What do you think of the changes being made to fix TF2's matchmaking?
More importantly, Heavy or Pyro? strawpoll.me
What do you think of the changes being made to fix TF2's matchmaking?
>low ping preference
>Not bringing or mentioning Stopwatch Mode
Valve damage control after Overwatch does it better
I mean they're about 5 years too late on all of it so it doesn't really matter
about fucking time
>tfw the Heavy hasn't had his own update since 2008
lmao at the fact that competitive match making took valve 2 years to create and it was still an incomplete mess at launch
I don't even know why it exists
unironically less than 1% of TF2 players played comp
Why the fuck is Pyro winning anyway?
no idea my man.
People play TF2 for the ability to just hop on a valve server and pubstomp scrubs on hightower for 40 minutes and go do something else.
I think the crew that works on TF2 now are mostly from CS:GO and have no idea what it is that people play TF2 for.
Because heavy has been garbage for like 2 years now
>have no idea what it is that people play TF2 for.
hat collecting simulator
Valve's completely phoned it in.
Because Heavy is situationally useful, whereas Pyro is only useful for juggling ubers.
Brony and fempyro fags.
I have seen people defending the update for it's shitty launch and I don't get why.
It's have been many fucking years of the development of this game and they still can't get a hand in updates or it's community.
Some People are being to happy with what they are getting now a days saying "Oh we should not bring any kind of negativity here".
But for fuck sake if we don't say something nothing will be changed.
Pyro is a lot easier to use and score points.
Haven't really seen the difference, but then again i've picked up the game just a bit after this update.
It really pisses me off when one of the teams has like 3 more players than the other one and nobody is moved.
>changes being made to fix TF2's matchmaking?
You mean TF2 adding matchmaking?
Pyro, he needs some rework, specially now that Spies are almost impossible to kill if they have the fucking Dead Ringer. I thought they made the Ice knife or whatever is the name to allow a spy escape a pyro's flamethrower, but oh no, now the Dead Ringer does that too.
And matchmaking is absolute shite, I don't understand why pubs and competitive matchmaking couldn't coexist together. But Valve being the retarded company that it is now decided to give us this abortion of CS:GO matchmaking.
>Pyro, he needs some rework, specially now that Spies are almost impossible to kill if they have the fucking Dead Ringer.
Look at this goddamn casual.
Not only did they fuck up big time but it was the last bit of proof of something that everyone feared: The people trying to "fix" the game don't actually play or understand it.
I know "TF2 is dead" meme has been going on for years now but if they don't start communicating with their audience and start getting their shit together the game really will start to die. Tge TF Team are just plain bad at their job to a point I can't even hype myself up for the war because you just know for an absolute fact they'll fuck one of them up.
Pyro is going to get fucked hard unless the TF Team start brightening up and talking to the fans that actually understand the game.
>I know "TF2 is dead" meme has been going on for years now but if they don't start communicating with their audience and start getting their shit together the game really will start to die.
-user, 2013
The game sure is dead now.
It's a fact that pyro is inferior to every class. He was the direct counter for the spy, plus airblast to redirect rockets and grenades. Now he can't even do the job of finding and killing the spy. Any decent player can kill a pyro with ease.
>The game sure is dead now
Oh, so that's why it's consistently been the third most popular game on steam with an average of 60k players!
stop posting anytime
>what is sarcasm
>inferior to Spy
>this nigger actually has trouble killing Spies
LOOK at this GODDAMN casual!
oh, so that's why overwatch has literally blown TF out of the water and is consistently touted as a better game without all the bullshit bloat that TF has accumulated
After the update it peaked to 30k.
Not quite dead but they're fucking it.
Overwatch isn't a threat. The biggest killer of TF2 is TF2 itself.
Dead Ringer, extinguishes flames, reduces damage, fakes death. Before it only faked death. Now a soldier is a better spy killer (not spotter) because the flamethrower damage is a joke.
I dont understand how they managed to fuck up the matchmaking, ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS COPY CSGO'S MATCHMAKING.
What on earth is the point of leveling up when it doesn't mean jack shit, you will still be matched up with rank 1s AND IT DOESN'T EVEN MATCH YOU UP AGAINST YOUR OWN ELO, HOLY SHIT
>Now a soldier is a better spy killer
Why am I even talking with you?
You just need to put in the slightest bit of effort, user. Flame particles make a sound when they hit an enemy. You can use these and a bit of thinking and map awareness to follow him or know where he's most likely to do the really loud uncloak sound.
You are also thick. Spotting a spy (setting him on fire or hearing the flames or the air blast when it hits him) is different from killing.
>overwatch has literally blown TF out of the water and is consistently touted as a better game
what the fuck are you talking about lmao
and on top of that nobody even mentioned overwatch
please return to your containment thread
Yeah they need to get their shit together to be honest
>33k viewers
holy shit it is dying after all
viewers =/= players either, good try though
christ overtards are obnoxious
>They had Matchmaking beta for months
>Had glaring problem but it was a beta so of course they'll fix it right?
>mfw Matchmaking official launch is exactly like the beta with no changes what so ever
They're literal retards user.
Fuck I don't even enjoy Overwatch but even the devs somewhat understand their own game and aren't complete and total idiots who are too lazy to actually do their job.
To be honest the matchmaking is fine and it kinda resurrected the game for me.
The only thing i can complain about is that from time to time i get matched into high ping servers, about 160ms or even 200ms.
Late joins on casual mode sucks tho, i've joined matches just to end up 30 seconds later.
Yeah Overwatch used to have a fuckton of viewers
I have no idea why he posted that image, he's just fueling the narrative that overwatch is burning out
He never said it was significant retard, he just said it wasn't dead
Also consider suicide, nobody mentioned Overwatch until you brought it up you faggot
>b-but muh 60 thousand!
>literally over half of that are just WATCHING people play Overwatch
enjoy your dead hat simulator, kid
It's just a spy, in the long run it won't matter if you kill him instantly or gravely wound him.
>He tries to run away and heal
You bought your team some relaxation time from the spy
>He tries to go in for a kill
He can get oneshotted by just about anything at that point so anyone with half a brain can shoot in his general direction
Why would you not bring up Overwatch when talking about the livelihood of TF2, since it is in direct competition with it?
Are you retard?
I was never a huge fan of the whole "hey guys lets make the least serious fps possible" prospect of the game and i thought the matchmaking was decent beforehand but as soon as they shoved this in I just fucking moved on to any game but this. Fuck the matchmaking and the "aesthetically pleasing" UI they added
>retard post accompanied with retarded goldface reaction image
either stay on topic or fuck off retard
people just like pyro better
it really sucks since both classes need new shit, but heavy needs it sooner than pyro does
>m-m-my games not d-dead, you, you retard!
Post Meat & Matches
With a 75% damage reduction with the first hit, 65% for the next 3 seconds and being able to get rid off flames (again, this is why they made the ice knife) you just bought your team 5 seconds, and you know as hell it will take you a fucking long time to kill him with the flamethrower shitty damage, the main weapon to kill spies.
Because Pyro is borderline unplayable as anything but a barely effective suicide attacker unless the entire enemy team is made up of retards (which may as well happen since this is TF2)
I'm so glad I have the mod to remove cosmetics and play in Dx8 so no shitty unusual particles either
>unironic shitposting
rule 6 bub
unless you can make a valid argument as to why the game is dead don't post :^)
Why are you giving him (You)s?
Because it's fun and he's inadvertently bumping the thread with his shitposts
You're right though, I'll stop
Pyro is just an easy class to play so people flock to him
Honestly, fighting dead ringer spies is so annoying that I'd rather get backstabbed than playing chicken chase for half the match