Are you going ot buy it?

Are you going ot buy it?

Preordered months ago.
Can't be worse than Nep VII.

>buying anime games
i'll leave my final fantasy "Team combat" on the mobile thanks

leave japan to the porn games

No, looks like more of the lazy Nep game design that hasn't been changed since the PS3.

If I look at the cute anime girls online, is that the same as pirating the game? Because that's the only good thing about compile heart games, plus I get to avoid the shitty gameplay.

Eryn best waifu.

>every girl now has an ending

I skipped out on the original version because of my backlog, definitely going to pick it up now. All of these plus versions and remakes have me waiting from now on.


I'l wait for the PC version.

>6 party members in combat now
>different story routes
>more waifu endings

I liked the first one well enough. So yeah I'll probably buy it.

when it gets cheaper. I already beat the PS3 version (but did not Platinum it)

isnt this just the same game but with some adding story stuff or something?

if so, ill pass because the game was fucking shit. unless they somehow redid the entire game.

so does anybody know how the evil goddess ending goes?
does Eryn get corrupted and turn on you?

Yeah, I'm getting it. Not right away though, got too many other things to be playing.

I really enjoyed the original, so yes.

Also, is everything I wanted in the original.

>Compile Heart
>Compile Heart Sora

Eryn becomes addicted to Orc cock.

I'm going to wait for the probable PC version and then just pick it up on a sale. From what I understand, unless this features some major improvements, its just a weaker Neptunia. I like Neptunia games, but they aren't all that great and if this is weaker I can just pay attention to better upcoming games.

Well there's now six members in battle now so I'd imagine it plays a little different. Probably not radically different though.

it's like a Director's Cut version, fixing some shit in the plot, adding to your party some characters that were important but didn't join you, spicing up dungeons and balancing the difficulty better, more weapons, dungeons, quests and shit.

>its just a shounen Neptunia

>there are people that actually chose Eryn over Tiara

>PS3 port at full price
>Will probably have a shit ton of DLC as always
>Will get PC version for half of the price
Not a chance I'm getting this day one

I love me some blue Nepgear.

Waiting for PC version, yeap.

because Tiara is just a spoiled little bitch normie, while with Eryn you're literally banging the goddess

>weaker Neptunia
Is that even possible?

Eryn is a clingy piece of shit that has no redeeming values.

yes, just take away the dank memes and nepnep and replace it all with a cookie cutter "chosen one saving the world" plot that every other jrpg already does.

But people criticize Neptunia for being filled with dank memes and not a generic Chosen one and Save the world Plot.

FFF fixes what's wrong with Neptunia

I picked Tiara because I didn't realize the conversation option was happening in the inn that one time where it just looks like any other conversation option and hers just happens to come first. I would've preferred Eryn, though.

they are not the series' audience, that's for sure.
people don't like Neptunia DESPITE it having these things.
They like it BECAUSE it has them.

I just finished #FE and it's left a foul taste in my mouth so I'm hoping this game can wash some of the taste out. I never played through first one for ps3.

treat this game as one of those obscure bargain bin ps2 jrpgs you find on your local vidya store when you're done with popular stuff like FF and Tales.
it's just like what you would expect from a 2nd-rate game, both the good and bad parts.

>I never played through first one for ps3.

This is pretty much is a extended version of the first one.

Someone please post the photo of votes in tsunako characters in Japan

I enjoyed the PS3 version a lot more than #FE



Poor shido. Even his cross dressing form is more popular than his normal form.

How does the different endings this work?

Is it awkward as fuck shit where you have to just start a new game for each ending or can you go back to when the ending choice was made?

considering how hyped the whole Evil God Goddess plot was, only to have him become an optional superboss that didn't matter at all later on (only a nerfed version with Sherman's face), then it seems they probably implemented him for real this time in the new Evil Goddess ending.

girls from some shitty harem called "Date a Live"

and everyone in 54 is from a weird crossover called Trinity Universe

as for accessing the different endings, it's the same old deal of doing optional sidequests and events with the waifu you wish to marry

Yes and I'm getting the LE as well. I really enjoyed Fairy Fencer far more than I thought I would so a complete version of Fairy Fencer sounds great.

You can go back by loading another save data back at the point (mid-to-endgame anyway, not that hard to do) where you make the choices for which special events you want to do with the girl you choose. You can't do both otherwise it defaults to Tiara.
But it's just better to start NG+ since there's a lot to get in it.

ITT:Anons willingly playing bad games for waifu endings

I managed to not get a romantic ending when I played FFF.

At least it's not as bad as not getting a romantic ending in Conception 2

>not playing games for waifus
What's the point of playing games then?

same, i really enjoyed the original. but that shit is no where near worth the price, would rather just pirate it again.

> playing games for waifus

Why not just watch anime? I don't have to pay that way

you do, for your ISP

I played it on Steam and it was alright so yeah.
Fang best girl.

>still using the NISA names

too many differences that actually matter?
tell me more, sempai