking girls with a trait even remotely masculine makes you gay
Fucking why? Just let me jack off in piece.
I fucked it again
I swear I do this wrong or something.
That kind of makes me harder.
People (mostly Americans) seem to have the weird idea that any hair length above the shoulders is inherently masculine and liking it makes you gay.
No idea why.
>i can only distinguish a man from a woman by their hair
>fucking men with long hair isn't gay
>i swear i'm not autistic guys
>a girl having abs is a man!
Daily reminder that if there's too much fat on the stomach, you need to take it 'round back and gun it.
Google image reverse search is 50/50
Use instead.
>another Europoor making a stab at Americans
Do you ever get bored? Because your sense of humor and use of hyperbole is unimaginative as fuck.
Well it's not wrong.
Source is shit by the way
There's a difference between voluptuous and fat, dumbfuck.
Not even that, it's the shitposters that act like guys who like muscular women are also into female bodybuilders and are gay I'm talking about.
Our fetishes are only meant to bring us together, not drift us apart.
No there is not.
Voluptuous means there is fat under the skin.
Therefore, it. is. fat.
That's already too fat.
Here's a cute girl.
I don't know what that thing is, but I get shivers looking at it.
another cherrypicker. 90% of /fit/ knows that's a guy. nice try though, literal fat fucker.
Nice try faggot, you won't make me look gay today.
For the love of god please post the one with all the other dudes
Also heard he got sex reassignment surgery?
>I-I can't get cucked if it's a female!
fuck I need to rewatch this show
>literal fat fucker
This girl is fucking fit though. I can smell your folds from across the monitor though user.
It means curvy and sexy, or are we just making up definitions now? Sexy is up for personal debate, but the general consensus is that fat people are trash.
nice try, you disgusting fucking feeder. reread my post and see: kill. yourself. you fucking fat fetishist. you're worse than furries.