Name a video game whose been through worse psychological trauma than Shion

Name a video game whose been through worse psychological trauma than Shion

Never mind all the other shit he dealt with, spending eight years of your life as a statue must be pure hell.


Is there even a video game character with a higher amount of suffering than him?



Brad, he suffers because he thinks all the bad shit that happened to his sister was his fault, and then proceeds to let all of his friends die because he thinks Buddy is his second chance

muh kevin



Shion's games were shit.

You mean he slaughters his friends because he thinks they're trying to stop him

She's still a huge bitch.

Not even a contest

Fei. Also, fuck Shion


Melia from Xenoblade. Whole family died. Lost her crush to Seven, had no happy ending.

not counting all the NTR he goes through

Amateur hour

>Yume Nikki and dead space
I don't understand

That only happens in your Japanese hentais user

>whole family died

Her whole damn species died except her and probably like a handful.


>Her whole damn species died
Only a select few full blooded High Entia were canonically killed over the course of the game, the rest although transformed into Telethia were probably spared and may have even reverted back after Zanza'sdefeat.

>that universe where you find out you killed your party
How can he suffer trauma when he doesnt exist anymore

