Just got this

What am I in for?

Other urls found in this thread:


The same thing every Metal Gear Solid game.

High expectations, followed by you playing it for much longer than you would most games for the time it actually takes to beat, all while saying you hate it for whatever reason, only to look back at the fun times you had, never to start it again because you won't be able to handle the cocksuckery of it.

I don't know, what are you in for?


fuck off weeb bitch

Being jerked off by Kojima, only for him to stop just before you even get close to an orgasm.

It's a fantastic game. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


This. Expect 90% of a master piece tho

came here to say this. "The Phantom Pain" refers to the emotional void left by this game

a video game

co-op when

Why wasn't this an option in the buddy system, it was in PW.

fantastic first chapter
repetitive shit last chapter

Literally JUST in vidya format.

>the guards still have dialogue that includes a dog in the game
>"what is it, boy?"
>the guard looks down
>there is literally no dog in the entire game except D-Dog
More like 30% of a master piece.

>15$ add-on because fuck you give konami money

calling it now

whole lotta this
have some creativity, don't restrict yourself to one playstyle

great argument fuckknuckle

okay, Venom, we get you're talking about Quiet.

Unanswered questions.

This faggot again.

If you are a MGS fan, unfathomable disappointment.

If you're not, which is almost certain if you picked the game this late, a pretty solid game in terms of gameplay and mechanics, but with a very weak storyline.

Great build up for extreme disappointment

And answered questions as well. Zero was far more benevolent than we were lead to believe in MGS4.

I wouldn't say the storyline is weak. The game is chock full of story, but it's all relegated to the tapes, which no one wants to listen to.

Which basically means that the story is pure garbage, at least in the way it is told.

This shitposter again.

Nice projection.

No, 90% of the tapes are exposition. That's not story.

get the infinite heaven mod

set soldiers to use DD weapons
set vehicle patrols on

makes the game a lot better

Nice shitpost.

Says the Quietfag. Let /mgg/ stay dead.