Stylish vidya clothes thread

stylish vidya clothes thread

T-t-t-that's for girls ?!?

Well, yeah. Everyone knows only girls play Persona.



Op unrelated.

Literally a black version of the if... uniform.

what kind of twink-ass motherfucker would wear that in real life?

So much style, so much power.

looks like pajamas

This might be the gayest thing ever.

Maybe if you were back in the 70s

Better stylish clothes.




That's a stupid way to think, unless you are butt ugly.

Those stripes were hideous when the game first came out.

These would look great if they weren't so shitty made like in OPs pic.

Thats a stupid way to think and you're butt ugly


Can someone post the collection of people who bought these shitty asian clothes that look like ass?


kill me

>the assassins bane jacket

>wearing pajama pants in public

What exactly is this shirt trying to accomplish?

/fa/ pls go

Is the neck on the guy fifth from the right is photoshopped?

>Dressing as Richard for Halloween this year

I'm pretty stoked.

What is this style of jacket actually called?

No, nothing in this image is photoshopped. Especially not the far right.

remove the coat and the anime body-type and its a random person in the 90's

no vidya character is more fashionable than re4 leon.

Pretty sure the dude on the end is photoshopped at least.

are you frustrated?


Tbh if that shooter kid wasn't in the picture I'd have a very difficult time deciding whether or not it's shopped, but I always check for him.


Sherpa jacket.
>tfw Sup Forumsirgin yet wear Acne, Undercover and Cav Empt.

Someone needs to make a laughing black guy .webm as it zooms in on that guy with the long neck and then switch to like a fuckin giraffe or something.

>Those print lines

wherever you lived in the 90s must've been about 20 years behind modern trends because Soma's style is very clearly influenced by 70s fashion


Sherpa's just the material for the jacket lining. I don't think there is a name for that kind of jacket, unless there is in Asia, since they always come from YesStyle derivatives.

>tfw Sup Forumsirgin yet wear Acne, Undercover and Cav Empt.
so absolute shit taste in clothing as expected by Sup Forumsirgin


No one would ever wear ingame vidya fashion IRL without becoming a fist/rape/dark hole magnet.

These would look like shit except for on someone with the absolutely perfect twink body-type. AKA the Japanese and A&F models.

>its a Sup Forums fashion thread

would you wear this outfit?

B...but what's bad about them?

Problem, senpai?

would you prefer it for Sup Forums to gu outside naked?

I know I would

Why do trousers for Japanese schoolboys look like pajama-pants?

Is this acceptable by Sup Forums standards? I know you have better taste than /fa/.

They still are. It's the subtle differences that make the OP image look good.

>go to /fa/
>nothing but hungry skeletons buying asian twink clothes and dressing like hipsters, mall goths, and bondage enthusiasts

Fuck off, pedo scum.

Rate my Rick Owens fit Sup Forums.

she looks like an alien

It really depends on how good you look. Best is to try it out, look into the mirror and trying not to delude yourself.

No. Looks like a fag



Just dress like a normal person fuck.

Floggin Molly is that you?

it's hella comfy senpai

I always go to /fa/ since I am interested in clothing, but everytime I see a picture of someone who's supposedly from /fa/, more than often their clothes look shit on them.

If you like to take it up the ass, sure.

I thought so, but then I saw this at a local con.

rate me Sup Forums

Everyone and their moms already cosplayed as Richard or as the owl, youre not original

looks like a disgusting hipster

lose the bowtie and suspenders



>tips newsman cap


a lot of the characters in Transistor were pretty /fa/

What game? Guy is basically me, I only have some colors different

user, you look like the start of yaoi LN. Think back on your life's choices and reconsider.


I always wear Benny's suit or something similar if I'm not in dangerous combat situations, looks snazzy as hell

>not wearing the vault suit at all times

literally everyone in that is photoshopped to some degree

It's a shearling jacket in a bomber style.

This all seems very practical just all over

>character isn't a vault dweller whatsoever
>wear the vault suit entire game

for what purpose

Looks fine. Dude's a qt, too.

My character identifies as a vault dweller. She saw a vault once and that was it

Can I show you my vault?

whoa you've seen an alien before!?

that dude on the farthest right looks like the crazy kid from chronicle

Just try and tell me Leon isn't effay as fuck

Is your vault deep and wide? Is it full of corridors and rooms that go far?

It's all you want it to be and more.

If it wasn't likely cheap Pleather, I'd buy the fuck out of this and wear it every time I ride my Harley.


Was there something in my post that upset you?

No I just don't know what (you) means.

>Tfw my mom works as a fashion designer and I still dress like an autist
New Balances are so comfy

Change 'em for 995 or CRT3 and you are fine. Or wear primeknit Adidas, they are comfy af too.