Why are video game fans so retarded?
Why are video game fans so retarded?
>video game fans
just say gamer faggot
A phone with that design in 2016 with Nintendo-developed games would be legitimately GOAT though. Fuck those that dismiss the thought just because 'lol mobile'. INB4 mindless shitposting.
>video game fans
>not all of humanity
not video games
>Video game fans
Who the fuck says that?
>video game fans
the only retard here is you
Yeah im sure that starting the thread with "gamer" would cause absolutely no issues on Sup Forums
Fuck off retard.
Oh please, if Nintendo can make decent games on outdated shit like DS/3DS, imagine what they could pull off on a mobile. They're top of their game for optimization on shit-tier hardware, and have plenty experience with touchscreen integration in games.
Giving normies internet access at all times via smartphones will be studied by future aliens as the cause of humanities downfall.
DS and 3DS still had traditional controls in addition to touch screen. Phones don't.
Fuck off retard.
Did you actually LOOK at OP's pic?
Utter retard.
just look around you
just say it like it is man
gamers are fucking retarded, the whole lot of them
Huh so, that old Sony Xperia with keyboard?
Slap nintendo on it and now everyone wants it, lmao.
>ignoring the fact that xperia phone came out far too early for it's time, and the controls on it were those shitty rubber-button things
Barely compares
Nintendo wouldn't actually release a phone though. Or if they did, theres no fucking way they'd make their games exclusive to it, otherwise no one would buy it or the games.
Most people aren't willing to lug around a phone game controller with them, so Nintendo will focus on shitty phone controls first and foremost.
Yada yada shut up stupid cunt.
I'm saying it's basically the same thing, i had that xperia and honestly i still miss it, having a keyboard felt so good and emulating SNES and GBA on it was glorious.
Basically this is nothing new.
It's used in nearly every thread, not sure why you think it would be a problem, better than saying VIDEO GAME FANS HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>go to catalog
>CTRL + F "gamer"
>5 results
kill yourself newfag
Okay, but my original point if you actually paid attention was IF Nintendo made a phone like in OP's pic it'd be GOAT. Stop intentionally twisting my words.
Back then GBA was as good as phones could run (and even then not too well from what I recall). Now, we're nearing PS2-tier graphical fidelity, i.e. already beyond the aforementioned 3DS.
You haven't said why though
Why what exactly?
"gamer" is used all the time on Sup Forums, though?
You're either stupid or worry too much about internet slang, I'm going to say both!
Why it'd be GOAT
I literally repeated my point at the bottom of this post I also said it in my very first post in the thread that you replied to Are you seriously this stupid?
Oops second quote should be
Your original point isn't worth discussing because there's no possibility of it ever happening
Nice complete change of subject.
You only mentioned games, and you're wrong about phone hardware. Phones are actually fairly advanced, it's just touch controls and a tiny screen that are the huge hurdles.
A Nintendo phone wouldn't work any better technologically than putting actual Nintendo games on regular phones. The most you could hope for is rabid fanboyism due to brand naming.
Whatever retard.
great argument pleb
Go play angry birds or Pokemon go or whatever.
>Phones are actually fairly advanced, it's just touch controls and a tiny screen that are the huge hurdles.
Which is exactly why I said the example in OP's pic would be GOAT as it has physical buttons?
Are people even actually reading my posts holy shit.
>can't read
>calls me the retard
Why a phone tho
Don't worry user, the (few) sane people around all agree with you.
People who comment on facebook are retarded, especially old people who don't quite get the internet
Because smartphones have mass-appeal, and hardware can be provided by one if many smartphone manufacturers if Nintendo were to make a partnership. I'd say the time is right to attempt a gaming smartphone again as that Xperia example previously mentioned was a little too early to play anything beyond SNES-tier games (near-PS1 graphical fidelity at a push), whilst now we're close to PS2 stuff.
It'd need good marketing to dodge the stigma for mobile gaming as a whole (due to the market being ridiculously cancerous). If a developer/publisher treated it as a respectable piece of hardware to develop actual videogames on, though, it'd be legitimately brilliant.
No fuck off. Mobile games are cancer.
See I spelled-out exactly what was meant by my previous posts from this discussion since you seem to have had a really hard time with basic reading comprehension. Of course, you may still disagree but I'd like to hear your reasons for it. Too long has Sup Forums got away with being retarded.
It's so easy to fool those morons, Jesus.
The 3DS pay wall keeps the faggots and broke niggers out. That alone is more than enough reason for me to want them to keep making handheld consoles.
All the smartphones I'm aware of cost significantly more than a 3DS. They're typically the cost of a home console, though it's often disguised by provider's contracts.
Yeah. But everyone has a cell phone because many people consider it a necessity. They don't want to buy a phone + a 3DS.
Plus all of the fags who think Nintendo only makes kiddie games (but somehow still want to play Nintendo games) can now hop on the train if theyre on cell phones, and that would be fucking garbage.
you are fucking retarded.
I see your point, perhaps if there was a (good*) device to attach to any phone that gives you standardized controls along with software to map them in games.
*I'm aware these already exist, but all the one's I've seen are hilariously bad
Top rebuttal.
Video games rot the brain. Your mom was right.
Please, for God's sake, shut up.
>video game fans
you mean nintendrones?
>Video game fans
Sounds like something an old person would say!
>stop having a rational discussion!
Fuck off mate
dumb niggerposter
>if I quote him with a smug face it'll disprove him
Why are you being such a faggot about this anyway?
because when i see someone spewing shit with such high degree of retardness i can't just let it slip.
and there is even no point in trying to explain to you why you are wrong.
so i will just do my duty and call a retard out.
You're contradicting yourself. You claim that smartphones have mass appeal, yet you want to 'dodge the stigma for mobile gaming as a whole'. Aside from that, all you're really appealing for is a gimmick, again brand-naming by calling it a smartphone.
There's nothing you could do with it mechanically that you couldn't do with a traditional handheld gaming device, and there's nothing technologically that any other smartphone doesn't already have in spades. You're just lobbying for a horrible combination of both because LOL NINTENDO COULD DO IT.
>Why are Nintendo fans so retarded?
>Why are people so retarded?
If you look at asphalt 8 I'd say we are *this* close to breaking the ps3 wall on mobile.
car models and environments are on par with Gran Turismo 4 on the ps3
>Memes, buzzwords and shitposting.
>Tells others not to do the same.
>Calls people retarded
The irony is amazing.
Nintendo phone with Android and NDS compatibility would be dope
>don't call us gamers!
>don't call us videogame fans!
Should just call you all stupid faggots
or you know just get a regular phone with a nds emulator without a nintendo logo slapped onto it.
i never took this kiddy console wars shit seriously but this thread makes me look at nintendo in different light.
Majority of gamers are casual faggots. What else is new?
You're the only legitimate retard here, user
You shouldn't expect anyone intelligent to have a goybook account.
No. Shut the fuck up.
I just say videogame player. I refuse to use newfag/normie/youtube terms like gamer
Care to explain why it's bad? The only downside I can think of is that it would probably have some dead as fuck app store since you would essentially be connected to the nintendo store and have to buy all the games the phone is able to emulate.
Is a noun even necessary? Just tell people you play videogames. Hobbies don't define people. Someone who watches football on TV isn't a "footballer" or a "football watcher."
Mobile gaming is the bane of the industry and the moment nintendo fully enters the mobile market is the moment any hope I may have begins to shrivel up and die.
Mobile gaming could be alright if companies didn't focus solely on it and if it wasn't full of shovelware and gacha money sinks.
This is nintendo we are talking about. Even if they did make what you are describing they would make it with shit-grade parts and a bullshit cpu in order to keep costs down most android games wouldn't be able to run due to lack of resources. and the games that do run would be simplistic tap to win/pay to win pieces of shit.
Unless nintendo actually nuts up and puts good parts in they will never get any worthy 3rd party titles.
No. Handhelds are bad enough. I want to sit down and play a game on my couch, looking at my TV, or in my big comfy office chair. And when the most profit comes from what I hate, that poses a problem to the future of mine other peoples' interests.
If this was real, and you were able to work it like a normal phone and be able to play new and old Nintendo games, and am able to download them off of a store, then sign me the fuck up now.
Weird. I dont want to be forced to sit down at my house in front of my tv.
If I were a neet I guess I would love it. But having to move to the office, being at the office, and not wanting to be inside my house the rest of the day, handhelds make my best videogame experience.
I hardly finish jrpgs on consoles because its too tiring to finish a 70 hours game in front of my tv. While I easily finish many on handhelds.
Frankly I have my pc hooked to my tv and most of the times I end using the small monitor.
Home consoles could die for all I care. All I want from Sony and Nintendo are handhelds.
If there were no such thing as exclusives I would throw my ps4 in the trash.
Gee, I wonder
>make friends with someone that has a ps4
>rent bloodborne
>beat it at his house
and thats how you save $500
or plan b
say you're unsociable
buy the ps4 and bloodborne and sell them for practically the same price once youre done
I'll be at /biz/ if you need me kiddos
You play your 3DS at work? Why?
Shouldn't you be, y'know...working?
So anything mobile shouldn't be created because of what YOU want to do when playing a game? Hello tumblr.
normies get out reeee
You're only proving my point that the masses ruin hobbies that they don't even have the dedication to get in to.
I think you mean normies
Mobile games make up a massive percentage of game revenue, are anti-consumer, and are just all-around shit. They are to video games what video game movies are to cinema.
Canada is that you?
Which is why I had conditions where mobile gaming could be alright. As of right now it's terrible save for a decent port or two. Even then they're overpriced.
I think YOU mean 'current 4chaim userbase'
Even if I were a neet Id still use mostly my pc. I can focus better sitting in front of my pc screen.
All of Facebook is like that. No exceptions.
buy the ps4 exclusive and prepare empty bottles and food knowing ur gonna finish it in one go cuz fuck it. 3 days pass, empty piss bottles and wrappers all around you. A rush of relief and disappointment cloud ur mind after u finish the game. Wanting to play it again a thought crosses ur mind. You forgot to pick up ur 4 year child at the park for 3 days. Frantically u spring up from ur chair and u instantly hit the ground from sitting down for so long. Trying to get back up u look back at the tv seeing that the game is waiting for u to begin anew. Start a new game again but changing the difficulty every time. Worries and problems disappear from consciousness cuz u know FUCK IT!
I like how the phone is already almost as thin as a headphone jack and then it splits in half to reveal a controller.
It's incredible.
German video game enthusiasts are so fucking dumb and have really really low standards. I have yet to meet a pleasant community so I'll rather read all of Sup Forums's shitposts before setting foot into a German gaming community again.