Anyone see this?

Anyone see this?

video games

There are video games that have Hillary in it

Maybe you should talk about them then, Sup Forums.

Name 20 games that do this.

Name one that isn't a Political Race game.

Looks like something Ghost and paranoid fucktards at Sup Forums would watch.

RNC is on twitch so this must be vidya, r-right guys?

>truth is paranoia guiz

>Hilary mastered Psycho Power

I know who I'm voting for

The Ship: Remasted

So what's preventing you from making these threads on your own board instead of ours, Sup Forums?

>hey dude go preach to the choir instead of spreading truth to unenlightened sheep

I can't. I can name two though.


We don't need you to "spread truth" to us. Fuck off.

You shouldn't preach to the unenlightened sheep when it has nothing to do with the board topic. This is just another blatantly off-topic politics thread that has no business being here

excuse me sir can you spare 30 seconds of your time to talk about our lord and savior, adolf hitler

Fuck off cuck

Im not liberal sorry

That would imply all of Sup Forums is in agreement on absolutely everything.

jesus is coming

voting for a particular president wont stop the end of the world

Everyone stop!
Sup Forums is a board of peace!