>That one friend who's dad worked for Sony and got the special black PS1 with enhanced graphics
Was I the only one?
>That one friend who's dad worked for Sony and got the special black PS1 with enhanced graphics
Was I the only one?
Other urls found in this thread:
enhanced how? higher res?
It didn't have enhanced graphics. It was either a dev unit, or a Net Yaroze unit, used for hobbiest and student programming classes in Japan
> enhanced how?
It has 500% more bullshit.
>that kid who called it a PSX
>he didn't get a special Wooden PSX for the enhanced audio experience
>bragging about having the indie developer edition PS1
>not having the Nintendo Playstation
Fucking nu-male.
>enhanced graphics
By that you mean it could play PAL and Japanese games, not just US, right?
Is the simple matte black, region-free Playstation even harder to find that the Net Yaroze?
Why the fuck did anyone ever call it PSX? I don't understand that.
It's called fucking PlayStation. Not PlayStation X.
Nice shitpost.
Fuck audiophiles.
The X stands for xylophone
ben heck actually got to take a close look at that one and even made repairs to it so the cd drive seems to be working now within the systems own self checks. (it still don't seem to identify a music cd is in the drive though)
Aren't dev kits supposed to have better specs than consumer models? It very well may have had "enhanced graphics".
whats the thing on the left? an amp?
It's Sony's own acronym for the console. "PS" by itself probably didn't have enough punch for the marketing guys.
Like how the Nintendo GameCube was GCN even though NGC or just GC might've made more sense.
at the time, the PS/1 and PS/2 were IBM computer lines. they probably wanted to avoid the possibility of confusion there
It's a CD drive. The original playstation couldn't play discs.
Codename was PlayStation eXperiment, PSX for short. All the magazines called it that back then. SCEA even wanted to officially call it the 'PSX' in the US instead of 'PlayStation'.
kill yourself
Yeah, it's an audiophile's modded PSX.
>there are actually people who deny summer exists
They usually just have twice as much RAM.
>d-do I fit in yet guys :3c
That was the SKU code for it. PSX.
Holy shit is that some Bomberman
>assblasted upon discovering the original playstation couldn't play discs
>I know, I'll accuse him of memeposting
The 'X' stands for Xenu, the one true god.
someone else posted the same pic a few days ago
fuck off
I thought X in PSX stand for a variable where you can put any number in, thus PSX refers to any generation of PS.
>trying THIS hard
something about the concept of hardcore audiophiles using PS1's as CD players because of their superior quality to price ratio is hilarious to me.
>You are now recalling that there was a Zelda CD-based game where you actually got to play as Zelda
>I've seen some shit
>listening to digital music
Do you have any idea how much tube-based amps cost?
there are different kinds of audiophiles, many listen to CDs or with flac files through their computer
>the concept of audiophiles is hilarious
Occam's razored that shit for you.
What's the use of that? So they can run a debugger at the same time?
If you want to prove you weren't alive at the time, ask why it's called PSX. Works every time.
>Hmm... how can we help?
>lossless formats
>not exclusively listening to wax cylinders
Those aren't audiophiles. Those are fake-ass niggas.
also less chance of beta code overflowing the ram with garbage
10/10. Much better than my idea
I was fifteen at the time. I'm wondering why you're calling the playstation a PSX when there already was a PSX on the market?
about 3 fiddy
Is that a Super Famicom/PS1 hybrid?
That is fucking awesome.
No, it's the SNES CD extension prototype that Nintendo was working on with Sony. The project was canceled and Sony kept the name to make their own CD-based console.
Source on that pic?
fucking underage
An american model was recently found I think. An RTM N64UDD was found too.
She looks tight as heck, I wanna FUG her.
That's awesome, thanks user.
You've GOT to be kidding me.
>be Nintendo
>try to build a disk-based system with Sony
>Sony breaks off and releases their own consoles
>Sony completely obliterates you in the market
>barely alive
>Sony still going strong
lmao Nintendo
Is that all? Back in my old man's place he had a custom built one that ran him over $8k. But man, his auditorium was sweeter than maple and smoother than velvet.
Well excuuuuuuuse me, Princess!
more like nintendo backed out of the deal cause they're always too scared
Got a pic of that warm amp?
The deal wasn't beneficial for either party, Sony wanted too much profit control and this wasn't ok with Nintendo. Nintendo did break it off but it was because of Sony's greed. You also gotta remember Hiroshi Yamauchi was in charge of Nintendo back then so of course he's not gonna have any bullshit that has Nintendo taking a hit.
a friend of mine had an uncle working for sony in the USA, he bringed him a ps1 that could play PS2 games with PS2 graphics, he never showed me it though
even if it did come out all signs point to the SNES CD somehow being weaker than the Sega CD
it was literally a super nintendo with a CD drive slapped on top of it
Afraid not. Both he and the amp are long gone.
Darn, sorry user-kun.
my first console was an atari 2600 and I got a PS1 when I was new and never heard anyone call it PSX until I saw people saying it online a few years ago.
Yeah I thought it was bullshit too until I' actually listened to some audiophile equipment
the difference IS NOT worth the price, but there IS a difference
I got in to gaming during the Genesis era and I remember PS1 being PSX, but I have no idea how or why I thought that. I think it might have been in a magazine or something.
Tube amps for audiophiles is fucking snake oil, you are literally paying obsolete tech for muh "warm sound and coloration".
Tubes are however GOAT for guitar amps.
>but I have no idea how or why I thought that. I think it might have been in a magazine or something.
This. I used to read the name PSX, but I didn't know why. I called it PS, PS1 after PS2 was released.
I am tickled daily by the rabbit hole of elitism on Sup Forums
Even if it allowed enhanced graphics doesn't mean already existing games will be also. Does putting a PS1 game in a PS2 make each game a remake.... No.
I've had a wooden version of every sony console ever released I'll have you know
lol at the user who said 1.5k, you can get a decent tube amp for 100-200 bucks, after the 300 dollar range you get diminishing returns with amps.
A lot of gaming magazines and websites called it PSX because a three letter acronym looked better than two, and remember that this is the 90's where everything was eXtreme.
I'd like someone to prove me wrong, but I don't think Sony ever officially referred to the PlayStation console as PSX, always preferring to spelling out the full name or just using "PS".
>puts speakers on desk
>tube amp
>probaly has an untreated room
Audiophiles are retarts
why does that look so sexy
The OCD is real hahaha
I feel you tho
A modern one, maybe. The kind they used to make in the 70s are not cheap. The one my father use was huge and heavy as hell. It was on the bottom of a completely separate rack by itself and it powered his entire basement with 8 speakers, 4 of which were larger than I was as a kid.
lets be honest guys, this is the best athestic games console ever moulded by man
I think it's a great product, and I always wanted one, but aesthetically it looks like it belongs amongst the gaudy decorations in a chinese buffet.
>you now remember the REAL psx
>this music sounds grainy
Yeah, I'm sure we all loved using the $800 PS2 DVR that was only released in Japan.
Congrats on using Wikipedia, but that trivia isn't helping anyone.
Goddamnit, Carlos.
Different user, but I think it's helping with the paramount understanding that calling a playstation a PSX is both wrong and retarded.
>I had to google this to know what this is so I'm going to project the same on you
Good knowing
You must be really underage because I remember everyone was hyped for this. DVR's were the hot shit back in the day.
Why would you ever listen to digital re-creations of wave forms instead of actual ones?
why would you ever listen to actual waves at all?
Is that PWM on the C64? Didn't know it had PWM.