2 > 1 > TFTB > PS

2 > 1 > TFTB > PS


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I really like them all. I don't think it should be ranked with the others, but TFTB absolutely blew me away with how good it was.

If we're talking about base game I agree, though with all DLC included I would say 1 beats out 2.

Battleborn>2>1>1.5>TFTB>Dogshit>>>>>>>>>Cancer refined into a meme>Overwatch


-Signed Ya dat boi....R-Dog Shozzleford

Never understood the appeal of borderlands
It pointlessly included the number based damage system why? To pretend it's an rpg?

1 > tftb > 2 > tps

Why don't we just combine the two worlds? BORDERBORN BOI

Fully agree. Pre sequel was utter garbage and i slept through most of what i played WITH a friend


Shit ≥ the entire Borderlands franchise and IP

I fully agree

>walking simulator with a dash of story and QTE's
>better than PS

In terms of story sure, but you putting 2 before 1 means you must have been talking gameplay.

Borderlands games are damned odd. The actual gameplay is dull as fuck but the area's and lore are just interesting enough to keep you playing if you have nothing better to do.

Also, you would think that a game with randomly generated weapons would occasionally randomly generate a decent one. Or even a half-decent one.

the truly random guns are usually only good for a few hours until another drops. the "preset" legendaries are the best in most aspects unless you get really lucky with a purple or blue.

>pre sequel was shit
>loved playing nisha and jack

BL1 (slightly above 2 because it doesnt go full retard with the exponential scaling) > BL2 > PS > TFTB

TFTB = PS > 2 > 1
The first one was nice though because it didn't constantly have people shouting in your fucking ears, and the atmosphere was better.


yes thank you claptrap that's only the 40th time this minute

Please just fix the scaling and drops in BL3 and make it not have garbage writing. That's all I need Gearbox.

Also bring back Maya she does magical things to my dick

>people talk so much in Pre-Sequel you have to move somewhere else or you'll run out of oxygen

jesus, shut the hell up and tell me where the next objective is before I suffocate

TFTB is just another one of those shitty telltale no interaction adventures. definitely the worst on this list.

>no interaction

my Q key would like to have a word with you

Be careful, I will remember it.

2 = 1 > TFTB = TPS

also battleborn looks like it's fucking aces


I love BL2 because it's my sniping playground. I'm sure I'd hate to play one of the regular characters, but sniping with Zero is always fun.


Try melee Zero at least once

This. Just imagine how fucking good 2 would have been if they had kept loot drop and scaling systems similar than they were in 1.

1 is the only good borderlands game

name one bad gearbox game that they actually made you cant

not theirs
>Colonial Marines
granted but it was outsourced

All 3 Borderlands were great. I refuse to play anymore telltale games after TWD 1

All of them are shit meme cancer.

TPS is shit

A shit I took last night > Borderlands series

The Pre-Sequel is good, just comparatively bad and shouldn't have been sold for 60.

>caring about story in a shooter

Because you knew they would never top TWD S1? Are are you being a contrarian?

2 > TFTB > TPS > 1

I just didn't enjoy 1. Way too dull and boring as shit.

It's pretty fun, but I get bored only using the Law/Rapier all the time.

It can be fun every once in a while though, especially trying different shields and stuff.


Tales > 1 > dogshit > the rest of the series

eh, PC is getting a resurgence thanks to humble bundle, PS4 / Xbone still have very healthy playerbases.

you already named two of them
Gearbox could have fixed these games after release like modders did to Colonial Marines
They could have trashed these games but decided to have them released

Gearbox's shit games are entirely their fault and they're finally paying for it.

For me it's 1 > TFTB > TPS > 2.

Only recently played 1 and TPS for the first time. Went back to play 2 again and for some reason it just feels like it's dragging.

Also, just because it's probably my favorite song from the whole series: youtube.com/watch?v=BcsfftwLUf0

DNF was mostly created by 3D Realms, Gearbox just saved their asses and finished up their game.

I'll give you Colonial Marines.

Gearbox seems to just be an AA studio trying to be an AAA studio. The games they're passionate about, their IP stuff (Borderlands, Battleborn, Half-Life expansions (Brothers in Arms? Never played)) is solid gold, but then they keep making these other unrelated IPs that they don't or can't put enough effort into.

they need to stop being retarded and just keep making original IP games. maybe a new duke, if they don't make it feminist bullshit.

i have hopes that may be possible, given they added wall boobs (a forum-goer's suggestion) into DNF and that battleborn doesn't actually seem SJW, actually makes fun of feminism.

also, unpopular opinion, but i enjoyed duke nukem. not a -great- game, but for the CoD clone it ended up as? pretty good. weapons could have used more kick but MP was fun and the SP wasn't bad