Who would win?

who would win?

Yeah Lamal looks weak and he probably can't aim well at all, just look at him. Erioioire has that retard strength.

Erioiore looks like a big guy.

>So stupid he shot himself in the chest (see the red)
>Killed two people and the cops are standing back because they're too scared to fuck with him

Lamal has two guns and Erioioire is clearly a wide-ass target.

Is this even a question?

>Killed two people
you forgot
>with his bare hands

>Thinking guns could stop the mongoloid powerhouse that is Erioire
Lamal would be split in half before he could even make a dent

Erioioire can kill L.A.M.A.L with his focused stare, i mean, look at his face. His eyes are already paying atention to the two ghosts behind L.A.M.A.L, because he already knows two guns cannot stop him and is more worried with what to do against the duo.

>Thinking Erioioire the lumbering retard will ever be able to a land a single hit on the quick and wily Lamal

Loving every kek. Erioioire would be full of holes in a second.

Who would win?


Two vaginas

>quick and wily
Look at his posture, the twig looks like he barely knows how to stand

I distinctly see a bulge there though.


You're criticizing what you don't know. The perceived "poor posture" you're seeing is illusory, a result of Lamal's rigid discipline. He's clearly learned to move in such a way that he's likened to a mirage, incorporeal to his enemies. What's Erioioire gonna do?

>two heads but no pussy or two pussy but no head.
What a dilemma.

Clearly psvita and ativsp have the intelligence advantage (2 heads= better than one, ergo 2 heads must be better than 0) but enne must have some kind of sensory ability to compensate for a lack of head which could turn the tides

All in all a pretty even fight i'd say but i think enne's animalistic brutality will win the day

>inb4 imagine

Two pussy all day erry day

>right only got monobreast.

Lamal sounds like a nigger name.

>The lack of sight, sound, smell, and taste sensory makes her more sensitive down south.
