Why are sonyggers trying to sell this shit?
Why are sonyggers trying to sell this shit?
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its on the humble bundle for pc too bruhbruh
pretty sure it's desperate devs requesting Sony put it on sale rather than Sony themselves organizing a sale (normally they don't even do two flash sales in a row)
it happened with SFV too, single thing that was in a flash sale
No, Sony is just so starved for games that they're banking on garbage like Battleborn to save their dying fanbase. This is what *also on PC gets you.
There won't be a Playstation 5. It's all PC from here on out. Poor fags need not apply.
Its not Sony because MS had the same deal like 2 weeks ago and the fact that its $15 on Humble Bundle too shows how desperate they are
Yes it is. Sony should just give up.
they wasted their money, now they need more suckers in order so they don't feel so retarded for buying this shit
wait, there is another flash sale?
not really, it's another one of those oddball sale with only 1 game
if only it was a flashsale for just bloodborne
You're a fucking idiot. Sony is not """""banking""""" on Battleborn. How do you even come up with this shit?
Because Sony can't sell exclusives for shit.
So what? That doesn't mean they're banking on shitty, dying Battleborn.
When a bad full priced game is bad it goes on sale.
>having a victim complex against Sony
Activate it
why was this game 60 Gil to begin with? were they banking that hard on this being the next big thing from the devs of Borderlands?
it probably wouldn't have bombed so hard if it was 40
You sound like Sony raped your mother lol
Are you stupid?
A sale on a game isn't benefiting Sony.
Sure it might shift some more units but their profit margin is going to be much smaller.
The devs (or more accurately the publishers) are the one arranging this sale to fix supply and demand.
Similar sales for the game are happening everywhere for every console.
Please educate yourself on basic business and the differences between a game publisher and a platform like Playstation.
You're asking to much from op. He's just looking for (you)'s
>why was this game 60 Gil to begin with?
Business class time.
Most games, particularly from big name publishers launch at this price point because it is what consumers are willing to pay as a maximum.
Again refer to basic economics of supply and demand.
By launching at that price (which fits expectations on average on the market place) they can then reduce the price to meet demand from retailers which is a domino effect from seller demand.
By doing this they don't make as much of a loss as say, launching $10 cheaper and you miss an opportunity to make maximum money with what you have.
Now since demand is low the price plummets to keep a stead supply and demand curve to ensure a) overstocking doesn't happen and b) they can still retain maximum revenue despite the game being a failure.
Also no one anticipated it would flop THIS hard in the shadow of overwatch. They probably knew from marketing data it would flop but the rapid price plummet and lack of PR shows they did somewhat expect to bank on this.
>$30 "sale"
>It's on Humble for $15
Games are cheaper to sell on PC across the board.
Even with a game on steam Valves royalty fee is marginally less than Sonys but the positives/negatives are very different for both.
Reminder not to reply to this shitty bait.
Its just a developer thing. The game is probably a little more lively on consoles than PC
Evolve is not F2P on console for instance.