What does Sup Forums think about DayZ SA?

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Played a single session, and it's really enjoyable. The movement is graceful; but the server was pretty empty.

Boring and forever early access.

played on a full 60 man server over 3 evenings with 2 mates, we geared up at every military site and shot like 2 people who were camped there. Shame it's nothing like the mod. new fps boost is amazing though, if only Arma 3 could take advantage of it somehow.

Is it SAMP or what?

OP here, movement never used to be as good, they improved it in .6. But it's good to see some new blood

OP: Arma 3 has taken advantage of the fps increase, it's much better for me now anyway

It's a shame to hear that, but the point remains that it has been in development for far too long.

I run a 4790k and a gtx 980ti, I can barely get 20fps on Tanoa wasteland/domination servers. changing the settings does nothing. I get more fps on ultra so I assume it's not the graphics card.

I hate that DayZ has just turned into coastal warfare, ever since .57 the North has been deserted

That's probably why lmao, we traveled from military base to military base, then stary and barely saw a soul.

I'm on a 2gb960 and a 4690, and I can get at least 30 on Tanoa with very high, It depends on the servers quite a lot, for me most wasteland servers provide 20-30, but a good co-op one ca reach up to 50

As much as DayZ needs new players, it's a shame that lots of people bought the game when aks spawned at the coast, so they either leave when they cant find a gun or they just stay south and hit eachother with wrenches

I want the golden days of the mod back.

Going to be honest, never played the mod, but as far as I can tell, right now you may as well play wasteland on arma 3. But in it's olden days it must've been good

comfy and fun on empty servers but that gets old after about 15 hours
unfun on full servers

What I remember of the old mod is that most of the servers were just SSDD, all "spawn with ak and blood bag", and because of this i'm almost sceptical about the integration of mods into SA; because i'm afraid it'll just turn into arma 2.75 with zombies

The mod was probably the most fun I ever had for two years. Me and 4 mate were hooked every night for hours on end. I miss those days so much. Epoch and Overwatch were just so damned good.

why is it unfun on a full?

This looks pretty cool:

>not staged

these two will never be in a sentence together.