Alright I wanna play a fighting game. PC, 3DS, and PS3 are my options, so I assume PC is my best bet...

Alright I wanna play a fighting game. PC, 3DS, and PS3 are my options, so I assume PC is my best bet. What's the best option I have then, I've heard mixed things about SFV but that's about all I know. Also what's character variety like in games

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also ps3 controller or keyboard

guilty gears and blaze blue are the best

Just the latest one on steam then? Which would be Xrd - sign- or chronophantasma extended ?

Skullgirls is where it's at

ps3 controller

Under night in birth
Tekken 7
Street Fighter V
And maaaaaybe Skullgirls, but only if youre into Marvel like games and you dont mind playing against furries all day.

Yeah I figured controller was the thing to do. I'll give those a look on youtube then and see which I like the look of

How far are you into fightan? If not much, Skullgirls is a great place to start (and so is UMVC3), but I don't know how dead their online matchmaking systems are.

SFV is not the best place to start, but it's good enough I think.

I've played smash that's it, i think i played skullgirls once on a f2p weekend or something and didn't like it much.
And yeah knowing the state of online would be useful to know

Smash is nothing like the rest of the fighting games, in various aspects

Street Fighter is the one you probably should get into at some point, maybe IV or V, and learn inside out to get the fundamentals on most other fighting games (cancelling moves, links, reversals, option selects, blocking, etc etc).

UMVC3 and Skullgirls are the "lite" version of SF games while still keeping most core aspects (and adding some crazier stuff of their own), so they're what I'd recommend for a beginner. I think UMVC3 is still ok to find players online, but I'm not sure.

Tekken and Soul Calibur are kinda simmilar in the core, but Tekken is boring because 99% of the cast feels like they have the same moves

older MK games are very unique, MK9 Injustice and MKX play very simmilarly and are easy to get into

SFV will obviously have living online for at LEAST a year, and probably more since it's the next big fighting game after SFIV after all

there's a lot of options, I guess

Yeah i kinda knew it wasn't anything like. How's the character variety in sf5? Like in terms of how different how they fight.

I haven't got deep into SFV, but I think it's pretty good, and at the same time it's rather balanced.

You can see a lot of different characters were in the top 25, this list looks great in my opinion, specially since the game is not even 6 months old.

The King of Fighters games on Steam have a huge variety of characters, and the subset of the series available there basically consists of the more competitively respected ones in terms of mechanics.

Oh dam I just looked and SF5 is a decent bit more expensive than the other fighting games on steam, and given i'm not sure how much i'm gonna play, not too sure. I mean obviously if it's the best I'd still get it over one of the others but I dunno

you can always emulate some of the really old and basic stuff to get a handle for the fundamentals.

it's like getting a new GPU
>pay more, get the one that'll last longer
>get a cheap deal for one that isn't going to be useful for much longer
>bargain bin deals for games nobody plays anymore


also, SFV went on sale a few days/weeks ago I think, so maybe you'll want to wait? (but it was only 25% off I think)

Yeah I know but still
I mean I'm not really interested in like getting really good and competing or anything, I just wanna play, and playing vs the ai in smash, cause online was laggy last time i tried, isn't that much fun anymore so I do kinda want one with online, otherwise I'd just get one on ds or 3ds and just piss about on it, but for online I think I want pc (but if any of the ones on ds /3 ds have a good amount of stuff to do single player like story modes and crap I might just get one of those aswell). So yeah I do think I want online so pc, but other than sfv i'm not sure about anything having active online

I'm probably being way too picky and stupid, I dunno

Skullgirls is my fav plus it has best girls

SFV will be the only game where you'll find fellow new or at least new-ish players online. Okay maybe in SF4 too. In literally every other game you can expect to lose your first 400-1000 matches, and that's if you have the patience to grind training mode for hours a day and constantly analyze what you're doing wrong.

Though if you're willing to jump into the non-SFV games then Xrd on PS3 is your best bet.

Yeah I'm more than willing to play other games, isn't xrd on pc too? or is ps3 better

PS3 has Revelator and a vastly larger player base.

Yeah pc is -sign- whatever that is, player base would be a reason yeah

Sign is the first Xrd game, and Revelator is the sequel.

the latest GG will be out on PC in a few months I think, but look it up yourself since I'm not sure

as for how big online communities are, you'll always see people claiming that EVERY GAME IS DEAD ON PC AND THE CONSOLES ARE THRIVING SINCE FOREVER, and I don't trust any of them anymore because I've never had issues finding matches close to the game's release on PC

>get to beat the shit out of furries all day
Why would they mind that?

Ah makes sense then
I might wait then, I'd probably prefer to play on pc

I hope SFV shows other publishers how important crossplat can be for online communities, imagine never having to worry about what platform to buy _specific fighting game_ ever again