I want to buy a JRPG for my PS4

What do you guys think?

I Am Setsuna
Tales of Zestiria
Star Ocean 5

Those are pretty much my options

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Already played that one, basically just want to pick from these 3.

Holy shit. Why buy shit games when this just came out.


Wait for english SRW OGMD

>Phone graphics

You can't be fucking serious. There isn't a single 2D game that looks better.

I guess you guys think all 3 of these are shit? lol

go for star ocean 5 since it's an exclusive. If you don't have a pc, and dont' care for exclusives get I am Setsuna . I am Setsuna is the best on those options though. playing it rn it's so good

Dude really?

might as well get tales
its long enough for its price

star ocean is just for when youre really bored

stesuna is for if you want something classic

Star 5 is terrible, short, has no content and poor gameplay

And it's coming out on PC.

>IGN scores

It's the same everywhere man. OS is a masterpiece.

I played this when I was younger and I believe I beat it, but I wouldn't mind playing the remake.

Do you play different character based on where you are in the story, or can you choose whichever? I forget

but I'd still rather pick from the 3 I listed, not much money and wanted a RPG

like duh i know that already

It's my personal GOTY so far.

This would be the best option, Cyberslut is fucking great.

They changed the gameplay completely (much better now), you can't choose everyone from the start tho

>IGN gave the Witness a perfect 10
never forget

Yes that's what Odin Sphere is.

Atelier Sophie

why not disgaea 5? i've heard mixed or even terrible things about the 3 games in OP's post but pretty much only positive stuff about d5.

inb4 people shit on d5.


It's an action RPG.
When people say JRPG, they usually mean turn-based RPG. Nobody actually uses it as "Japanese Role Playing Game".


D5 is great, it's just the story triggers some peoples

Ok so FFXV isn't a JRPG then, nice.

already beaten it. Love Disgaea

I certainly wouldn't call it one, no.

You're so anal. JPRG doesn't even actually mean anything, peoples often mean just japanese games. There's no reason to pretend it has an actual definition.

Not op but that looks awful. Why is everything misty and glowy?

Because this area was designed to feel like that. It won't in other areas.

Case in point, the fucking OP. Lol.
This JRPG meme need to stop, it was coined by normalfags who're triggered by anime art in the first place.

>I Am Setsuna
It's on PC.

>Tales of Zestiria
It's on PC.

>Star Ocean 5

Literally no reason to own a PS4.

cause i like the series? unlike you who only play "muh rating" games

what is Persona 5?

Grand Kingdom

Why in SWEET FUCK are you remotely personally offended by a mere throwaway hypothetical situation I proposed? Or are you this fucking arseblasted because I said I found it more enjoyable to play a console game on my computer?
What exactly is your malfunction here?

What the fuck is wrong with you people? How on earth have a bunch of you managed to take an innocent passing comment and completely spin it into a massive strawman and get personally over it. Just how fucking insecure are you people? Jesus, get a fucking grip.

All the posts in the OP, to my knowledge, are turn-based.
I take that to mean he wants a turn-based game.
You did not recommend a turn-based game.
That's it, that's all I'm getting at here. I don't care about how you define a JRPG. I disagree with your definition, but who the fuck cares?
I don't. Do you? You shouldn't.


Beat it , love it

Lol you're right. I need to leave this fucking board.

if anyone is the remote positron offender, it's you my friend.

go for a walk or something, kiddo

Zestiria is kinda shitty. First 10 hours are decent and then it gets super boring. Also literally ALL characters in the game are shit. Well, may be Lailah is decent as comic relief.

As a long time Tales fan, dont by Zestiria. Its so bad. It might be jist as bad as Symphonia 2 to be honest

jesus dat autistic fit

NONE of those games are even remotely worth a 90.

Silly hamster.

>Dragon Quest Heroes
>Final Fantasy X
You disgust me.

Are you sure those are your only options? You must have more because all of those are terrible

I am Setsuna is pretty good

Utter trash.

>life is strange