I swear to the Goddess Sup Forums, if you all don't buy VII and as a result we also never get VIII...

I swear to the Goddess Sup Forums, if you all don't buy VII and as a result we also never get VIII, X and XI due to its sales I will come back here 3 months from now and complain a bit.


I'm going to buy a physical copy and a digital copy

Didn't they really mess up the class system though?

Your post is too hard to understand. Can't you repost it with more accents?

Dragon Quest is all class baby.

Already paid off a preorder and I am going to pick it up.

I pirated DQ Heroes

Are you serious? You're not serious. Don't do this to me.

Don't worry OP, I will buy it.
and never finish it because the game takes a million years to complete

Its going to flop because all 3ds fags do is pirate games now.

>the series has always has accents
>it was at it's worst with IV and Joker and has yet to be as bad since

I did yesterday

I'll be pirating it 10,000 times in the hopes that the lost sales cause them to go out of business.

Why can't you just learn Japanese if you like the series?


Isn't 8 confirmed to be coming over anyway?

Well fuck you too then you piratefag.

>implying people can perfectly learn and read a language in 2 minutes

Won't happen
Games will flop due to piracy

It can sell over a million copies outside japan and Square will still call it a financial disaster rivaling the Fukushima meltdown.

Oh, I didn't realise every other DQ game was 2 minutes away from being "translated".

Because you can't really call censorship and funny accents a translation.


Why would I buy a game I've already finished?

Fuck off poorfag

ITT: piratefags just want to see dragon quest fans suffer

> rivaling the Fukushima meltdown

Square is fucking terr2

That would imply that being a dragon quest fan isn't suffering in itself by default.

>dragon quest fan
Pick one.

>This Japanese game series has always had accents

im a huge dq fan and i dont even know if im going to buy it.
there's such a large chance they could ruin the translation, and even cut features/censor.

i might have a better shot just hacking my 3ds and waiting for someone to patch the game. its a wait and see release really.

Piratefags deserve to be shot in the back of the head 2bh

>hand held games
>hand helds in general

Naw. I hope it gets canned and all of portable gaming does too because it is shit. Well I guess Nintendo are the only ones still supporting that dinosaur market. Vita failed horribly but man children still buy the 3ds because they can't admit that Nintendo games are shallow and they are letting their nostalgia guide their purchases.

My excuse is hand held gaming is horrible and there is nothing worth playing on the 3ds because they are all rehash games and weeb trash.


I'll buy builder instead

Which Dragon Quests are the good Dragon Quests?

>new IPS do well on 3DS


~you do it to yourself you do and that's why it really hurts~

>you do it to yourself
>you do
>that's why it really hurts


Because DQ fans pirate everything and then they wonder why their games won't come over here

The reality is that there aren't any fucking DQ fans. It's not a good series, and it's made even worse by the awful translation work that butchers characters for no good reason.

Finally someone with brains.

I've been saying that for months you fuck


1 is alright but its real basic
2 is large step up adventure-wise but has some issues (rhone. crests hunting.)
4 ios/android is the only version of 4 in english that kept the party chat. The game is great but the accents are shit. If someone hacks dq4 ds and fixes it, it would be a "great dq" easily.

I've been playing though dq6 and it feels like a mess. you're managing 2 worldmaps and jumping between them constantly. and just because you earn a boat in one world, doesn't mean you get it in the other. you have to find the other world's equivalent.
I just got the ability to go underwater in one world and i kinda want it to be over.

This is true. They did it on the DS, and they'll do it on the 3DS. Fuck them.

>my thoughts are exclusively mine

7 billion people live on this earth.

>buy the same game twice or you dont get any new releases
Seriously fuck square. Also they released that piece of shit setsuna game in the west for a "tradtional jrpg experience" but they hold dq hostage the dumb gook fucks

What does this even mean? How are dq games pirateable? The last one released in the west was 9 and the flashcart scene wasnt exactly predominant back then. Are you sure you arent a retard?

America should have just finished the job.

Of the ones i've played 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.

I didn't care for 9.

DS piracy was rampant at the time

>Want to play Dragon Quest 1
>An iOS port
>An unplayable famicom release
>Thou hast purchased the NES version
>SNES remake Japan Only
>Wii collection including SNES remake Japan onry
>No virtual console release
>No PSN release
>No PC version
>An English fan translation of the SNES remake that manages to actually translate something

I wonder why.

The ones people universally like are 3,4,5 and 8

>tfw you didn't mind the accents

>tfw you actually like the accents
They were only overdone in IV.

>univerally liked
I've always had the impression that 4 was one of the most controversial games in the series due to the chapters, party swapping, and removal of party creation. It's one of my favorite games but I am constantly seeing people shit on it.

Nah, fuck you. I just want XI since I want a god tier adventure like VIII again.

Don't care. I bought this piece of shit when I was a kid and I've regretted it since. VII was a horrible game.

What a fucking pussy. Did you get lost in the Dark World of ALttP too?
DQ6's overworld is easily the one with the most clever and well crafted level design in the series, and one of the most fun to explore.
There are tons of optional areas with additional story and lore too.

Dunno where you picked up that.
It's always referred as a classic, and it's the game that Horii himself suggests to newcomers.

>Nothing to the story, like, ever
>Combat is absolute nothing, no challenge or resource management
>muh charm
>Millions of copies sold

I have played 3, 5, 8 and a bunch of spinoffs, they're absolutely nothing. They're not bad games, they're just the Tap Water of the genre. DO people who are DQ fans just not play other JRPGs?


We're never getting that. No amount of sales will bring it over.

>MMO shit
And nothing of value was lost.

Don't even care. Might pirate it if I feel like it.

Maybe Square should've gave us Dragon Warrior Monsters 1 and 2 remakes instead, which came out YEARS ago. Luckily there's fan translations in the works atm, same with the PS1 version of DQM2 which I'll play again on my PSP.

Better game

This is the mentality of the parasites that will complain and look for an excuse to pirate no matter what, just to complain even more when the series disappear again due to low sales. Absolutely cancer.


So is that DQVIII 3ds port still coming this year?

All of them.

How much is changed in this version from the the PS version? I loved the PS version, and the updated graphics look sweet. But I heard that the writing is significantly changed. Is it anything deal breaking, or just little things?

Just little things.

Localization will add the accents that have been in the more recent DQ localizations, I also believe they tightened the pacing...by a lot.

In a good way? I remember the game being grindy as fuck in the earlier sections. Not hard per se, but time consuming since you had to level and leveling was pretty tedious. I like RPGs being difficult, but it takes some intuitive battling to make the difficulty not just a matter of stopping to grind.

But I really liked the little plots each island had, so I hope they didn't mess with stuff like that.

>I also believe they tightened the pacing...by a lot

And by that, he meant they just teleported you back instead of telling you to go back yourself.

>But I really liked the little plots each island had, so I hope they didn't mess with stuff like that.

They won't. Horii isn't dumb enough to erase an entire island or something like that.

Look, when i can't even fucking understand what NPCs and enemies are saying, there's a fuckin' problem.

I didn't really mind 6. I thought it was enjoyable. Only thing that was a pain for me was the fact that the last boss was hard as fucking balls. I'd like to try to beat him again without grinding a bit in the Hero class though, I probably just screwed something up.

Put it on something other than a handheld system and i'll buy it for $60