>Select Difficulty
Select Difficulty
>he plays anything but normal
>he likes artificial difficulty
I don't get it. Is the image implying that normal only has a little bit of difficulty? Is she pretending to crush the heads of passers-by?
>game says that hard is the intended experience
>increasing difficulty just gives enemies more damage and health
>not always choosing the easiest difficulty available
It's like you people hate fun
>select difficulty
I am 7 inches uncut
>not getting erect on normal to obliterate it on the hardest difficulty after
it's like you people don't know how to get value out of your games
What race's penis size is this laughing whore symbolizing through gesture?
>Select Difficulty
>Non-stop Infinite Climax
>Several playable characters
>The default one is way better than even unlockables
>selecting story mode instead of GIVE ME DEUS EX
im 6 x 6 inches
the asian man
blacks of course
everyone knows that bbc is a myth perpetuated by black leaders to entice women of all races to brave the aura of black stench that surrounds them in order to transmit their jungle diseases globally
>harder difficulties have to be unlocked
>Game only has easy and normal
>have to unlock the other 4 higher difficulty modes
>ruins the first playthrough by being piss easy
>anything other than ultra violence
am I on Sup Forums or /x/ ?
You should always select the difficulty setting the dev's created the game around. The others are just fluff that they didn't give a shit about. Now if a dev actually puts in the effort to make hard mode a better experience, sure do it up, but most people don't do that, and just opt to make the base game more difficult.
>tfw you realize AIDS is the black disease
>tap the Ganondorf Amiibo to unlock Hard Mode
>jrpg has difficulty settings
>you can just grind if you're stuck
You're on Sup Forums
>bbc is a myth
white boii in denial
How do you know "normal' is what the devs wanted the game to be like, and not what they ended up tuning it into because to satisfy the marketing people and their target market?
You've got a small dick don't you?
los matadores...