Name a single bad thing about Legion

Name a single bad thing about Legion

I'm waiting.

Other urls found in this thread:

the prepatch

Too many useful features removed from the interface menu.

The camera

city phasing


Ability pruning, removed interface features like helm/cloak hide, forced 20 man raiding, follower mission tables again, same tired theme we just had for 14+ months of 6.2., PvP talent leveling system.

the artifact system.

>removed interface features like helm/cloak hide
Wait, what?

I don't like it therefor it's shit.

>say something shit about a game thats not out yet

I know its going to be shit, though.

You now need to talk to a transmog ethereal to "hide it"

You don't need to pay but it's still a pain in the ass.

You need to "hide" them via transmogrify now, i.e. be in city or have yak for than new help/cloak.

"Titanforged" is way out of control, we don't need new rng on top of all the old ones.

Its world of warcraft

>removed interface features like helm/cloak hide
and people are still paying for this

"we want the bc audience", the only good thing about BC was raiding, and few people got past Kara
ashbringers for everyone
Cuck King revived

I probably should have stopped with Garrisons

Now BOTH Priest healing specs are trash tier.

its not TBC, nor is it Wotlk

now fuck off

Shut up and let your inner gambling addiction take over and keep giving u

them money

>tfw was in a guild one time that literally only ever did Kara for the longest time
>left guild for one that did both 10's & 25's
>tfw found out a month later, old guild fell apart after trying to do Gruul's Lair
>tfw hearing they couldnt even down Magtheridon

good times

>Ability pruning
Fair enough
>removed interface features like helm/cloak hide
Agree on the fact that they fucked up the interface but having to go to the transmog vendor to hide helm/cloak is not a problem
>forced 20 man raiding
Nope you can still raid heroic in whatever way you want. Mythic having only 1 raid size is good because it allows Blizzard to tune it correctly
>follower mission tables again
They don't work the same as WoD and they aren't mandatory the way they were in WoD
>same tired theme we just had for 14+ months of 6.2
Ironically, Legion has very little legion stuff going on
Have you seen the zones? There's only about 10% Legion stuff
>PvP talent leveling system
is a great thing

>and few people got past Kara
Kara was pug by BT

>grinding another arbitrary set of currency for shitty gear
>everyone gets to be a special snowflake
>more instancing!
>introducing the edgelord 2.0 class
>fight the same goddamn Legion, BUT THIS TIME ITS FOR REAL

>people complaining about ability pruning
>be me
>logged back into EverQuest for the first time since 2003 last year
>got a free character boost to 75 with all AAs
>almost 6 bars full of abilities that all have their own use
>each bar held 12 hotkeys
>but still had inventory, bag items, potions and other weapons and a window for disciplines
>oh and a spellbook full of spells
>said fuck this
>log to ff14
>3 bars full of abilities that all get used and have to be used
>get to heavensward
>4 bars of abilities

I dunno about you all, but I will take my 3 button rotation with a few damage clickies

We've never fought the legion

Did you have a stroke before you typed that?

No, it makes perfect sense if you ever played the game.

They did something screwy with their phasing because they're worried about another lag incident like WoD release so they're doing all that phasing subdividing shit with the realms to keep the data flowing but it's severely fucking with people in groups as well as various quest areas that phase depending on your quest progress not to mention cross-realms exacerbate the whole fucking problem on top of that.

>what is TBC?

Why does Blizzard hate RP?

i don't know user

but i wish they didn't


Karazhan was pick up grouped by black temple.

I dunno man.

They already said they plan on fixing it, but don't have a release date.

So basically they won't fix it until end of expansion.

>A pit lord
Most of the demons in BC were Illidari, same with all of BT.
Quel'danas was the only part in BC where the Burning Legion showed up.
This is the first time in any expansion that the Burning Legion showed up in force.

>>be me

stopped reading there, leave this place and never come back

If you dont like a post you dont need to reply to it, please be a gentleman about what you post.

to be fair pre-nerf Magtheridon was a total bitch almost on scale with pre-nerf Kael

>to be fair pre-nerf Magtheridon was a total bitch almost on scale with pre-nerf Kael

>did 3 "anal [link]" in trade chat over 10 minutes
>got silenced and can't talk in instance chat because of "spamming"

great patch fucking blizzard, just ruined another great thing from wotlk

>ability pruning
>mobafying movesets
>removed useful preference/options
>dumbed down character UI
>changed camera settings for no reason
>follower mission tables repackaged with a different name
>more crossrealm shit/city phasing

Honestly, you should've asked for one good thing about Legion; would've been harder.


Good, anal spammers are literally cancer

Best feature of legion by far

anal jokes are by far the most thing in trade chat, and they are even better with the prepatch as it adds new achievements and skills

Random legendary drops, gonna fuck every single raider in the ass hard, still gonna play it tho.

Its shortened to "leg".

With 5 other people.
Within a 3-second window.
In alternating teams of 6 because of debuff lockout.
One guy missing the timing or being at the wrong spot when it was his turn and it was a ggwipe

Kael was way worse however, since his entire fight clocked in at around 15 minutes or more, and more than 1 mistake from anybody could be a raidwipe.

Advisor at wrong position on death? Wipe
Main tank hit with Toy debuff? Wipe
Egg not killed in time? Wipe
Weapon corpses so close together you cant loot the one you need? Wipe
There was tons of other bullshit too and it just got on my nerves since his fight was so long.
Proud to say my guild did eventually get him before his encounter was nerfed.

I don't know what shithole you play from, but on any server I've ever played on that shit got shouted down every time if it wasn't at least 1 AM

I don't get this meme, it works the same as ever. I have not seen how it is bad.

Try it out on something like Mannoroth or Archimonde (Trash included) as melee. You can't see shit.

it's a wow xpac

It's still WoW.

Not only that, but remember that KT was literally unbeatable before Black Temple

It was a good fight but nobody can deny that it was overtuned

I dislike they removed alot of the class fantasy. Removing monk combo points, paladin power points.

they also removed buffs and got rid of the paladin pet.

No friends to play with. They all moved on.

removing buffs was a good move, clicking a button every hour wasn't exactly good gameplay

Dont think it was literally unbeatable, but the mechanics were way too difficult and relied heavily on single player performance.

He was beat awhile after the BT content patch, and that was before the nerfs.
I guess people just needed that sweet Hyjal gear.

Also holy fuck Hyjal.
Why do people shit on ToC so much when Hyjal was almost twice as bad if not for the epic throwback location?

As much as I liked buffs, I have to agree.

it's not out yet
Reminder that Blizzard has spent years making WoW less social ENTIRELY ON PURPOSE

>An MMORPG where you can't see other players
What were they thinking?

Its a bug...

Is it just me or are low level dungeons and even bigger joke than they used to be?

Leveling is broken and heirlooms are degenerate - Ion Hazzikostas, 2016

He did seriously say that on one of the Legion streams he was on they did.

>wearing heirlooms that put you effectively 20 levels higher than normal

Is it me or is Blizzard even a bigger joke than they used to be?

Prior to this 7.0 patch they weren't this much of a joke you fucking nigger

They are literally fixing this.

For only RP realms.

It's fucking worse than WoD. The beta is a joke.

Class Garrisons
Ruined economy due to WoD garrisons
All utility abilities pruned due to transmog collectors not understanding why they're useful

can you IMAGINE leveling like in vanilla but instead of 60 levels you have 110

>Its a bug...


It's a feature.

You can't be serious, leveling dungeons have been jokes since wotlk. Maybe if you're a keyboard turning ability clicker with 800ms you might have thought they were a challenge

>forced 20 man raiding,

Only for Mythic, and I'm pretty sure you don't do raiding in Mythic because only 3% of the WoW population ever cleared Mythic Archimonde.

No, most leveling from like 40-60 in Vanilla was fucking awful.

60-70 in BC was just fine though and so was most of 70-80 in WotLK.

The rest has been shit.


They can't be bothered to make decent expansions. What makes you think they'll change their system for the tiny portion of the population that are RPers?

Stop, my dick can only get so erect.

Man, I wish I was good at skating.

Nope. By design.

>actually investing in your character and the world around you
>making friends and enemies along the way
>socializing with people who are actually IN YOUR OWN REALM and you know you'll actually see again some other time
>taking time to explore new areas and interesting, exciting storylines
>making your way across the WORLD of Warcraft in the greatest game adventure ever made
I'd love this.

Why did they ruin Combat for rogues?

u-uso deshou

I'm listening to the music to Legion right now, and it sounds really bittersweet. Makes me feel something.

You've got all these call backs to music from the previous expansions, but it's all really somber. Like it's reflecting back sadly on something.


>ashbringers for everyone

I still remember when people tried fishing for hours to get it.

Yep, they killed off Tirion in a pre-launch event so you can steal his sword

Way to take something special and just turn it into plain toast.


Combat was one of the few specs they made better

It's a video game.

This hype train is going to crash and burn harder than WoD's did. Assuming there's even a hype train for this.

I hope crowbcat or someone does a video on the decay of WoW or even Blizzard as a whole. Such massive scumbags. Biggest in the industry.

>removed the command to make the camera not be directly up my characters ass.

I really enjoy not being able to see shit

All of WoW's senior developers, designers, artists, etc. have either left to work on different projects or left Blizzard entirely, except the music people. They probably actually are somber.

This image is so funny yet also manages to be so depressing. You can tell where WoW went from being a great game, then through a slight deterioration but still remaining great, but then got a lot of unnecessary touching up that somehow still managed to make it overall worse, then "lol wut," then "we clearly don't give a fuck anymore," and finally "we still don't give a fuck, pay us" pandering cash grab.

>Resub to WoW for the pre-patch
>Decide to level my rogue from 90
>Kill everything in a few seconds, regardless of what abilities I use
>Only look at the item level on gear I get, ignore the stats
>Suddenly feel tired and log off
>Recently leveled on a vanilla server and found the experience much more engaging

Why is the combat so uninteresting? It doesn't feel like an RPG at all. I screwed around with my other characters for a while and the only change I'm really satisfied with is what they did to arms warriors. I'll probably just level my warrior when Legion is released and let my sub run out.

The Warcraft movie did almost nothing to bring subs back up and the pure awfulness of the prepatch probably drove even more people away. Give it a few years and it'll be going the way of Star Wars Galaxies.

I just think it's interesting. You listening to this

and it's from WoD. It's big, it's ballsy, it's WoW trying to get back in the game. Subs are up, and things are ready to roll.

You listen to this though, and it's the same melody, but it's a lot more sad and reflective.

>few people got past Kara
Kara was so potato; I used to have to test run people to see their potential for guild recruitment and one of the things I did was run a kara, most of the time I was the only healer and hardly even ended up healing. God I hated that place

It's basically an MMO ARPG at this point. Or maybe just an MMO action game.

Or, uh, maybe just an online action game. Fuck Blizzard.

>One guy missing the timing or being at the wrong spot when it was his turn and it was a ggwipe
maybe you shouldn't have let retards into your raid group then, if clicking a box at the right time is too hard for them