because Sup Forums is shit right now and the last mmo thread sparked interest
Favourite zone?
Favourite skillset?
Favourite quest?
Favourite puzzle?
Share your spooky stories
because Sup Forums is shit right now and the last mmo thread sparked interest
Favourite zone?
Favourite skillset?
Favourite quest?
Favourite puzzle?
Share your spooky stories
Other urls found in this thread:
I just bought this because of that mmo thread, what server is the most populated?
CotSG, say what you want about egypt part 2 this place was fucking dope and the atmosphere of impending doom was never as palpable as it was here
Blood magic baby
Too many dood. Orochi tower the first few times was amazing, I wish I still had my screenshots. Still waiting on someone to rip the funky music from the pacman game.
>Still waiting on someone to rip the funky music from the pacman game.
Music in TSW is very awesome overall anyways. I still get goosebumps from the login theme.
Arcadia if I remember right, either that or the other RP server.
Seconding this. I believe Arcadia is where it's poppin'.
>Favourite quest?
pic related
>bleak story
>James Bond spoof
>lovecraftian horrors
>Tokyo hype
It's such a mishmash of seemingly random elements and yet it all works so well together.
help me guys, how do I overcome the slump that is egypt part2?
Anons, I just got to the overlook in kingsmouth, is this portal an dungeon or is that for higher level players?
Also I bought the big boss outfit and use assault rifles and pistols, don't judge me, I'm just here to operate.
The dungeons all have a normal/elite/nightmare difficulty, the normal difficulty is tailored so that you can complete it with the gear you've got when you find it. So, its a dungeon, but you can do it.
Egypt part 2 is hype as fuck though dude go save the planet from the black pharoah
Do I need a group or did you mean I can do it solo?
I picked the game back up about a week ago. Think my characters are on Daemon. I used some of the bullion to replace my weapons with purples but in the end I only have the first 7 issues so I think I'll wait until they sell the complete edition again to upgrade my account to do all the rest.
Still fun though. Started a new character and went through the Kingsmouth story mission.
Best part of the game was the Cthulhu U. with Jeffrey Combs as the dean. That shit was great.
>blood magik
>getting to be a shotgun witch
its a shame that didnt turn out so fun, not many games let me do that.
i mean to try this again, because it's at least interesting and somewhat unique in the genre, i got up to around egypt, but its also kinda janky and has clashing design. like you're trying to solve puzzles whilst respawning mobs is a thing. and the in-game browser being worthless and reseting on zone.
You're missing out on a lot of fun stuff
Because the thread got this far without it I guess I need to make the joke
Whats the most popular form of transport for Orochi?
i wish character creation was better
I wish combat was better
and while i'm posting in TSW related thread
Remember, go to the Haitian Market in London and find the demon selling tacos, they're a great out of combat health regen item. You can put tacos into your crafting window to break them down into nachos, which are eaten faster for a smaller out of combat regen.
does anybody talk in chat or is the game basically dead? I'm hving a blast, but im wodnering how i go about finding groups and whatnot when the time comes?
Been a while since I played but type
/chat join sanctuary
In chat. It's a cross zone/instance/server chat room that used to be busy as all fuck.
You can setup a file in your tsw/scripts/ folder called auto_login and auto_teleport with no extension that can auto log you into chat channels instead of having to type them in all the time. Other channels worth joining are
/chat join vidya
/chat join noobmares
/chat join event
Although they vidya channel is generally dead because it was from the last time Sup Forums was playing.
Also if you are too lazy or just don't know how to do the scripts
Has them premade but only joins vidya, so you just have to edit is in notepad or whatever and add the others.
whelp reinstalling now
awesome, i went from dead silene to people blowing my chat up. thans a lot user.
I wish I had the motivation to play this game.
Yeah, the default chats in TSW seem like they only get your specific instance so make it seem dead as fuck all the time. Lucky they set up the way to have user made cross everything chatrooms, and a way to group with anyone in them too if something gets going.
Fuck this game and fuck the devs.
I've been waiting for an ultimate collection v.2 for too long now.
>lets make a goty edition but lets also release more dlcs after that
Jesus fucking christ, i hate jewish devs like these.
I just want to play everything from start to finish, what's so fucking wrong with that jesus fucking christ.
The game has a fuck ton of content just for the ultimate edition alone. for 20 bucks it's a pretty good deal.
>Fuck the devs for continuously releasing new content despite being in financial ruin for months on end