Am I right Sup Forums ?


Other urls found in this thread:


>Video Games

>Not Video Games


What's with the Xbox logo?

no because even the cutscenes in the bottom game is only a fraction of the game. You ignore hours of actual gameplay in your shitty argument.

Does it require interaction? Does it reward correct sections and penalize wrong ones? It's s game dipshit. Deal with it.

>Good video games
>Bad video games

There. Do we need to delineate it further than that?

Can we not fall prey to the same Kino/Cinema/Flick bullshit that's been tearing Sup Forums apart for the better part of the year?

>is only a fraction of the game


>b-but sony

You're a fucking retard if you think they aren't only a fraction of the game

Not him, but how can you make that argument for TLOU? TLOU isn't all cutscenes. You can make the joke that it's all crouchwalking/strangle the game, but not cutscenes the game.
absolutely. all david cage games are the movie:the game.
didn't play it

>mfw I like Hollywood shit
After long days I sometimes like not having to do much in a game.

>tfw i can enjoy any genre of games

stop living in the past, grandpa.

you're shit then

This except I don't like the Ubisoft style open-world kind of games.

These games are bad because they barely even try to be games besides the bare minimum, not because they try to be good games and fail. It's a pretty specific type of bad.

thats ok, but i dont think they should be called video games anymore

You're shit
I'm also extremely depressed and playing any game is hard for me at this point

There's room for both. The existence of "movie games" has no influence on traditional games. And, in response to the tired argument of "why don't you just watch it on youtube?", the player feels differently if they get to be in control of the game. Even if the game has little gameplay.

I view them as modern style point-and-click games. Not much to them, but still entertaining on occasion.


beyond two souls is literally one long cutscene with only a little bit of interaction breaking it up. Not even kidding go play it.

50/50 is a fraction, you're right

There's nothing wrong with having a few cinematics here and there for story purposes.

There's nothing wrong cinematic games done right.

>TLoU is still causing butthurt 3 years later
It's funny, the only people still discussing it today hate it.

I think people on Sup Forums hate it so much because it released around the same time as Bio Infinite

Plenty of people still discuss it positively. Just not on Sup Forums. You need to be aware that what is POSTED on Sup Forums is a minority opinion.

a lot of story focused games reward wrong choices with interesting (sometimes) bad ends. although i guess the fact that it's "bad" is something of a penalty. does this make fate/stay night a game?

>most western games look good but have barely anything good in gameplay terms
>japanese games not only look like shit but are buggy messes with rehashed assets from 2006 and now completely uninspired
Kill me

3 years later?

I thought it was released in 2011?

What is the video game most gamey you can think of? Recently I've been playing EDF a lot so I'm going with that.

2016 is the year of vidyakino

It came out the same day I was legally allowed to buy a rated M game.

No, sorry OP.

How is DOOM kino?

That's because it wasn't really cinematic in the same sense. The cinematic qualities were a natural part of the gameplay, rather than being shitty unskippable cinematics/walking and talking sections. Max Payne 3 is more in line with what people talk about when they talk about "cinematic game" nowadays and look how shitty it is.

>hurr durr having cuscnees make it MOIVE

Does this invalidate FF6 because it has an opera house scene? Or Deus Ex? Or Chrono Trigger?

Just how stupid are you?

TLOU was good.
MGS4 was more cutscenes and less gameplay than TLOU was; yet it takes only a fraction of the criticism, why is that?
Is it because Sup Forums has a Japanese bias?

MGS4 clearly deserves to be in the "movie" category yet it is never put there by Sup Forums shitposters, why?

you're cherrypicking FFVI, cheating by mentioning Deus Ex, and bullshitting by saying Chrono Trigger since that game has very little unneeded fluff.

Are you retarded? MSG4 gets as much, if not more, shit than TLoU here on Sup Forums.

Are you literally retarded? I can agree with Cage's interactive movies(yes, he even calls the genre like that) but you cannot be serious about TLoU, it has like 15 hours of pure gameplay, it's a game that combines crafting, meele and gunshots.

I'd honestly prefer cut-scenes over the fucking horse shit "the player is forced to walk slowly while some NPC explains some garbage for 5+ minutes" design

because no one liked it other than people who received money to give good scores to Sony "games"

the whole concept of Beyond, Detroit, Uncharted, The Last of Us is: cutscenes+QTE+ a bit of gameplay + more cutscenes and more QTE.

>yet it takes only a fraction of the criticism, why is that?

either you're full of shit or a newfag

everyone made fun of MGS4 for having more cutscenes than gameplay around it's release.

Fuck hollywood shit

>MGS4 clearly deserves to be in the "movie" category
>TLOU was good.
>Comparing MGS4 with The Shit of Us

user, that's enough for today.

yes my man

no it doesn't, are you delusional?
MGSV gets criticism for bad writing, but even then its relatively mild. Nobody mentions MGS4 or calls it a movie. Despite these threads always getting made.

Meanwhile TLOU is ALWAYS mentioned or if TLOU has a thread it will be mentioned within the first 5 posts. Mostly because edgy Sup Forums kids want to hate it.

point is, MGS4 gets a free pass these days.
the reason? Its Japanese (though Sup Forums has trouble admitting their illogical bias)

Buttblasted nintendrone that will never get to play SONY games because his poorfag family can't afford such powerful console


How? I'm pointing out an example. FF games usually have long-ass cutscenes which are nothing but scrolling text anyway, the opera house is just the most famous example.

>cheating by mentioning Deus Ex

Literally how is it cheating to say that game has a lot of moments that take you out of the action?

>bullshitting by saying Chrono Trigger

The entire sequence where you meet Lavos for the first time is essentially a 15-minute cutscene with the illusion of player participation.

This guy gets it. Gears of War-style slow walking sequences are fucking atrocious.

>implying TLOU wasn't release years ago as well
>implying MGS4 is ever mentioned in these shitposts
either you're full of shit or retarded.


>Nobody mentions MGS4 or calls it a movie

Did you just start browsing Sup Forums today? Jesus Christ.

>Being autistic

fucking this, if you dont like story driven games, dont play them, if you want games with more gameplay options, there is a huge library to choose from.

Why do people on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general get triggered by people liking things they don't like
Or even just the existence of things they don't like/agree with
I can understand venting frustration, but it's such a common thread here that I can't help but think at this point that you just enjoy being upset for the sake of being upset
When are you going to grow up already

3/4 is a fraction.


view the op image, I don't see it on there.
can you show me where it is?

and when this thread pop up tomorrow and its still not included, will you show me then too?
And all the following days as well, please.

>I have never played an Uncharted game, or The Last of Us: the post

Those games are at least 80% player agency, moron. Fucking Mass Effect 1 has more cutscenes than Uncharted 2.

MGS4 has gameplay. TLOU doesn't. Therefore MGS4 > TLOU, plain and simple.


So just because this one guy keeps making the thread it means everybody on Sup Forums shares his opinions?

Yes, fuck the cinematic western shit

>TLOU doesnt have gameplay

>Game gets praised for being 'cinematic'
>The story, writing and acting are so bad that if it were a movie nobody would ever fucking go and see it

To be fair, I don't even participate on this kind of threads but I sort of agree on interactive movies not being the best. More people get used to it, more people want games like that, then they eventually play real games and do nothing but whine whine complain where is my ez reward why can't I win and try to force developers to ruin the game

ITT one guy white knighting for TLOU

check the times and lack of unique posts. It's just one sonytard mad that people still don't like his walking muh feels simulator and buried another sony property under the bus in a faint attempt to claim reverse xenophobia. It's sad really.

What makes you think that? Have you seen the movies that get released these days? They don't have good writing, and the acting is not good, but still you see movies like Jurassic World breaking records.

Sup Forums isn't one person, however Sup Forums as a collective body is biased and rarely criticizes Japanese games that have the same flaws.

But honestly, TLOU wasn't all that cutscene heavy, just a lot of slower sneaking gameplay. So Im not sure I would even call it the same flaws.

They will bring up games from years ago such as TLOU but they conveniently forget all the Japanese examples 1 month after its released.

>right has more gameplay then left
Where did things go so wrong?

Can somebody break down to me what a Videogame actually is?

As in, what is the barebones definition of a Videogame.

>I can't refute his statement so here's an image. That'll show him.

But those are all video games

>right has more shitty gameplay than left

>mediocre games Sup Forums praises because it's niche
>mediocre games Sup Forums hates because it's popular



If JW was its own franchise and didn't ride off twenty years of nostalgia it would have done worse. Probably not much worse because it honestly wasn't a terrible movie, but still.

If you really wanted an example of trash movies making bank you have Michael Bay, who turns out shit movie after shit movie and makes millions off of them.

Think of something like Pacman, Space Invaders or Tetris, those are considered pure video games, then you can go from there.

Jurassic World broke records because MUH 90s NOSTALGIA, it played it super safe and cast Chris Pratt as the lead.

what's the point of also screencapping the sentence above the tweet

>barebones definition
vid·e·o game
a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

>6 hours of cutscenes
>12-13 hours of gameplay
>infinite hours multiplayer

oh you are right, TLOU doesnt have any gameplay at all, its all just 1 big movie

>vid·e·o game
>a game
you failed please go away

The only reason he makes so much money off his movies it's because they're extremely popular in China (Transformers is the biggest box office there) and for the blatant product placement.

>needing 6 hours of cutscenes for a game
>inflating gameplay to be that long
>implying everything with multiplayer isn't infinite hours.

quality over quantity broseph

at least MGS has good gameplay

China's supreme shit taste legitimately surprises me sometimes. I knew about the product placement because it's just so fucking blatant, but they seriously like Transformers?


Yes, Transformers is super big there, it's basically their capeshit.

Not really, MGS only really got good at gameplay with V. Everything prior was fucking obtuse as shit.

The Guide To 10/10 Western "Gamers"

- Open with cinematics
- Emotional Story
- A little bit of gameplay
- Climbing and walking 2 hours in empty desert, jungle, etc
- More soap opera dialogue
- QTE emotional scene
- 30 minutes of heavy combat
- Lesbian/gay character makes a joke
- 2 minutes of gameplay
- QTE final boss
- End with emotional cinematics

shit taste the post right here

>complains about cutscenes
>brings up the king of cutscenes over gameplay MGS

In fact the era of Pacman and Space Invaders is what's usually defined as the golden age of video games.

you forgot

>younger female lead
>troubled past main lead
>he's got a family

That's weird. Did they grow up on the cartoons and comics or is the movie their only showing of the franchise?

Just say you disagree, only kids throw around "shit taste" as if it matters.